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IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

If gw2 is going to be f2p, will we be able to get a $100 refund on HoT? Because there is no use in buying an expansion for a f2p game, that won’t be played anymore.

You know only the base game is going to be free, according to the leak, right? They’re still charging for the expansion.

That said, they were pretty generous with refunds for GW2 back on launch, so if you’re just saying you refuse to play a game where any part of it is F2P, then you might be able to get a refund.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Remember, too, that the F2P will apparently not extend to Heart of Thorns content.

My guess is that they’re going to make the base game free going forward but charge for expansions.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

People: those restrictions on the first page are over a year old. They also seem to conflict with the trailer that has been mirrored on YouTube. They are not reliable, any more than anything datamined over a year ago is reliable.

It’s certain that ArenaNet experimented with that idea, but to say that it definitely means GW2 is not going to have real F2P because something about trial accounts was datamined a year ago is astonishingly obtuse.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

The restrictions noted on the first page make it sound like a demo (sort of like WoW free to play up to 60, which is a demo compared to max level). I would be fine with that.


_109792_0561 play all of World vs. World. Trial accounts may participate in World vs. World but cannot enter the Eternal Battlegrounds or Borderlands maps._

Does not compute! head explodes from the oxymoron

It’s not a trial account, look at the video on youtube, it’s the leaked trailer for the announcement, and it says a “limitless adventure”

Is this all you are going to do today, is go back and forth between these two threads trying to stir up things. You can have limitless adventure when you play GW2, on a trial account not so much. But again you are just jumping to conclusions, the game will NOT be going full F2P in the near future. Maybe it will never go fully F2P, there will be restrictions in place that limit what the account can do, just like every other game that has allowed F2P accounts.

But you do not want logic, so carry on.

Have you watched the video? They’re showing off fractals and WvW. It says “play for free,” not “free trial.”

If there are restrictions on free accounts (and there likely will be), they are not going to be level restrictions.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

It’s full free-to-play for the base game, including WvW.

How can it be full?

Create 100 accounts, park every character by mining nodes… GG, see you later economy.

Not to mention the dailies. People could earn hundreds of gold every day just logging onto accounts, lol.

Just ship it all off to your main account.

By “full,” I mean “access to the whole core game’s content.” There will likely be restrictions on things like trading and communication as a necessary safeguard against this kind of thing.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Aside from being funny (which it is), that tweet basically confirms the leak’s accuracy.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

The free-to-play trailer has now been mirrored on YouTube. I’m afraid to link it, but it’s easy enough to search for.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Going F2P just before a paid expansion comes out.. wat..

I bet their plan going forward is to charge for expansions but leave the core game free.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Please Anet, tell us it’s a joke.

Which part?

Both, F2P and raids are both horribly bad for a games community, either one is capable is bringing a game to its knees on its own. To do both at the same time….I can see a shark tank and what looks like GW2 about to jump it.

I’m not worried about raids, myself.

Remember that announcement about the changes to Fractals? How they want to lower the barrier of entry and lower the time commitment for individual Fractal runs? That makes even more sense if they’re adding raids, which will require larger groups and longer time commitments.

They’ve already confirmed there’ll be no gear tier beyond ascended in Heart of Thorns, so the gear treadmill aspect of raids in other MMOs won’t be an issue.

My guess is it’ll look a lot like the elite missions from GW1’s Factions campaign—extra-long, more difficult dungeons that require a larger-than-normal party and offer higher-than-normal rewards. Raids don’t worry me at all.

F2P is a different story. It could be botched easily, but it could also be handled well. It all remains to be seen.

Funny you should mention this.

There was a post in the Raid CDI about legendary gear in raids, and how it could also be fair to get them without raiding, but differently, and at the same time, same difficulty.

As for the F2P thing, I suspect poor wording in that you get the base game FREE with your purchase of HoT. So play the core game for “Free” now, if you buy HoT at this moment.

That’s not the case. Go to YouTube and search for “Guild Wars 2 Free to Play” and limit the search to today. IGN leaked a trailer and someone mirrored it on YouTube.

It’s full free-to-play for the base game, including WvW.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

IGN also leaked a free-to-play trailer. I don’t want to post it here, but the link is in the thread on Reddit.

Long story short: it’s full free-to-play for anything that isn’t Heart of Thorns content and shows off both Fractals and WvW. It does not mention restrictions, but I would imagine there will be some, just to deal with the gold seller issue.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

datamined info earlier showed something about a trial account (this could be the F2P).

