Showing Posts For Anxiety.6143:

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Enjoyed watching AR and Ehmry wipe each other @ BP Hills last night. BP made an amazing stand with what forces we had. I unfortunately left for work last night and didnt get to see the closing actions, but I’m sure it was quite the fun!

AR – Seems fishy you hit us with that kind of numbers when you know Ehmry is kitten the hell outta our BL.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Another great night of some serious action. Getting trolled by EhBay, kitten holes lol. We sit on inner for half an hour scratching our heads going “WTF are they doing?” turns out just destroying all the walls for the hell of it lol.

Another fun night, keep em coming!

I was surprised also with AR earlier on, we made some pretty serious rushes on you all, Idk how, but you had like 60 people on the map within minutes, good hold guys, great fights.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Not that there really is much of a point to make here, but Ebay hasn’t been winning this tier by more than a 20% average. Actually not even 20% so the problem isn’t glicko or AR/BP not putting up a challenge.

No question Ebay is winning here but to say it isn’t a challenge is a gross exaggeration. The first week Ebay didn’t show up to fight they lost in this tier. It would likely happen again if AR/BP stop going at each other to which nobody seems to have a solution.

When we say it isn’t a challenge, we’re not talking about tryharding the scoreboard.


Open field fights and roaming is what we’ve always been about.
Small skirmishes. Big zerg battles. Small man roaming. 1v1s. Fight clubs. Guild vs Guild. Duels. Skilled fights not stuck behind walls and siege.

This what we love the most about WvW and BP just doesn’t offer that since you guys seem to focus more on points and the score. Yesterday around SW tower and supply in BP bl was evidence of that. We find AR a lot more challenging and more fun because of their spvp background.

We probably could make a serious push for T4 but scare amounts of good fights = bored Ebay. This directly affects our motivation. Playing for rank and score is already pretty boring and thus, we aren’t tryharding for T4 elsewise we’d be recruiting.

Our servers just have a different focus and ideas about what’s fun in WvW.
Good fights vs Scoreboard watching. I’ll take good fights any day.

Ebay is extremely well rounded when it comes to open field fights, we all know that, but WvW isn’t based on Open field fights, you guys beg us to flush out of our towers and stuff, but if we have siege, we’re gonna use it, if you want open field fights start trying to get guild scrims together as they do in the high tiers, other than that, we’re gonna continue to use the siege to our advantage, unless it’s reset night, BP is usually 10 guild members the rest PUGs. Hence why we dont do open field.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


To the BP (that incinerator thief Burn commander and crew) that nearly got our garrison nice try! You have been in our BL every day of this week always with briar and vale. We had been struggling to amass the numbers to quickly push you off the map every attempt you made, but luckily for us today was the first time we actually summoned a half decent force to repel your attack.

That kinda border defense is a glimmer of what our server used to feel like back in the days where everyone despised EB and loved our own borderlands to death. After the decline of some guilds, and the complete absence of others, its become increasingly hard to find people that will defend ARBL. I hope it continues the way today did.

On a side note, some of our premium wvw guilds reeeeeeallly need to start training their guys. It feels like they are taking people on and expecting them to be able to cope as if its pve. Our only heads up from that golem attack was “INC INC INC GOLEMS” followed by “GREEN” and that was all. If we had even a shread more information (for example: BP golems @Greenlake headed north) I doubt they would have made it past the first gate. Scout communication really needs a work guys lol…

We had 4 Golems and maybe 15 players max. If the 30-40 AR veiled into didn’t wipe us, something’s bad wrong, the person you need to thank, was the warrior smart enough to Banner your keep lord up, he leeroy’d the lord which granted you guys a gasp of air to get into the keep, had it not been for that lone warrior, your garrison would still be ours right now.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Would like to thank [pk] [FTF] and [GH] for a huge kitten brain aneurism last night. Was fun as hell tho, I think we could all agree BP BL has seen the most action this past week, enjoyable fun, great fights. Keep’em coming, been a great week, not many dull moments.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


swag swag swag swag swag

Now that’s one hell of a battleship.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Impressed with [BURN] guild. You guys can pull some crazy numbers at this time. Many more than I thought.

That’s our problem. We max out on reset night, and then trickle a few here and there on a few nights. If we could just keep numbers like on reset, it’d be a much better fight for Ebay and ourselves.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

4/12 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


You got the date wrong, it’s 4/19 not 12th. May wanna change that.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3:29 |T5| BROLIS vs ROCK vs Errrbay

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Score update where.

As of 3/22/13 @ 9:20pm CST

Borlis Pass – 3,269 with +265
Ehmry Bay – 2,429 with +265
Anvil Rock – 1,457 with +180

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3:29 |T5| BROLIS vs ROCK vs Errrbay

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Great reset night! Unfortunately, BorPas is starting to die out now, it’s getting late for us, Ebay will have free pickings until our euro’s are on

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


had some really good fights with bp and war on reset day. anyone else getting the feeling that bp isnt fielding as many people as they normally do?

We didn’t at all, BP had literally bottom barrell pickings for numbers this reset, everyone saying we’re making excuses but, honestly we had literally 1/3 of the people we had last reset

That is in excuse. It’s your job as a server to rally together for wvw and fight. Saying you couldn’t is an excuse. It’s the whole servers responsibility to participate or lose. The fact that WvW has no freaking point right now is a different story.

