Showing Posts For Akimbo.4835:

Thoughts so far...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


1) Broken event.
2) Event starts, ends up as just “kill stuff”
3) Go to the island. Looks pretty cool, pirate bay style.
4) Reef Drakes confuse me seemingly out of nowhere.
5) Reef Drakes poison me seemingly out of nowhere.
6) I get hit when I’m behind/flanking them.
7) Get one shot by an invincible burrowed wurm.
8) Log out. Meh.

Free Travel (Lion's Arch and Racial Cities)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


I’d like to see travel to LA become free. At present, you can go to PvP, then to LA and that’s free, but if that’s okay, then why not just make it free to travel to LA anyway and save us a loading screen and a short run to the portal in the mists?

I’d also like to see travel to the Main racial cities become free as well. Again, it’s free to travel to PvP -> LA -> Racial city. Why not just save us from needless loading screens and make it free from anywhere?

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Having a pet as the core mechanic for rangers would be fine. However Anet need to make it a BONUS, not a dead-weight that drags everything else we can do down.

Not only do Ranger weapons need a 40%+ damage buff across every skill, the mechanics of how they play need to be brought into line with everyone else. i.e. a full damage build if you choose it. Currently the shortbow has 4/5 skills as “support” and the greatsword has 3/5 (possibly 4/5 if you count the auto-attack) also as “support.” I wouldn’t mind this, if the damage it put out was higher, but we end up with a prof. that can kill things, but is just slower than everyone else. Every other prof. just kills things faster, so doesn’t need all these support skills.

blah. I can’t even be bothered to put forward reasons anymore. You all know how it is if you have a level 80 ranger.

General Patch Discussion [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Warrior longbow auto-attack recieved a buff.

Ranger…..well we recieved an underwater buff. Just what we needed right!?

I was looking forward to doing the new content with my new super-buffed-ranger-of-pwnage. Instead we got screwed. Again.

Anet clearly has no idea wtaf it’s doing.

“I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem.” – Rangers = Doomed.

(edited by Akimbo.4835)

pve leveling build/tips?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


[Guide] The Comprehensive Mesmer Guide - all Parts!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Thanks for the guide, it helped up my Mesmer play in no time.

/shameless bump

This thread should be stickied!

Why Do People Dislike Their Rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Because Rangers are so weak compared to any other profession. There’s nothing like fighting alongside a warrior, for example and seeing them kill 4-5 mobs in half the time it takes the Ranger to kill 1 (or maybe 2-3 if you have piercing arrows and can line them up properly).

On top of that glaring problem, they also lack combo-finishers and combo-fields of the more useful types. i.e. leaps/blasts and dark/whatever-gives-retaliation.

I won’t go on to list the details, but what it comes down to, is anything the Ranger can do, someone else can do better.

Edit: If you’re playing Ranger because they use bows; Thieves shortbow is better and Warriors longbow is better than Rangers.

Uh, wrong. The Warrior longbow sucks except for the AoE fire field combo. It only has 900 range. Not better than the Ranger longbow AT ALL.

Actually there is an adept warrior trait that makes Longbow range 1200. What now?

Great. Now you have a trait that’s basically worthless, a range that’s the same as everybody else, and you still only have one combo attack that’s worth anything.

Anything else?

Worthless? Like 85% of the Ranger traits? Doesn’t change the fact that warrior longbow does more dps and is more useful than Ranger longbow.

Anything else?

Be as smarmy as you like, but you’re still wrong. Warrior longbow doesn’t compare to Ranger longbow for DPS.

I’m pretty sure it does. If you enjoy attacking once every 3 seconds then be my guest. Warrior longbow surpasses ranger longbow in every aspect.

Being “pretty sure” doesn’t make you right. Sorry. Just because you keep saying it over and over doesn’t make it true either.

Warrior longbow has it’s advantages over the Ranger longbow, but it’s not better by any stretch of the imagination (except yours, apparently).

