Showing Posts For sheepcreep.7562:
The two races in which the females do not have breasts really DON’T need boob plate. Especially done so poorly. Asura and Charr don’t have human-like breasts and this just looks..silly, to put it kindly.
I could also do without the whole lower armor short skirt/thigh high combo, but hey, off topic.
YES, please change these tops Anet, I’m not sure what you were thinking with these.
Anyone else have this issue? I just bought the plated shield from DS and the collection for the machined shield didn’t unlock, I got no notification and it isn’t showing up in the collection window at all. I haven’t made a machined weapon super recently, but didn’t have this issue the last two times I’ve done so.
Because if this I cannot progress in Horologicus, or get the other things that only drop if you’ve unlocked the collection. Has anyone else had this issue?
Screenshot proof:
Missing achieve:
Proof I have the plated skin:
This might be the problem: the last couple of posts in the thread thank them for the fix, there is no red post I see saying it is fixed. I found a Reddit thread with a comment 4 days ago that it is fixed. Has your jar worked in other places, just not in Southsun? Does it need a very specific location, like the dead center of a pool? Are you double clicking the jar when standing in a pool? (I see the item description says to double click it).
You probably know far better than I how it all works, but my initial research suggests these as basic things to test.
Yeah, I read about that a bit too. Thankfully I wasn’t on this step by the point it was broken, but yes, it’s been working on other things for the collection. Just Southsun.
It usually does, but honestly, if I haven’t stood in it yet, it’s probably a miracle. Maybe I missed a few, but none any different than the rest. It would’ve been great if Anet could’ve worded it as clearly as all the other hints. And I’m not sure if it was intentional either, considering they were usually something direct, like: “Go to point X at Y vista, and use your jar on Z.”
Big check mark on the double click as well. Debating on if I should bother sending in a ticket about this, at the very least it’ll let them know that perhaps they need to reword the tip to be more specific, or alert them to a bug of some sort.
While I’m aware the map has nothing to do with Jormag- thank you for the link by the way, I could never have guessed that a giant ice dragon would have nothing to do with a tropical island type setting, really.:P
The collection clearly states that it is indeed there, but thank you for trying.
So I’ve been working on getting Frostfang for a good bit of time now since the release of HoT, and I’ve made pretty good progress so far. Finally reaching step 3 of the Frostfang collection, I was pretty excited to be done with the hellish gold sink that is step 2. But, I am finding myself stumped as to where to find one item in particular. Which is incredibly frustrating considering it is literally the only thing holding me back from getting my Pre right now.
And of course, it’s the one item on Southsun Cove, my least favorite map. Making me hate it even more so now that I’ve spent about 2 hours running back and fourth, with my little ice jar trying to find these god forsaken “mineral pools” or whatever it is, the hint doesn’t actually make it clear. I’ve googled, and flipped through more threads on here and Reddit than I could’ve ever dreamed of, and the only thing I’ve managed to find is this"" thread, which..was..obviously about as much help as map chat on an empty server could be.
And so, I’ve come to you, Help thread. Anyone have any ideas on where these stupid “mineral pools” might be? Attached pictures include: My suffering in the form of all of the areas I’ve checked so far. Even just some suggestions would be appreciated.
(edited by sheepcreep.7562)