It also had datamined tidbits of maximum lvl of 15 for free trial (makes sense, only able to get into those start zone lvl 1-15 maps like queensdale)….

Couldn’t speak in map chats or use trading post and things like that either so I HIGHLY DOUBT its a full f2p game lol

Most likely just a free trial.

Thank you kindly for this info. I’m going to believe it until Anet says otherwise on Saturday.

That datamined info is over a year old. It is almost certainly not relevant. It’s probably something ArenaNet considered in the past and scrapped in favor of something else.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Other games going free to play meet the same thing. Bots, bots, bots, bots, bots, trolls trolls trolls, people with no feeling for the game because it is free just flows in and ruin the games for those that played it for a long while and those will start to leave one by one because the game they were used to and loved are now full of i don’t give a kitten-players.

I don’t see how this will be different for GW2. I whish they think this through one more time, if this is truely what they are going to do. GW2 have had a really great comunity so far, i don’t want that to change.

Other games going F2P is usually an indication that they have one foot in the grave… I think that’s probably the most uncomfortable part for me.
So lets just call this a trial. I like the word trial, F2P not so much.

It’s worth noting that GW2 remains one of NCSoft’s highest earners. I mean, it doesn’t come close to Lineage, but nothing NCSoft has comes close to Lineage. I don’t think GW2 has one foot in the grave.

I do think GW2 makes a lot more money from gem sales than from game sales. By lowering the barrier of entry, they could potentially generate a lot more revenue from gems. Not only do they bring in a lot more people to potentially sell gems to, they also remove the initial expenditure and make gems an easier sell as a result. How much more willing would you be to buy gems with real money if you never had to spend money on the game in the first place? Even if you’re not, a lot of others might be.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Please Anet, tell us it’s a joke.

Which part?

Both, F2P and raids are both horribly bad for a games community, either one is capable is bringing a game to its knees on its own. To do both at the same time….I can see a shark tank and what looks like GW2 about to jump it.

I’m not worried about raids, myself.

Remember that announcement about the changes to Fractals? How they want to lower the barrier of entry and lower the time commitment for individual Fractal runs? That makes even more sense if they’re adding raids, which will require larger groups and longer time commitments.

They’ve already confirmed there’ll be no gear tier beyond ascended in Heart of Thorns, so the gear treadmill aspect of raids in other MMOs won’t be an issue.

My guess is it’ll look a lot like the elite missions from GW1’s Factions campaign—extra-long, more difficult dungeons that require a larger-than-normal party and offer higher-than-normal rewards. Raids don’t worry me at all.

F2P is a different story. It could be botched easily, but it could also be handled well. It all remains to be seen.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Well we don’t know if it’s going full F2P or if they’re just introducing a free trial.
I’m personally all for a free trial.

I also don’t have anything against a trial account. But the way it was written by IGN….it definitely sounds more f2p than trial account.

IGN article? You mean the click bait titles? You have NOT read any article, you read a click bait title. And look you did exactly what they wanted, got emotional over reading a title.

I’m as skeptical of internet “journalism” as anyone and I honestly think you’re engaging in wishful thinking. ArenaNet has been teasing a big reveal about “the future of Guild Wars 2” on Saturday for a while now, and it’s separate from their reveal about “challenging group content.” A free trial would not be a meaningful change to the future of the game; free to play absolutely would be. It makes a ton more sense.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Well we don’t know if it’s going full F2P or if they’re just introducing a free trial.
I’m personally all for a free trial.

I also don’t have anything against a trial account. But the way it was written by IGN….it definitely sounds more f2p than trial account.

This is almost certainly true. The IGN tweet would’ve mentioned a free trial if it was a free trial. This is an F2P option, almost certainly.

Remember also that they’ve been teasing two things for Saturday: revealing the “challenging group content” and revealing the “future of Guild Wars 2.” A free trial is not a big change to GW2; a full free-to-play option absolutely is.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

People are panicking really prematurely about F2P. It would not be difficult to put sensible limits on it while still allowing people a relatively unrestricted free core game. Just off the top of my head, here are some brainstormed and reasonable restrictions:

- You can only communicate with people in your guild, in your party, or people who have added you as a friend.
- You can’t send items or gold through the mail, and can only send 1 mail per hour.
- You can’t receive daily login rewards. Or maybe, you just can’t receive laurels. The other rewards are no big deal.

Is there anything else that would even be necessary? Do those three things and you protect the paid players from a lot of potential abuse while also letting people get a pretty complete free-to-play experience.

