Showing Posts For showcat.9821:
forgive enlgish es not so good make for great of elite skill to for how you say teleporting to up to four mobs leave clone each onee and kick the poop in teh pants
I’m not referring to anyone in particular, just my attempt at humor.
I studied simple programming long, long ago. Back in the Dark Ages when computer monitors consisted of a black screen and a blinking white light, and typing the wrong thing got you a response like “Syntax Error.” There were no mice or hard drives and we stored programs on disks the size of dinner plates. Windows was something you looked out of when you were wishing you were somewhere else.
They don’t announce they will fix a bug because they can’t. They announce after a bug has been fixed because in order to fix it you have to find it first. If they haven’t found it yet they have no idea how long it will take to find it and if they have already found it then the bug has been fixed and so they don’t need to announce they intend to fix it.
The bugs in simple programs like a database or a program to move a box around the monitor screen drove me crazy. Fixing bugs in something as complex as an MMO is like repairing a jet engine while the plane is in flight. The amazing thing is not how long it takes to fix a bug but that they get fixed at all! And the next update breaks a dozen more things.
If you haven’t done it, you can’t understand what it involves. Imagine being shown an entire wing of a library – hundreds or thousands of books, and being told that there is a typo in one of those books. Find it and correct it. By next Tuesday.
I have and easy fix, its simple, efficient, and keeps the consumer happy -CHANGE THE TOOL TIP that’s right, describe what the rune is actually doing in the tool tip and call it fixed -problem solved. Now I know programmers are sometimes challenged figuring out 1000’s of lines of code, but they could give their summer intern a list of tool tip changes and have that person enter it in, thereby foregoing any difficulties the devs may or may not have with typing in English (or their respective, native language). can I get a plus one?! hallelujah!!
You´re not alone.
Have had these crashes for about a year now.
They seem totally random, can happen at any location at any time (as far as I can tell). Never happened in WvW, but maybe that´s because Ive only spent an hour or so there.The wierd thing is, sometimes it
1) crashes with GW2.exe has [..], and then I can restart the game fine and keep playing for hours.2) crashes with GW2.exe has [..], and everytime a start the client again (ie get to character select or loading map) and the only solution is to restart the PC and/or repair client (restart is often much, much faster).
3) with GW2.exe has [..], and I can login again but everytime I open the map it crashes again (this havent happened the last month though, sneaky fix?)
As someone said it seems like the game somehow makes its own files corrupt at some point.
I agree, this sounds like what happens to me, although I need to add that if it crashes, I can log back on and as long as I dont play the character that the initial crash occured on, I can play for hours, until that character crashes, and so on. Also, running repair is a joke and a waste of time, the more I run repair the more frequent these crashes occur. after 4 crashes I usually uninstall/reinstall. I switched from my ssd to my hdd to see if I’d have better luck, but in the end they were about the same so one my latest reinstall I put it back on the ssd (loading screens are insanely long on a hdd) -I can go for about 3 days of problem free play time after each reinstall, then the crashes start happening again. Arena net, I will pay someone (cash money irl) to fix this problem, email me and lets make some arrangements under the table, whatever. I have been reading these responses from this problem for a while now, and its always put back on the users hardware…every other game (I have a ton of games on this rig) runs perfectly. only gw2 gives me problems. These posts always feel like farting in the wind
when I select a character and log onto the game the game crashes within 30 seconds of entering the world. I run a repair, I hit character select I enter the world it crashes, I run repair, I select character, I enter the world, the game crashes. I run repair, I hit character select, I enter the world, the game crashes.
I uninstall, I move the game to a different hard drive, I hit play, I hit character selectm I enter the world the game crashes, I run repair I hit character select I enter the world the game crashes
All drivers are updated, all software is updated, I have a beast gaming computer. I hope you can appreciate how frustrating this is. I hope someone will be able to help me figure this out. I think I’ll go uninstall the game AGAIN…I remember a time when games JUST SIMPLY WORKED RIGHT OUT OF THE BOX