Warriors make better archers than Rangers. Sad but true.

p.s. My main is a Ranger.

(edited by Akimbo.4835)

Stop shooting Thieves while they Daggerstorm!

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


The only thing that is “really bad” is the combat system. In GW1 you could see the foe activating their skills, and the skill icon you take damage from came up on your screen.

GW2 has: “Sea of Sorrows Invader” and a combat tab with a wall of text.

Just one of the MANY reasons MANY players dislike the game and quit.

This. Compared to GW1, GW2 is just a flail fest.

Anyway more on topic, most of the time, Rangers find it hard to stop shooting due to the auto-attack. Does tapping escape stop you attacking in GW2?

Arah Story: Chopper Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


So, my very first time I attempt the story mode, my first level 80 and it bugs. Chopper doesn’t ever come. Log out. No more GW2 for today.

Not really an acceptable bug in the MAIN STORY LINE that’s been around for TWO MONTHS.

Dissapointed, since it took days for the Arah world event to unbug and for me to even be able to get into Arah.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


My main concern with this event was how much of it seemingly depended on buying gems and using them in the store, if you wanted to get something that could be useful, or sold for gold on the Trading Post.

The store bought costumes dominated Costume Brawl. It wasn’t that you couldn’t win without it. Just that it gave a huge advantage when used well.

Black Lion keys. I understand that you want to/need to make money. However if you expect people to pay real money (Yes…I’m aware you can get -some- keys without buying from the store) for keys to open lots of Black Lion Chests. The drop rates from them should be much better. The Mad King Chests should have been even better than that. They wern’t. I don’t mean to say it should have been exotics, but costume parts or something cosmetic like the weapon skins should have been easier to obtain without having to spend vast amounts on keys.

Events. If you’re going to run an event. Make sure it works first time e.g. the problems with parties being split when they entered to fight the Mad King.

Looking back though, even though I didn’t really get anything of value from the event. It was pretty fun to do until I ran out of reasons/ways to farm. Typically in GW1, I’d only farm events and would make most of my money from that. In GW2 with this as the first main event, I was a little dissapointed that I couldn’t make much/any money from ToT bags. Though the economy works differently, so it’s somewhat understandable.

What it came down to for me personally, is that events usually provide me with more “bang for my buck” when it comes to gaining wealth to make the normal after-event game more fun, with a new item or something. This event, I didn’t get anything much out of it except for a little enjoyment farming doors for ToT (When they wern’t broken) and doing the Clocktower; though once done, there was no reason to do it again.

Oh and one last thing. The ghost hunt to get the books was pretty cool. It didn’t take too long, gave some little background details…but I couldn’t do it on 7/8 of my characters to the end which was really dissapointing, since I loved the “full book” skin. However I don’t have the time to grind characters to level 80 and would have liked to have been able to complete it with all my characters.

Sever Crash Thread [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


If you could read, it says “5”.

Sever Crash Thread [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Went in, got seperated from my party, so I left. Now I can’t get in again at all.


A way for low levels to get "the book": Festival NPC please!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Just like in GW1, you had an NPC you could show items (hats/masks) and he’d be able to reproduce them for any of your other characters. I’d like to see one of those in LA and for them to be able to reproduce the skin for the “level 2 book” (forget it’s actual name in game :P). It wouldn’t have the stats of the book you get, it’d just be an appliable skin, so that you can have it on your underlevelled characters as well, without having to wait a whole year for another chance. Assuming the quests would even be the same.

[Story] The Source of Orr [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


First time I’ve done this mission, same bug as everyone else. When he teleports to the side and starts to fire lasers with his invulnerable buddys, that’s it. He sits there until he dies and then nothing happens.

He never moves back to the middle for me. Ever.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


No Speed Boost

Make the clocktower a solo instance or shrink Charr/Norn

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


You have a couple options,

1) try rotating the camera more overhead
2) rotate overflows (keep talking to the charr) until you find a semi empty one

1) doesn’t help, I can’t see myself from any angle, Charr and Norn simply consume all the space.