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Please Anet, tell us it’s a joke.

Which part?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

ArenaNet is not stupid enough to let free accounts abuse daily login rewards. They’re either going to change for everyone, or be limited/unavailable to free accounts.

Do you all seriously think that an experienced developer would have not thought that through? That they’re just going to flip a “turn on F2P” switch and hope for the best?

IGN Tweet & Core Game = F2P - what does this mean? [unconfirmed]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

One of the easiest ways to prevent free account abuse would be to just disable daily login rewards—or, honestly, just disable laurels. None of the other rewards are nearly as vulnerable to abuse. Just replace the laurels in the daily login rewards for free accounts with more crafting materials or Black Lion goods. Boom, issues sidestepped.

Then, limit them to only being able to communicate with their guild, party members, or people who have accepted them as friends. Done.

As for raids: that was leaked a while ago from a pretty reputable source, and I’m not worried. I’d imagine they’ll look a lot like the elite missions from GW1: exactly what you’d expect from existing PvE content, just for a larger group and probably with longer runs. Notice how ArenaNet is retooling Fractals to be better suited for short runs with HoT—I bet they’re doing that to contrast with the more time-consuming raids.

No New Mechanic?

in Thief

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

“Slightly” increased endurance? Daredevil gets hugely increased endurance. And the grandmaster traits aren’t just “effect on dodge”—they’re full-on dodge replacements. I think it’s pretty cool, myself.

Request - Rename Pulmonary Impact

in Thief

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

What, pray tell, is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique?

plays a flute by a campfire

sneaks up from behind and puts headphones on Agent Noun

turns on beiber music

watches him rip out his own heart

that is what it is……oh w8..exploding…

wanders off to find TnT

(edited by Agent Noun.7350)

Request - Rename Pulmonary Impact

in Thief

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

What, pray tell, is the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique?

plays a flute by a campfire

Request - Rename Pulmonary Impact

in Thief

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique or bust.

(People in this thread are taking this far too seriously and should probably go watch Kill Bill.)

Light Armour on Human Males... :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I managed to put together a pretty good look for my male sylvari Mesmer, but it took a lot of doing, and I’m not sure what else to do. It’s mostly a combination of the Honor of the Waves and Vigil sets, with Exalted shoulders.

At least there’s the Exemplar’s Attire outfit for some GW1 Mesmer goodness, right?

That is an amazing look! O.O

Thank you! It took a lot of effort to finally find a combination of armor and dyes that I liked and that worked well with his skin/hair (leaf) color.

Mesmer doesn't "lose" anything

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Pretty much every elite spec is in some way “better” than the main class. The only ones I can think of where that isn’t the case now is Tempest and maybe Dragonhunter. Whether that’s good for the game or not, I really can’t comment, but Chronomancer definitely isn’t alone in feeling like an upgrade.

My guess is that elite specs in general will make more sense when there’s more than one per class. When you have more than one elite spec, it makes sense for them to be “better” than the base class, because you still have a choice to make. I have a feeling most people will be running an elite spec in Heart of Thorns most of the time.

Light Armour on Human Males... :(

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I managed to put together a pretty good look for my male sylvari Mesmer, but it took a lot of doing, and I’m not sure what else to do. It’s mostly a combination of the Honor of the Waves and Vigil sets, with Exalted shoulders.

At least there’s the Exemplar’s Attire outfit for some GW1 Mesmer goodness, right?


mesmer has the most "utility".

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

When we’re talking about PvE:

Mesmers are really great for speed runs. A skilled Mesmer who knows how to use Blink and Portal well can save their team tons of time going through dungeons. Similarly, some bosses get absolutely melted by projectile reflection, though keep in mind that Guardian can do this just as well as Mesmer can.

And… that’s about it. Take DPS, for example. Mesmer DPS is excellent in a vacuum. Go into Heart of the Mists and conjure three phantasms against a golem. It’s great. But that’s not how dungeons and fractals work. There’s constant AoE and cleave going on. Your phantasms are not going to survive long enough to get off more than a couple of attacks in the majority of fights, and they make up a lot of your DPS potential. You might say, “Okay, I’ll try a shatter build!” But unfortunately, that’s not much better. Against lower health enemies, the burst damage from a shatter build is wonderful. Against bosses, though, it’s even worse damage than a phantasm approach, even when you factor in phantasms dying to a stiff breeze.

