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Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: scawacs.8125


Lowering map cap or initiating/promoting any sort of server transfer isn’t the best answer. In my opinion, mass server transfers will lighten the load a little bit on the server, but they are merely bringing over the problems (plus other issues) to another server. But that’s my personal opinion, I’ve never had a good experience with mass server transfers.

Plus, I can see why many people would be very hesitant to transfer from let’s say JQ to let’s say Kaineng (I mean no disrespect). I personally wouldn’t want to go from rolling over people to being rolled over (I don’t have personal experience from being either JQ or Kaineng so please correct me if I’m wrong here).

What I think might be a plausible solution is to force the top 3 server with the highest wvw population/longest queue to break into two teams. Call it a breaking up of a monopoly if you will. After all, silver and bronze leagues have 9 servers each, while gold only has 6. Wouldn’t creating 3 more servers/teams make it a perfect 9 in each league?

For argument’s sake, let’s use BG, JQ and TC as the 3 we will breaking up. Force people from these 3 servers to choose between BG1 or BG2 the next league reset. Or even better, maybe give it a cool name (perhaps a choice between Jade Quarry or Jaded Queue). I think people will more likely be more open to joining a brand new team rather than joining one that has been losing consistently. Plus you are not bringing problems or creating new ones in an existing community.

I may be way off on this but I am imagining some of these top servers to have populations that are way more massive than other servers. This will probably only work if wvw population on these servers are at least 1.5 times the ones on other servers.

(edited by scawacs.8125)

Perma-Banned for exploit [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: scawacs.8125


all this guessing reminds me of the south park movie where the hell director finally goes “the correct answer is mormons” (no offense)

anyway my point is all this guessing doesn’t help. we just have to wait it out until they find out what is really going on. and of course, we have to give them time to figure out what the hell is going on in the first place and try to fix it before they give us an answer.

Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: scawacs.8125


temple just cleared 2 minutes ago on Tarnished Coast

I keep failing to enter the clockface

in Halloween Event

Posted by: scawacs.8125


i had the same problem… missed 7-8 in overflow… changed overflow and got it right away

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: scawacs.8125


dead frog dead again 20seconds after new build