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“Druid is the cheesiest class”…… Really?…. you sure about that.
I been playing ranger Since launch, then practically forced into druid 3 month after its release and since then I have had my fair share of (in all part of the game including PvP) ups and downs, wins and losses, and I had random player call me from completely OP to completely worthless. And I put thought and effort into my ranger. but I run across this form looking for what is the “flavor of the month” and I see this.
Allow me to list right of the top of my head……..
Theif: Perma doge
Guardian: Trap spammer
Warrior: back to back stun lock with a side of condi hell
Mesmer: If its not shatter it aint worth it…… or clone wars
Reventant: this season hit and they got nerfed hard so there considered dead ATM
Necro: This one is 50/50 Condi hell or Minion Mancer. Take your pick
Engineer: oh hey look another perma block/stun with drones that does every thing but wipe his/her @$$
All that and more but those are just a few of the list of thing right off the top of my head.
All classes got trick up there sleave and that kinda the point but also you cant just sit there and ignore them all and put a spotlight on just one. So…. maybe its you…. or is that just crazy talk. If there really is a problem of you vs the druid then put your thinking cap on and do that old fashion thing called “figuring it out” and you might surprise yourself.