Showing Posts For scamtron.3610:

4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: scamtron.3610


Great fun last night on BG BL….great resilience BG in your Garri and to the 20-30 JQ running interference every time we got in I hate you

Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron -SOR-

4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: scamtron.3610


Hugs and snuggles!


Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron -SOR-

4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: scamtron.3610


Fill in the blank.

JQ = ?
SOR = ?
BG = ?

Aquatic version!!!

JQ= 20% Whale 80% Barnacles ….FOO being the whale…incoming!
SOR= Jellyfish zerg…get to close and it may sting
BG= Hermit Crab…get them to come out of their shell and they may pinch ya

Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron -SOR-

4/19 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: scamtron.3610


Finally some good drama…this thread was soooo fail thus far.

If BG gets WM & Meow things are gonna heat up fast out there!
I’m gettin all amp’d up just thinking about it!

Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron SOR

Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron -SOR-

4/5 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scamtron.3610


Its gotten so bad SoR wont even fight us and just runs away unless they have twice the numbers. Call me out and I swear I’ll fraps it with a clock to show you just how often it does happen.

As far as Dble teaming well doh yeah they are.. why shouldnt SoR play passive towards JQ enabling BG to get pinched? I would too.. they’re teams/Comms talent just are not as good AND they are in 2nd place so points do the talkin.

I mean kitten double 3 days straight and SoR barely ahead as of yesterday and still they think theyre good? ya’ll so funny =) just point at the score thats all you need but dont say anyhting about ya’lls wvw is as good as ours

Ok Ill take the Troll bait…..and say prove it. Please FRAPS any equally sized SOR force running from a fight, Guilded our Rallians doesn’t matter…. unless your running interference while we try to run to defend a point we usually stand and fight.

Every server up here has great commanders, and some not so great commanders. But hats off to all of them across the 3 servers for putting in the time and hours to keep Tier 1 competitive.

Also props to JQs force in BG BL last night…very fast response times w/ tremendous force. I hope my bags provided you with sum nice shiny’s.

<3 Blinxxx / TheGraced – SOR

Blinxxx/The Graced/Scamtron -SOR-