Showing Posts For shadowfront.2318:
Hello all. After some 400 tournament games as ranger sitting at rank 34 ish I will give you my 2 builds for tpvp.
Tips: switch pet to wolf when downed to get a 3sec kd and fear on your target.
Change pet before it dies to maintain low cd.
Flanking is easy , just strafe in an arch.
Vs warriors, else and thieves you want to roll towards them, so you pass them and often increase gap.
Sword 2# skill can be used to jump away from target, then clear target fast turn around and use 2# again to jump further away.
Change pets after you used your f2 to gain new cc.
I firmly believe that these two builds, and variations slightly in traits, are what works only if you are serious about ranger.
Note: I run three runes of the afflicted and three of the krait to get the 2x 15% bleed duration.
On weapons I run sigil of eart on short bow, and the sigil that gives aoe slow when you switch to sword and sigil of endurance for more dodging on dagger.
People think you need to balance power and con dmg, however this is not true. As con spec you bleed targets, so you need crit and con dmg. And adding duration for both.
Having alot of tough makes you tanky vs burst as you run natures protection as well in traits. I never lose 1v1 vs thieves warriors or eles.
Simple, if they can’t hit you, you win. Having sword and dagger gives you all the dodge you need. Traps or qs gives you dmg and control.
The first one here is on traps for team fights and point defending. Traps that are ground targeting are very good as you can throw them sort of speak to land on selected area as well as providing a combo field .
Fire trap has 12 sec cd and in a condition spec gives alot of dmg.
Second version , you take quickening zephyr instead of fire trap. And pick twenty points in mm tree to get piercing shot.
This build is for catching ppl and roaming. As well as for late team fight appearance and cleaning.
(edited by shadowfront.2318)