Showing Posts For CaptainShrimps.9143:

Random Procs- Spinal shivers + air+ fire

in PvP

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Make auto-attacks do +50% damage

This is actually a bad idea because necro dagger autoattack is the third highest dps autoattack in the game, after lightning whip and warrior axe auto. Except warrior axe auto is super back loaded, so practically, necro dagger auto is currently the second-highest dps auto attack in the game.

I do agree on buffing other areas of the necro such as active defenses though.

Kronos vs Magic Toker duels [Uncut]

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Good stuff Kronos! Nice to see you doing well despite being away for two weeks and jet lagged :^)

So, no support for SB in trait revamp?

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


A shortbow projectile velocity trait would be great.

Currently, shortbow 1 is easily strafed even at under 600 range. This trait would improve the usability of autoattack and make aiming cluster bomb slightly easier. It won’t be OP; it would be a nice QoL trait.

Or, you know, just increase the base projectile velocity of shortbow 1 so it can actually hit someone who isn’t standing still.

[Suggestions] Game-Play Control Improvements.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


These are good suggestions, especially the max distance fast casting which would be super useful for infiltrator’s arrow. Also, only checking if you are facing the target at the end of a cast would be super useful for skills like ray of judgment (which fails if you don’t keep your target in front of you from the moment you press the button until the moment the ray comes out).

Personally I prefer to turn my character by holding right click and turning the camera, but that’s why options are good

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Evading now stops whirling axe.

Meld With Shadows and Stealth Combo Finishers

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


It makes no sense that Meld With Shadows extends the stealth duration of all stealth except stealth from combo finishers. Shadow Refuge will be getting a fix so that it works with MWS (which it should have from the start), so why does MWS not work with stealth finishers? This will be especially important after the Dec 10 patch as D/P thieves will no longer be able to continuously chain stealth finishers inside black powder. This puts D/P stealth uptime much lower than that of D/D because D/P uses 7 ini to get into stealth whereas D/D only uses 4.

TL;DR – Meld With Shadows needs to work with stealth combo finishers more urgently now than ever before.

How to heal over 9k condtions?

in Mesmer

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Prismatic Understanding condition build is the most overpowered build of any profession in the game right now. In fact, PU is the only thing that is banned in the upcoming 2v2 tournament hosted by GW2PvPTV. The thing with PU condi builds is that you get so much protection, regeneration, and aegis in addition to all the kiting tools you already have and it makes you unkillable by any power build. PU really only needs 1 condi remove skill (either mantra or null field) because it can maintain 36% stealth uptime without even using veil, and the fact that you can just stay out of range of the enemy and let your staff clones whittle them down for you with condis.

TL;DR – Prismatic Understanding condition mesmer is the strongest pvp build in the game right now because aegis protection regeneration all day vs power builds and just stay out of range and spam staff clones vs condi builds.

Edit: clarity

(edited by CaptainShrimps.9143)

Dec 10th thief changes

in Thief

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Here is my objective comparison between S/D thief before April 30th, 2013 and S/D thief as it currently is:
(For clarification: I am still referring to Infiltrator’s Return as Shadow Return in my analysis)

I sincerely hope that this analysis is read by everyone who comes across this post.
I have already posted this in the Dec 10 patch notes thread, reposting here for visibility.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Here is my objective comparison between S/D thief before April 30th, 2013 and S/D thief as it currently is:
(For clarification: I am still referring to Infiltrator’s Return as Shadow Return in my analysis)

I sincerely hope that this analysis is read by everyone who comes across this post.

Edit: clarification

(edited by CaptainShrimps.9143)

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Although I beat salazan on my thief, the strategy also works with necro. When he places his ring of fire around you, use spectral grasp to pull him into the centre of it, allowing you to circle strafe him without needing to dodge at all. I wasted like 6 tickets on him, but beat him on the first try I used this tactic.

Queensdale Cave Troll event bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


The Cave Troll event in Queensdale won’t give gold contribution. I have tested this more than once with several characters, 2 of them being level 80 with full exotic crit gear. Even if I am at the event from the beginning and hitting the troll nonstop, at the end I only end up with silver contribution.

I am on the Maguuma server. I will post screens as soon as I take some.

Bone Crack bad tooltip?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


“Bone Crack” is an ability that a thief can acquire through stealing from certain mobs. Its tooltip says “Stun your foe”.
It also indicates the duration of the stun. However, there are two durations listed, one says 3 seconds and the other says 2 seconds.

Unfortunately I can’t post a screenshot because if I take a screenshot while mousing over the icon so that the tooltip shows, the screenshot doesn’t have the tooltip in it.

Tactical Strike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Ah, you’re right. My mistake in reading the tooltip, then.

Tactical Strike bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Tactical Strike (thief stealth attack for sword) will sometimes not apply daze and only blind and sometimes not apply blind and only daze. It should do both. This bug does not seem to occur in structured pvp.

- server: maguuma
- map: irrelevant
- character info: human thief level 70
- issue occurs randomly, cannot reliably reproduce it.
- the nature of this bug makes it extremely difficult to screenshot.

Eviscerate adrenaline use bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


UPDATE: This bug occurs with all burst (warrior F1) skills.

Eviscerate adrenaline use bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


The warrior F1 skill for mainhand axe “Eviscerate” will not consume adrenaline when used if it leaves the target with less than 0 hp. However, the adrenaline bar will then be consumed if any other skill is used (using Eviscerate again to instakill/finish off something will not consume adrenaline). This bug works with any level of adrenaline. I have tested this on earth elementals in Queensdale.