2) Guess I’ll have to try that.

Make the clocktower a solo instance or shrink Charr/Norn

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Failing because I can’t see:

1) Myself
2) The floor I’m on
3) Where I’m jumping to

It’s just not fun when you’re stuck in a pile of chunky, screen-blocking zerg.

Storage for Dye and armour sets - Or just make dye account wide :)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


So I saved up 60 or so unid dyes, then decided to open them all and see what I’d got. Whoops. Major space issues.

I have 8 characters, so going through dyes, selecting/grouping hues, then logging into each character, removing the definite dyes, muddling up the remainders, getting frustrated over having to sort similar hues etc. is just a huge pain.

I’d like to suggest a storage pane, much like the crafting items have, but for dyes, arranged by hue and/or rarity. Or just make dyes account wide, then I wouldn’t have to make such horrible choices over which character gets which dye. I also wont end up breaking the bank when I just want a few black dyes for my characters.

I also like to mix and match armour, however as I learnt from the first game, finding the space to store 6+ sets of armour for 8+ characters is just….not possible.

Perhaps a storage pane, individual to each character that functions like the armour/pvp lockers in The Mists?

Please help those of us who can’t stop collecting pretty things.


Akimbo <3

The Problem is NOT the's everything else

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


TL;DR The reason why everyone is angry at the shortbow nerf is NOT because the shortbow has suddenly become a bad weapon, it’s because most of the other weapon sets, along with pets, are mediocre to borderline terrible. I suggest one of two things to Anet: Buff the other mainhand weapons or fix the pet’s responsiveness and ability to hit a moving target

The reason everyone is angry is that the shortbow was the only truely viable weapon, but was still subpar to almost everything else the other profs have available. Even post nerf it’s better than the other Ranger weapons, because they’re even worse.

The SB Nerf is the Best Thing that's Happened to ME

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


@Trollhammer – I think you missed my point. This isn’t a build thread. It’s simply me explaining how much more fun I’m having playing my Ranger post SB nerf.

Good for you. Keep on having fun. I’ll be back in 6 months to see if Ranger is worth playing again.

Are rangers in really as bad of shape as they're being made out to be?

in Ranger

Posted by: Akimbo.4835


Basically what it comes down to, is that anything the Ranger can do, the other professions can do better.

The shortbow nerf was totally uncalled for and was the final nail in the coffin for me. I’ve not bothered with GW2 since then.

A few fixes are definitely needed, mostly damage output for the bows and flight time for the arrows.

Crossfire should be unblockable from the side/rear and always cause bleeding, regardless of the angle.
Poison arrow should be a single arrow, that pierces and leaves a poison field behind whenever it hits something.

Longbow in general needs a speed upgrade for its attack and should inflict a condition, maybe weakness, on every 3rd shot.
Barrage also needs a cooldown reduction.

Sword auto-attack needs to not root the ranger, as this makes it pretty useless, regardless of the inbuilt evades on the skills.

Greatsword has some reasonable attacks, but has only a single leap finisher iirc and poor damage overall.

The ranger also needs an overall damage buff, to every single skill to bring them into line with the other profs.

Ranger spirits need reworking entirely, as do a whole bunch of the other ranger skills, traps are “okay” but mostly that’s only because the other ranger skills are so bad.

The other major problem rangers face, is a lack of fields and blast/leap finishers that they can use on a regular basis. This is the major reason they’re not as wanted for dungeons as other profs. The only decent field they bring is a water field from healing spring, which sadly, Elementalist are better off bringing, because their other skills are more useful.

Before people start on “Rangers can do dungeons”, of course they can, it’s just that a Ranger is less efficient than every other prof when doing so. I feel like dead weight when I do them, since my dps isn’t as good as the other profs, but I also don’t bring anything unique to the dungeon that makes up for that.

(edited by Akimbo.4835)