Showing Posts For Baronessvonbaugh.2165:
Stop making the jumping puzzles for these special events too difficult to do. People like me cannot jump (newby) and making them too difficult to accomplish makes this game that much more uninviting. Also, it would help to stop putting in red characters or events in their way when someone is trying to do these jumps.
For the dungeon cache (darkness one) make the torches last indefinitely so you can see where the levers are.
Lastly, in the battle for the crystals make the wind, lightning, and sun crystals last indefinitely or have more of them distributed where the jumps are necessary (have the sun, wind, and lightning together in the upper beams of the air ships near each crystal).
A suggestion could be that for those individuals that only want to complete the world and not do competition for their team that a badge, aura, or cloaking occur for those players. These players can also go through walls of keeps, castle, supply depots, etc. Also, these players cannot be attacked or attack by anyone playing there.
I went into to see if we had made any progress for us as green and found this out.
1. Blue was almost completely overrun by red
2. Red has too many people on its server at one time for the battle of the mists.
3. We are only here to complete the areas and not battle player vs player
4. Why haven’t the amount of players been evenly distributed on the servers at one time (i.e. red has 50 characters playing, same for blue and green); make it evenly matched. If someone comes in for red, then the next goes to blue, and green, etc. or someone is bumped until someone logs off.
5. Make the weapons have greater range in the mists (arrow carts, trebuches, etc.).
6. Even though you’re outnumbered your still being charged a fee to be repaired instead of having it undamaged in the first place like it used to be.
Many times in this game I have found that I had the wrong axe for the types of wood I am chopping and so,
the wood is ruined. I would like to see you come with a permanent version of an axe that is more useful that
the sickle was. You can call it glacial axe or hoelbrak axe. Could your designers come out with one soon. It
would be most useful and handy. Thanks for your time. May e-mail address is and
the account name is baronessbaugh.2165. Thanks.
Why can’t guardians use rifles. Warriors can so why can’t they?
I have a guardian that could really use a rifle for long distance killing, however, it’s not available for them. Can’t it be allowed for them so my character won’t die all the time. I’m a newby to gaming and I really could use some pointers. I even have a tough time with jumping puzzles.
I would really like to get guild support with completing cursed shores. I’m on the last part and need the waypoint however, I can’t get by the undead there. It needs guild support. If anyone can help me please let me know.
When you go to black lion trading co. and you are selecting show categories, you have show filters. And under that you have category, subcategory and rarity. Here is where you need an additional button call it tricategory that has you select what type of armor you want only to see. Example: You are looking for light armor for your character that is a 45. Instead of looking at all types of armor (i.e. heavy, medium and light) and selecting the wrong type and additional button can be there to see the armor for just light armor and none other.
I wish there were recipes for superior dolyak runes. It has become competitive to get these for your characters armor upgrades and expensive when your trying to get enough for the entire character’s armor.
I wish their could be a recipe for sentinel insignias for light armor. You can buy them on black lion but you can’t make them yourself. Why not.
I found the Southsun events are going on when there is no help around or too many people are at the cash cow events and you can’t even see who you are trying to kill. Also, heath is down by 3,000 and the wildlife is out of control, while their health has gone up significantly. Events are going on when no one is there to help kill them to bring order. I feel like I’m fighting a champion by myself. I die too quickly and the enjoyment has been taken out of the game. (i.e. wildlife health level is like your fighting a 83 or 84, when you are an 80)
Since your last update there hasn’t been a sighting of ancient wood anywhere in frostgorge sound. I would appreciate it if you could stop moving the ori and ancient wood around at every update. Once a month is ample time for people to see the changes. Also, could you make the rewards for the group event for Jormag more meaningful. You do a lot and don’t get much in return. It doesn’t seem worth it to participate if you don’t get anything of value out of it. Another idea could be keep the ore and wood alone and just move the bad characters around instead. Please let me know what you think. I would like a response. Thanks.