First off, let me correct you: “That is an excuse”. Granted we did try and get everyone going, all the guilds, but how do you get a guild going that isn’t online? You don’t, and if it doesn’t have a point? Why the kitten are you on here QQing for?

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


had some really good fights with bp and war on reset day. anyone else getting the feeling that bp isnt fielding as many people as they normally do?

We didn’t at all, BP had literally bottom barrell pickings for numbers this reset, everyone saying we’re making excuses but, honestly we had literally 1/3 of the people we had last reset

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Yeah it was a good fight. I was surprised you guys were already there defending the southgate hills right off the bat and you built those arrow carts pretty fast destroying our siege.

All our squads(Alpha – Echo) weren’t ready until like 9PM EST…That’s when we proceeded taking all your keeps. That was the first time I had all my squads in groups and in 1 borderland.We have over 60 FTF’s at Borlis Pass bl last night. It was fun

Oh trust me lol, we knew we were going to be blue this go around, and we knew Ebay was gonna hit us like a Mack truck so our only concern was holding hills, unfortunate for us, within 2 hours of reset, our forces started bailing out, and it was just watching the green wave from there on out.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

(edited by Anxiety.6143)

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Maybe all the conceited morons on BP will listen when someone tries explaining how EBay probably had an off week and will not be what they were last week. I had heated discussions with people with egos so big I don’t know how they can fit in the same room with it over this. Hopefully now, those people (Kalkz included on these forums) will shut the hell up and just play (though I highly doubt it).

A lot of us fail to claim Kalkz, fyi. Don’t judge the server on a few self conceited Ego’s, all servers have them.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3.15 EB - BP - DR

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Ehmry is being Double teamed. We controlled everything and now BP and DR are both taking stuff that we controlled back. Clearly their is a super secret Alliance between BP and DR otherwise they would be attacking eachother instead of taking all of Ebays stuff… Freakin jerkz

Had you not noticed the beautifully Red left side of Borlis Pass and the beautifully green right side of Borlis Pass? and 1 1/2 hours into reset EBay was knocking on our North East Garry gate and DR was hitting south west… Then DR and EBay met at center gate it was a race to cap between the two?

I have no clue what the hell happened to Borlis this reset, none of our top guilds seemed to be around. [BURN] was defending, ORL attacking, didn’t hear from GOAT, Dkz, WFD, etc…

In the end, hell of a reset night Ebay, stomping our kitten #8230;

Also [FTF] from Ebay, loved the action at BP Hills on reset night, fun fight, great fight, wiped each other several times.. all it took was that one stealthed mesmer portal and ya’ll pulled through, nicely done. Well deserved.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3/8 - BP/DR/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Everyone knows that BP only likes to PvE walls, and do whatever they can to avoid actual fights. They’ll flinch at the first hint of resistance, knowing they can just come back and take it later due to higher population.

Yet in the same breath wonder why their zergs are constantly being wiped. Gee, I wonder.

We don’t consistently get wiped. You probably wipe our Karma Trains thinking, hell yea, they suck. Nah, run into us on reset nights when we ALL are actually running on mains and see what happens, oh wait I’ve got recorded footage of that, I’ll have to share it.

It doesn’t matter who’s zerg owns who’s. 3 Thieves can wipe a 40man easy anyways, it doesn’t take much.

In the end, look at that scoreboard, who’s ahead?

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3/8 - BP/DR/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Oh what happened BP? Got Smashed? Inb4excuses

Check the scoreboard slick.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

3/8 - BP/DR/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


In the end, well fought. Was a great WvW this week. We [BP] had a lot to show seeing we came up from a lower tier, and I think that we’ve proved our point, will be the same match-up this upcoming week. Should be quite close seeing we’ve learned this and that about the other servers.

I do, however, want to know…
…[Sekz] why? You couldn’t beat us on NSP, to your defense those NSP was only [Sekz] mainly, but still, your ultimate goal is to troll BP? Why the swap? Did you think you would finally get the glory of reining over BP?

My hats off to ECHO of Ebay. Killer group.

Looking forward to next weeks match-up, raise hell, no mercy.

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

Control key

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


I do have them both running as administrator.. Hmm, Idk. May check with Logitech forums, thanks tho!

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

Control key

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Was pondering if anyone else has this issue:

Our guild uses ventrilo, and for ventrilo I use PTT and I have my PTT Key set to right control.

Somehow if I talk during the time of doing a certain something in GW2, it disables my control key, and the only way to regain to it is to restart my PC. So, I’m assuming this has something to do with Windows key binds, or something to that nature. Anyone with some advice on how to get this to quit or disable it, something would be extremely appreciated!

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

Mapping 98%

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


Turns out I completely forgot about the Charr city. Thanks fellas!

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

Mapping 98%

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


So I’m back. Im stuck at 98% mapped. I have completed ALL areas, including WvWvW map and I have:

501/507 Waypoints
702/717 Point’s of Interest
261/266 Vista’s

What’s up with this? What am I missing?

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz

Another Mapping issue!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.6143


I have got all vista’s, all poi’s, all renown hearts, all waypoints. 100% Every map. I just need to get 100% verification on some questions.

1. Do dungeons count towards map completion?
2. Do jump puzzles count towards map completion?
3. What are some area’s that I could possible be missing
(172/175 Krytan | 161/165 Maguuma | 169/172 Shiverpeak)
Is this due to not having done all story modes?

4. Does WvWvW count towards map completion?

[Rekz] Rally Bot
#GetGud2013-14 Copywright Rekz