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Once again...Communication issues, guys...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shiney.4629


Bottom line is that they have to face the music. Blizzard has basically said that flying will be removed from WoW going forward. Perhaps there’s been an about face because of the backlash, I don’t know, but I do know that they were up front about the change and didn’t hide it from the players. Transparency is part of running a good MMO.

This isn’t true..Blizzard has done a U turn and is added flying back into WoD due to “popular” demand. And their hasnt been a blizzard post on the shaman forums for years. Since this kind of thing happened to the old shaman rep. People went mental over silly stuff. So they removed their feedback to shamans.

Perhaps Anet MIGHT be more willing to communicate with the community if the community didn’t loose their kitten over the smallest, most meaningless thing. As this last week has shown.

Polite communication and respect is a two way street. The community after the way its responded this week, doesn’t deserve any better IMHO than total silence..

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: shiney.4629


This is my first ever post on the forums, I’m the vocal minority normally. I’ve played my guardian almost exclusively tbh, and decided to actually post over this issue, because i feel it might get resolved if people give enough feedback.

I personally think the whole “theme” just doesn’t sit well with how Anet has always painted the guardian. We’re the defenders, the protector. We uphold virtue and strive for Justice. Every other specialization has a thematic route from base class to its specialization. You feel they need to master one, to move to the next.

Big game hunters just didn’t hunt to protect people. They hunted to mount heads on the wall. They didn’t hunt for virtue, or higher ideals, They hunted for the thrill, and trophies.

Big game hunters went on safari’s, not crusades

I just don’t understand how these marry up.

Im not saying i dont like the idea of a guardian WITH a bow, im saying the core concept linking it to big game hunting seems thematically wrong.

Below is a concept i could get behind though….

Funnily enough the Inquisitor has a relation to the Witch Hunter explanation that Jon gave. Witch Hunters had the aim of bringing witches to trial, specifically “Witch Trials” or “Inquisitions”. So another name for a Witch Hunter is an Inquisitor. But it can also be translated as a ruthless individual striving for justice or one that seeks the truth. It pretty much encompasses the Dragonhunter name and concept but means so much more.

However, I’m personally favourable to the Paragon since the Spear, Shield and Wings styled Virtues of the spec are one big rip off the Paragon. Not to mention that Paragons are known to be long distance battle commanders from GW1, with Keiran Thackery a former Ranger and a prominent commander of Lion’s Arch being Tyria’s first Paragon. The Paragon as a word also means the following;

- The embodiment of an ideal (Zeal, Radiance, Valor, Honor, Virtue?)
- Someone who is a model of perfection.
- To go beyond, to surpass, to excel, to triumph, to conquer (What is the biggest obstacle in Tyria? That would be the Dragons.)

It might be as abstract as the Dragonhunter if you erase the GW1 foundation but it would be a shame to do so. The only “new” thing that the Dragonhunter does that the Paragon couldn’t is lay traps. But that could be explained as an evolution of the Paragon thanks to Kieran Thackery’s past Ranger knowledge influencing the once Elona exclusive profession. The Tyrian Paragon could be influenced by Tyria and those who learnt the art from Kieran. As for the Longbow, Kieran’s weapon of choice was the Longbow, he was a Paragon that shunned the Spear.