Everyone above already did a good job of enumerating how other professions do most of the Mesmer’s utility tricks far better than the Mesmer can, excepting, of course, Portal. And remember that Portal is really only going to do anything for you in PvE if you’re speed running with a competent and coordinated group.

The one that stings the most for me is just how much better “Feel My Wrath!” is than Time Warp in PvE. Sure, Slow is awesome in PvP, but it’s not all that incredible in PvE, so the Guardian’s ability to drop 5 seconds of quickness every 30 seconds absolutely wrecks the Mesmer’s 10 seconds of quickness every 3 minutes. (Chronomancer might help this quickness uptime a bit if you use Continuum Split for it—you could pull off 20 seconds of uninterrupted quickness every 3 minutes with that.)

In WvW? We’re awesome at solo and small group roaming, and only useful for Veil and Portal to zergs. I think we’re doing fine in WvW.

In PvP? We’re awesome, all around. I have no complaints about Mesmer’s position in PvP. We might even be too good, but that’s probably just down to the bug with The Pledge making it trivial to stealth all the time.

PvE is just kind of bleh on a Mesmer. I do it anyway, because Mesmer is just by far the most fun profession for me to play, and it’s fine overall because I’m not exactly an elite PvE player. It does sting to see how much Mesmer is built up as a versatile bag of tricks, only to see Elementalists and Guardians do almost all of those tricks better while also doing excellent DPS.

Chronomancer Changes for Next BWE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Thank you for the update, Robert!

All of these changes seem completely reasonable. It’s a shame about the float on Gravity Well, but if it’s a choice between “cool effect that’s almost impossible to land” and “really useful effect,” I’ll take the second.

Another possible solution might be to have different effects on each pulse. A pull on the first pulse, then cripples on the second and third ones, followed by the float when the well ends, but that might just be confusing.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Meh, not IMO. It only working on shatter is pretty bleh.

It’s actually extremely strong as it is. You’d have to nerf its overall effects to make it work on phantasm death, and I’m not willing to make that trade.

Chronophantasma should be a bonus, not a way to counteract the way that people can counter phantasms.

How many mesmers do you have

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Just the one, a male sylvari. Though I really like asura animations, so if I ever make a second one, he/she’ll be an asura.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Yeah, Chronophantasma is probably good how it is. If you add an ICD or limit the amount of phantasms it respawns, you’ll kill it in PvE, which is where it probably adds the most value (dungeon/fractal Mesmers can shatter now without killing their DPS!), and having phantasms respawn when killed would eliminate the counterplay inherent in phantasms. It’s better off left just to shatters.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

No, it’s just for shatters.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

If they don’t want to change the effects of slow in PvP compared to PvE, they could instead change the duration. Lost Time, for example, inflicts 2 seconds of Slow when it triggers. If it stays that way in PvE but only inflicts 1 second in PvP, it could prevent it from snowballing the way that it can right now.

Mesmer's WvW Viability

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Combat-wise, Mesmers excel in small group and solo situations, where our clones and phantasms can do their work. The larger the groups that are fighting, the faster our clones and phantasms get killed. In a zerg situation, Mesmer damage is pretty negligible as a result.

But like some above posters said, Mesmers are still really useful for non-damage things in zerg scenarios, like portals.

Wedding Outfit Data-mined!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I really like the norn ones.

Mainhand sword needs buffs (pvp)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I really wish they would change iLeap to function similar to our spear… We leap forward do some direct dmg and cripple the target, then we can use the secondary skill to teleport back to the location we leaped from and leave a clone behind. This way we can use sword for mobility out of combat, we can use it for direct dmg/cripple reliably and we can use the first half of the skill in phantasm builds.

This is a good idea. Make it a real leap and have the clone serve as an escape mechanism.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Slow is a very strong condition as it doubles all activation times. Nerfing this instead of Lost Time is probably for the better.

Slow might be worth splitting between PvE and PvP versions. The current slow is good, but not super good, in PvE; nerfing it would make it useless in PvE. But lowering its effect in PvP is probably a decent move.

Let it keep its current effect in PvE but have a lesser effect in PvP.

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Tell me about how dragonhunter f1 is now a projectile. Or how F2 is now a leap. Or how reaper shroud now has completely different skills. Distortion is a defensive skill, CS is a dfensive (and additionally- offensive skill).

Dragonhunter F1 is ultimately still a burn skill, and has the same passive effect. Dragonhunter F2 is ultimately still a heal skill, and has the same passive effect. The core of the abilities have not changed. You also still haven’t told me what Elementalists have to give up (other than a trait line) to get access to overloads. (Sure, they’re weak right now, but we shouldn’t assume they’ll be weak at launch—they count as new F skills.)

