Showing Posts For shakabusatsu.7431:
Bump. This guy knows his stuff and is great about helping you become better at WvW / GvG.
Just a reply to bump this thread. Also transfers to the lower tier servers will be free before WvW season 2. (wink wink)
We have some super die hard peeps in ET. And we have a lot of fun win or lose. Yeah we catch all kinds of flak and comments, but if wanted to be T1 we would take it more srsly though. Come to ET for the fun, stay for the quality ppl and good times.
Shout out to the two other thieves (a DR Knight and IoJ General) last night in front of Briar, Wednesday night. It was my first thief menage a trois and it was glorious. When you both de-stealthed and hit me at the nearly the same time, I knew deep down this was a special moment.
Thank you two for the fights. Much love and Aloha to all my fellow thieves out there!
Things got buggy last night in ET around Briar. First was Dolyak, unbuffed moving at top speed running. Second was another dolyak whose avatar and location were at different places (picture attached). Third was a Flame Ram that kept spinning… Ah, the lols. This week has been good challenging fun.