Showing Posts For seshat.9652:

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


Wait until Tuesday next week.

So you think raids will be it?

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


You know what? We all have our idea of what progression is. To some people having every dye in game and all outfits, is progression. Some people think its a guild hall, some people think its running fractals..etc and so on. To me, after years of progression is being able to have my toon become more than it is. New content being conquered, new feats awaiting.. and yes more power. No new power, means no new means same content just cosmetically different, eye candy changed.. same difficulty…no progression. To me, its a company saying this will keep you busy, so you feel like you are doing something worthwhile..but its really only something to keep you busy doing nothing. There is no new skill needed. If I wanted, for me, to have items and look good.. there’s places like second life. Where are mmos, for people like me? People who want new things to conquer and fight for? I think I am a dieing breed.. and its sad. I will hang out in gw2, til something comes along, or I just finally say.. im done.

Request Mob Nerf: Mordrem Sniper

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


For me: Snipers are jerks yes. But the target that appears over your head lets you know its time to move. You just have to move away. If you don’t you get smacked, and that’s no one’s fault but your own. I have died to those, because I didn’t move.. my fault. You know those giant lizards? The ones that roll over and squash you if you don’t move? I saw an ele stand there, attack.. get rolled on. She stood back up, attacked, got rolled on, 3rd time repeat of first two..and then she was there, dead. HELLO???

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


If you think that is progression and are having fun, then that’s good. All this is to me, is like giving a child something to do to keep them busy. You are bored, so here why don’t you go chase the cat around for 2 hours. Eventually you will catch the cat.. and that is progression. I cannot clap my hands or show excitement. Its logging in and finding things to do, so you think you’re doing something. Its not progression. If you enjoy those things, more power to you. I can log into a virtual world, build an entire city, make all my 3d objects, texture them, and furnish them.. and make my clothes even..and that is much more rewarding and I still would not call it game progression. I need to seriously decide if this is indeed a place for me..

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


There is no progression in gw2. You hit 80 and that’s it. Exotics and if you do fractals, you spend tons of gold to make ascended gear and fight through for no progression. I had hope, that with the expansion that things were going to change. There’s not even content progression as in new.. anything. People will do the raids, for no progression, no rewards.. because there is nothing to move forward to. The game is static..and will remain so. I’m just sad because I had hopes something would change.. and the way mmos are today..there’s not much else out there. Fighting to just fight, and win..gets boring after a while. Saving a lot of gold, same.. when there’s nothing to buy but toys that do nothing… If people are happy with how this went, great. Im just very disappointed.

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


I was misled into believing that some sort of real progression was going to occur, instead of “busy time”.

Progression - Masteries - ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


So, instead of a gear grind, or new lvl cap or anything like that, the masteries were made to allow us to progress.. so far, my progression is that I may now talk to vendors I couldn’t talk to. I can jump on mushrooms, glide, updraft in new maps. In the rest of the world I can have a mentor tag like the rest of the million people..and I can craft or have some slight benefits in fractals, that I don’t do.

just… wow

In the end, ya done good Anet... ya done good

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


I LOVE THIS EXPANSION! I am no longer bored. I find the content challenging. I am loving my druid elite spec. I am horrible at navigating but even trying to find stuff is fun. The graphics = wow! The gliding is so cool, updrafts!!!! Mastery system = awesome. It has totally changed the way I feel about GW2, and I look forward to logging in and doing things now. Thankyou ANET teams!!!

Mentor-Tag abused as Comm-Tag

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


You know what though? I could just like, get a mentor tag and lead people around because I have content or hero points or whatever I want to get..and have no clue what I am doing but because I have the TAG people will follow. I would never do that. but I bet some will.

why is it so hard for you

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


You buy it or you don’t. No one else will care. It’s the reality of life. Everyone is busy thinking about other things that are way more important than if you buy a game or not. Here’s a cup of life… drink deeply, or don’t, and no one will care about that choice either.

ANet might've overreacted?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


Uhh.. anyone who can’t do the HOT content could maybe download a game where you find cats in the jungle and they purr, and u can walk around and pet them and sing… yah.

250 HP For Elites [Feedback][Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


I would like to thank Arenanet for lowering it to 250. My faith in this game is back and I’m loving the grind for the rest of the stuff. Applause!!!!!!!!

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: seshat.9652


The amt of hero points to get your elite spec is ridiculous. Then gate them behind masteries and put a bunch of overpowered mobs on top of them. All I want is my elite spec. There’s nothing in the new areas that’s going to keep me in them once I have my elite spec. Gliding is fun.. but I wont be going back to just glide. It’s not like any of the areas have a major city where one could go and hangout. Once people get their elite, if they don’t just stop playing and move to another game, those maps will be dead and anyone trying to go thru them will be angrier than most of us are now. I was looking forward to this expansion. I had high hopes. Now, I’m just angry

Character Creation: Temporarily Disabled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: seshat.9652


or there’s an attack of mega character creation that’s causing the rest of us to have slow to nil download times for this patch… XD

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: seshat.9652


LMAO.. omg dialup. But yes, did anet switch to dialup for this one patch? Looks for one of those old dial phones… hrrrms

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: seshat.9652


Just like everyone else who has played since the beginning.. this is ridiculous. The forums are laggy also. I’m gonna go shove a nail in my forehead til the dl finishes.

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: seshat.9652


Guild Wars 2, is a fun game when you start playing it, but ended up being a game to do nothing on. If you want to spend hours on end, farming for skins.. talking with friends, or even killing stuff for the fun of it, then its an ok game to do that on.

If you want real progression, upgrades, content that improves, events that give real rewards, dungeons that give real rewards.. and anything else you normally play a game for.. gw2 is not for you.

It’s not for me, anymore.