Showing Posts For CorruptedSave.2570:

My luck is nonexistent

in Wintersday

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


Uhh u get the frame back even if u fail… U can try multiple times

Translation: You can get the frame back even if you do not receive the endless tonic. You will receive a present on a failed attempt and inside of that present is your frame. You can then try again.

Before you try it again, count backwards from 1000. You will eventually hit the “screw this” point around the 800 mark and that is when your luck will be at its best. Try it at that exact moment.

Mystery box ripoff?

in Wintersday

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


The past two events that had chests with horrible chances to get anything good should have stopped you from buying any this time.

These boxes are an improvement over the past events, such as they give you items you can actually use and are event related, but they still are a bad idea unless you are lucky.

That being said, I’m a little annoyed how they had to hide some of the minis in the box as a way to make people feel like they need to buy boxes. I am generally a collector in MMOs but I’ve had to drop that mindset for this game because I refuse to spend a ton of money on a chance.

I hope that eventually less people buy into this gambling system so that they start to look at other ways on how to generate revenue (allowing players to buy items out right for a decent price) that way everyone is happy.

Discussion about the DR system - Merged thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I don’t mind moving around to new zones to farm but I wish I had more of a selection.

Removing DR would be a great benefit to those who farm hard and have horrible RNG luck. They won’t remove DR though. Removing it would cause people to start buying less gems to convert into gold and that is just a bad business idea.

"No Mounts" Mindset related to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I wouldn’t mind mounts if they have no value beyond cosmetic. Another thing for me to collect.

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I didn’t think GW1 was replayable at all, to be honest. Not saying you’re wrong. Just saying there are different views.

Could you provide us with some insight on why you think so? Inquiring minds want to know.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


Getting more Black Lion chests then Gear on my alts ;;

I can just imagine them being like “Hint hint.” every time one drops. How dare you try and play this game you bought without first buying $200 in gems.

It makes sense. I’ve been getting more chests lately as well.

I'll be honest about the gear and gearchecks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I call BS. Nobody and I mean NOBODY has ascended gear yet. There’s no way someone made 1300 tokens in the period of a weekend unless they played in shifts with friends so someone was on the character 24/7 and in a fractal the whole time.

To be fair, they could have been trolling. I hope this is the case.

I'll be honest about the gear and gearchecks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


at least if they cofine it to the fractals…

Within the next 3 months, you MUST have Ascended or you’re going to be considered dead weight as an 80th character.

It has already started to happened. I saw a few groups doing AC runs asking for people who had Ascended gear only and demanded that they link their gear to prove it.

If it's a matter of money...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I was going to spend some cash for some new minis with the Lost Shores event, as I did with Halloween, but they decided that they could try to make more money by adding them to the limited time chests as rare drops and try to get people to gamble their money away on a ton of chests

No cash from me this event. Maybe next time.

I'll be honest about the gear and gearchecks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I completely agree with you OP. While I had hoped to never see the need for it in this game, it needs to be implemented.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


Brace yourselves for the “I’m quitting” posts.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I enjoyed the event overall.

Scavenger Hunt:
Most of my characters are lower leveled and so I had a hard time figuring out the clues and then getting to the locations. Most of the other people I met were nice enough to save me from a high level enemy, but overall I wish that more of the locations were in lower level areas where almost anyone could get to.

This was a great addition to this event that allowed me to farm candy cane and get a lot of pumpkins carved while killing event related mobs. It made me feel more connected to the event.

PVP Games:
I only tried them out for a round or two each, but they were ok. I couldn’t really get into them for some reason

I hate it and I love it. It was really enjoyable, even if it took me a few angry tries. I do feel for those who have slower computers or do not have the reflexes to complete it though.

I personally think there should have been two different modes: Normal and Madness.

Normal would be a slower, easier version of the current clocktower and gives you an achievement and maybe some minor items. Madness would be the current version, maybe even more difficult, and it would give achievement and a rare item. This way everyone could get something good. The chests along the path are nice, but I feel like they are not enough.

MK Dungeon:
I loved the boss battle and the layout of the map. My only real issue is the fact that Mad King would sometimes teleport down or up, causing everyone to go back to the waypoint and climb back down again from the very top. It felt very time consuming overall.

Halloween skins: The most displeasing part of the event. I can understand the need to make money and the idea of keeping the skins rare, but I feel like the rates should have been higher for the BL and MK chests. I did not use any real money though, so this is really minor for me.

I dislike RNG in general and feel it is a lazy way to deal with a lot of situations, but it was nice that they added the chance to get the halloween weapons via the chest in the MK dungeon. It gave people the chance to get something nice without spending any money, so in the end I think it balanced itself out.

If you opened tons of chests and farmed the dungeon for hours on end and still didn’t get anything, that really sucks but bad luck is bad luck and we all get it sometimes.

(edited by CorruptedSave.2570)

I'll never be able to get the new skins. It is not fair.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


seriously Zexion.. its not a big deal =/
they arent even forcing you to pay for a sub fee, but they do have to make money somehow to keep the content coming and servers running

I totally agree with you Caithe I wish more people would realize that Anet needs to make money somehow to keep the game going and keep giving us updates. It’s all about choice you can buy gems or not buy them.

Well, with enough kitten off customers, they won’t be getting as much money as they could. That being said, I’m not giving them any.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CorruptedSave.2570


I was going to drop some money for this event when I got home, but now that seems like it would be a waste so I’ll spend my money elsewhere.

To me, I side with those who have already spent money. It isn’t so much about getting a rare skin, it’s about at least receiving something in return that is not completely useless and actually related to the event.

If I spend money on a chance to get a chance for a rare item, then it is my choice and my fault if I expected to only get the rare item and did not, but I would hope that the prize I do get is at least sort of nice to have that is related to the content provided.