Showing Posts For sexymofo.1986:
maybe if everyone and their grandmothers werent bandwagoning into the chronomancer/reaper/dh train people wouldnt be forced to run bunkers , hell even bunkers are useless now against reapers as theres apparently a new nuker build that tears through even full toughness builds in half a second
What?? Power necro is ok but it has super low survivability. Condi Reaper on the other hand is probably the best necro spec atm since it lives forever and does ~900 damage a tick on freeze (which has 100% uptime). Regardless, chrono and reaper aren’t the problem, warrior and thief need buffs, and dh needs a higher skill floor.
Anecdotal fallacies are irrelevant, I don’t care if you can’t deal with elite specs. This doesn’t make the game P2W. P2W requires money to matter more than skill. The game is free for crying out loud, so if you don’t want to miss out on HoT content then BUY HOT! It isn’t difficult to grasp. The game is rock paper scissors with specs and every elite spec has a counter non-elite spec. Besides that, daredevil is the worst class in the game right now along with berzerker. D/D Celest Ele is still phenomenal and if you want to play more than the old vanilla content you should have to pay for it. You aren’t paying for skills, that’s so ridiculously phrased and obviously bait I don’t know why anyone would argue that.
The missing content is from an expac, you’re essentially complaining the game went free to play. WoW is free to play right now (if you can make gold), but you have to buy the latest expac to get the content from it. It is the exact same thing yet nobody has ever EVER said wow was P2W.
If you don’t want to pay for HoT then you don’t want to play Hot. End of discussion, no silly arguments about subjective class balance. P2W is skill<money, gw2 has nothing in the gem shop that helps your gameplay. Done. Nothing more can be said. Pay to win=/=Pay to play.