Continuum Split is not a strong defensive skill. It does not offer any defensive capabilities beyond a hypothetical scenario in which the Chronomancer uses it at max health and takes some damage while it’s active, and so can go back to max health when it ends. Chronomancer goes down while it’s active? Tough, it won’t help. Chronomancer dies while it’s active? Tough, it won’t help. Break the rift? Oh boy, I sure hope the Chronomancer wasn’t hoping to accomplish anything with Continuum Split, because now it’s gone.

Everyone talks about it like 6 seconds is an eternity, Continuum Split has no cooldown, and like the Chronomancer is somehow already invincible and impossible to CC during the duration of Continuum Split.

1. In a team fight, your rift will get broken by AoE/cleave before the full duration is up, unless you place it significantly out of the way and waste some of your precious Continuum Split seconds moving back into the team fight. Either you waste a significant portion of your Continuum Split duration or you take the very real risk that you’ll waste the whole thing because the rift gets blown up by people who aren’t even targeting it.

2. In a duel, Continuum Split is very strong, but ArenaNet should absolutely not balance this game around duels in sPvP. In addition, you still have the option of breaking the rift, which is fragile and murderable like a phantasm.

3. If you CC the Chronomancer as soon as you see a rift form, you make them waste their Continuum Split as well.

4. If the Chronomancer has lower health before using Continuum Split, they will still go back down to that lower health when they go back. If the Chronomancer’s healing skill is on cooldown before they use Continuum Split, it will still be on cooldown when they go back.

It is very possible to counter Continuum Split in multiple ways. It is almost entirely offensive and support-focused in its use (depending on whether you’re using it to double up on utilities to support your team or whether you’re using it in a duel to get more use out of your weapon skills). If you’re in a situation where Continuum Split would be somehow useful defensively, you’re in a situation where, if your opponent actually tries to counter it, you’d be completely hosed.

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

it’s not like all your other weapons suddently become less good.

mesmer without chronomancer feels already weaker, and that’s not good. As elite spec is supposed to be an additional option, not an upgrade.

At the same time, there’s a reason why (in the future) we’ll only be allowed to have one elite spec. An elite spec is probably supposed to be bigger and more special than a normal specialization line. Obviously each profession only gets one in Heart of Thorns, but in the future we’re supposed to have more, and at that point, we can only have one at a time. If elite specs weren’t supposed to be “better” than normal specialization lines in some way, we wouldn’t be limited to just one at a time.

I actually don’t feel weaker without Chronomancer, but I do feel less flexible—but also, I’m not sure how much of that is down to my generally really liking playing Chronomancer and wanting those options back and how much of it is down to a lack of options in general. That’s similar to how my Necromancer feels without Reaper, but then again, I adored Reaper Shroud.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I don’t think Chronophantasma should have an internal cooldown (it would murder the trait in PvE), but it might be a good idea to increase the daze on the phantasms when they respawn to prevent a phantasm spike immediately following a shatter.

Reaper shouts voice acting

in Necromancer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

The male asura voice actor did a great job with the shouts, but I never heard the others. (The male asura voice actor does a great job with everything, though, so maybe that’s to be expected.)

Tempest Outnumbered Roaming Video!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

The first thing I noticed in this video is that Tempest really needs a way to avoid getting immediately interrupted when channeling an Overload.

Chronomancer will get permanent invisibility

in PvP

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I don’t think anybody needs to worry about it. It’s gonna get adjusted.

Even if it wasn’t, it’s a straight-up gimmick build that makes you useless for anything other than keeping yourself hidden. It’s a pointless build that exists just for showing off clever tricks.

That said, it probably will be adjusted because the trait The Pledge is bugged and is lowering torch cooldowns way more than it’s supposed to.

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Dragonhunters didn’t lose their virtues and Reaper didn’t lose their DS. They were both modified into something different.

Exactly, so why can’t distortion be modified into a time reversal spell? You are contradicting yourself since dragonhunter didnt gain a fourth virtue and reaper didnt gain any additional skill, their profession mechanic was instead modified into something more thematically fitting. I would say a continuum shift is more thematically fitting than a straight up invuln for chronomancer.

Okay. Tell me how to make Distortion into Continuum Split without fundamentally changing the core of the Distortion skill or making the Mesmer ultimately weaker for the trade-off. That’s been the rule so far, so I’d like to see how it works out. As it stands, if you just removed Distortion and put Continuum Split in its place, no Mesmer in their right mind would make that trade. It’s a bad trade.

