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The Zerker Games! (Shatterer Suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


Take Shatterer as an example:
Currently – Stand in a pile on it’s right hand side and attack like crazy (No tactics there, just a big Zerker fest).

Changes –
Firstly, give him a decent AoE attack that stop the mass of people from stacking on the side… (read down about Crystals).
Secondly, give it some mechanics, the mortars are their… For what? Well the bone wall has been done to death so how about anyone that runs towards it get auto locked inside a crystal every 5-seconds (maybe 10… i’ll let you decide on the time gap, it’s not important really). The Crystals cannot be destroyed by standard attacks and require the use of the mortars to shatter them. Naturally Light and Medium armour classes would not survive the trek over to the dragon and so TANK BUILT players would be the only viable choice here. (Dare I say we have just moved away from everyone being a Zerker!).

As each crystal is destroyed it leaves behind a shard, which must be collected by that tanks and thrown at the dragon. After the dragon has been hit with 10-20 shards he goes into a stunned phase. which is where our CONDITION DAMAGE BUILT characters come in.

The Dragon itself should be immune from standard damage and as such can only be harmed by conditions, which will have a very large drain on it as apposed to normal enemies.

So the dragon comes out of Stun Phase and… UH-OH, we have a ton of Condition Damage players in it’s line of fire as it starts up with Trapping players in Crystals again. Which is where the HEALER BUILT players help by using healing skills to keep them alive while they flee to the safety of the mortars. Not everyone will make it, but that’s just the way it goes!

So we rinse and repeat the process until Shatterer goes into Phase 2… Wow, that never happened before. By 50% I’m normally asleep!

At this point he flies into the air and (as before) drops his minions… but we are talking an epic (like the wurms) amount of enemies. This is where everyone is needed… most importantly the Zerkers to help kill the enemies quickly – Because Shatterer’s minions have a high tolerance for Conditional Damage… Go Figure!

After you’ve killed [insert number] enemies, Shatterer will land fire at the mortars blowing the up… and the final battle begins…

Shatterer will continue to trap random players in Crystals, but at a slower rate and less damaging so we can all survive them… Just some better than others! He will also continue to spawn mobs, but again not as many. Now we all chip in!

Zerkers will be running around attacking/killing the enemies, while our healers are running around keeping people alive and ressing where needed. The Condition builds will be attacking shatterer face on, but conditions will do less damage to him this time, still with a significant increase, but he will still be immune to standard damage. Tanks will naturally be taking the force of the enemies and helping the zerkers to cull the enemies that are plowing in trying to kill the front line of condition damage players.

And then he dies!

So in this example alone we have created a need for the following Builds:
Condition Damage
and Zerker

And all it took was to build an enemy that had an immunity or higher defense against a certain type of attack.

This still keeps the game diverse as any class be be any build (yes some are better than others), but it will give game another dimension and players will have to start relying on other players and their builds, giving everyone a proper role, other than "do as much damage as you can in the time given.

Let me know what you guys think. If you want a more diverse game, sometimes we have to moan a bit… but be diplomatic not offensive!

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Anet please give us an honest answer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


Rant over? Trust me “TheCheater” we are all feeling the pinch at the moment (by “all” I mean 2-year old players). I’d be fibbing if I didn’t say I was at the end of my tether and am very seriously considering giving up on the game. But like a lot of others, I’m giving ANet the benefit of the doubt and am gonna hold out for another month or 2, to make my final choice… If I go, then it’s highly unlikely that I will come back… I suggest you give them a timeline of how much longer you are willing to give them too.

It’s clear you are fed up and frustrated with the current state of game, as are a lot of us. But just hold on and give ANet a fair amount of time to turn things around and put things right.

They do care, for the simple fact that if GW2 goes down the pan, so do their jobs! So don’t think they want GW2 to go up the swanny (as it were), they are just too few people to keep up with demand… but hopefully they will find a way to give us what we want (or as near as) soon.

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