(Also, tell me what Elementalists give up when they take Tempest and gain four new F1-4 skills. A trait line doesn’t count, because obviously that doesn’t count for Chronomancer. And don’t say “it’s different because overloads suck,” because they’re obviously not supposed to be bad and will likely be buffed/tweaked before launch.)

Mainhand sword needs buffs (pvp)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

All sword needs is for Illusionary Leap/Swap to work consistently. That’s really all.

Mesmer definitely doesn’t need buffs in PvP. We’re in a good place.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

If the trait is indeed OP, then I think that the Daze duration would be a more appropriate thing to adjust.

Yeah, I’m glad they added it. Right now it’s just a token—one second of daze on a phantasm is barely noticeable—but it’s a clear number that can be tweaked if need be.

i think the problem of ppl commenting is they look from the dueling glasses only.
yes in dueling 2 shield phantasms are strong but in team fight they arent and probably will be killed in 1 sec from cleave or aoe

chrono trait line seem like a good line to work with phantasm builds while preserve the shattering idea

This is something that’s always worth keeping in mind. Mesmer is very strong at dueling, but less so when it comes to fighting groups, because of how easily clones and phantasms can get cleaved down. A lot of the concern about Continuum Shift’s power comes from people who are losing duels to Chronomancers.

Guild Wars 2 isn’t a fighting game—it’s not Street Fighter. ArenaNet can’t balance around duels.

[Summary] Updated chronomancer feedback

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

This shatter is probably the best embodiment of the chronomancer and its high skill cap. So many good ways to use it, and even more bad ways. It allows counter play thanks to the possibility to kill the rift, but since players haven’t been used to that yet, it is hard to evaluate how easy it is to counter it properly.

As it stands, this skill might be overpowered. But at the same time, it is a very hard skill to balance. Increasing its CD is a possibility, but not a satisfying one I would argue. Some people suggested preventing elites to be used during the rift, but I also feel that this is odd. Decreasing its duration is also possible (6s possible duration is very strong, maybe make it 1s base and 1s/illusion shattered?).

Hard to say what to do about it, but I would suggest not to change it too much because people don’t know yet how to react to it which plays a bit role in it being OP.

I agree with your assessment overall, though I’d say we should be careful about lowing the duration on Continuum Shift any more than it’s already been lowered. Too short of a duration and you cut off most of what you can really accomplish with it.

You’re right that its complexity means that we can’t really knee-jerk on it, though. It’s hard to know how it’ll play out once people learn how to counter it and start expecting it to happen.

Why not replace Distortion with CSplit?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

I just want to say that I’m not saying Chronomancer is perfect as is. Some things definitely need to be tweaked. There are a few things that could be toned down (you could increase the phantasm daze on Chronophantasma to prevent phantasm spiking from getting too out-of-hand while keeping it a trait that’s worth taking in both PvP and PvE) and a few things that could be buffed (all of the wells except Calamity, probably).

It’s just that Continuum Split is not nearly the godmode that some people seem to think. It has a clear, obvious, and decisive counter—you can end it just by whacking the rift a couple of times—and has a pretty tight duration that prevents you from doing things that are too wacky when it comes to positioning.

Things to note about Continuum Shift

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

1. Continuum Shift cannot be used to get back up once downed. The rift disappears when you are downed, similar to minions. Limited testing due to timing issues so it is unclear if cds are still reset(as in, you use F5 before going down, use a skill, go down and then are revived by someone).

I have not been brought back while downed, but I have been brought back after being stomped. I was waiting to respawn looking at a rift asking myself “is that not mine?”, then I respawned at our base and then suddenly I was back at the fighting scene, quite surprised. It happened me twice in the same match.

That can’t possibly be intended, but it’s a hilarious bug. I’d imagine what happened is you got stomped and respawned before your Continuum Shift duration ended, so you got zipped back.

It’s actually not all that damaging of a bug, given how specific the circumstances would have to be to make it happen, but that’s really funny.

[Chronomancer] 8 Phantasms attack chain

in Mesmer

Posted by: Agent Noun.7350

Agent Noun.7350

Honestly, the daze on Chronophantasma could probably be increased. It wouldn’t affect shatter builds with it (unless they make it so you can’t shatter dazed phantasms, which might not be a terrible idea), and it’d still be a great trait all around (for any build), but it would prevent super phantasm spiking.