Showing Posts For Cosmin.8306:

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306



[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


It sounds like plothole and plot convenience to me . Rules applying in some cases but not in others. I would have liked it more if the Pale tree (or trees) was Tyria balancing force for the dragons , would have explained the vision in omadd’s machine (why would the eternal alchemy care about one dragon champion? ) and the fact that sylvari were incorruptible by zhaitan . Now it’s the boring, plain ,clicheed , mind control villainization. Plus it kind of takes the free will out of equation when it comes to nightmare court "it’s just how they were supposed to work, not their fault they turned sadistic and evil ", which cheapens them as a faction imo .

Still i hope they don’t pull a “Divergent” type of breaking mind control with the power of love, that would be, ugh…

(edited by Cosmin.8306)

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


I’ve never seen a dragon champion being more influenced by proximity tequatal seemed to be ok with it ,plus if you are a dragon and you make a servent and you have the power to bind his/her will wouldn’t you do it from the start ? To be honest the whole " pale tree is a dragon champion " feels so forced by a-net. The point of Plotholes should be the name of the chapter.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Still there are plenty plotholes in this chapter , the order in which the sylavi died is the smallest one imo .

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


It will not affect the PC , he asked Batman for his armor. Probably made some copies of it and gave it to Treh and other relevant sylvari .

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


*attuning nose * -completed , executing command : *sniff, sniff * , result : more plotholes detected

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


i believe it’s called misplaced ignorance combined with fear and prejudice , not reality.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


tbh, i smell plothole.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


“Oh poor little Sylvari. If it makes you feel better I’ll be sure to burn down the Pale Tree as painlessly as possible :P " , this is why we can’t have nice things. The Pale Tree never shown any signs of being Mordy’s ally , hell she even was attacked by the dragon. Glint was freed , no reason to think the Pale Tree is otherwise. The only thing i can accuse the pale tree is stupidity. But people would still burn someone down based on some beliefs they haven’t event tested out.

[Suggestion] Increase in Level Cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Perhaps something more to do at lvl 80 , a lvl increase doesn’t seem to bring anything to the game beside a gear treadmill , which is dangerous in some aspects.

[Suggestion] Dark Knight --- New heavy class.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Electromagnetism, gravity ,what happened to the strong and weak force ? You must have those too !

weapon naming

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Would be interesting, also would have to be filter heavy, very heavy.

[Suggestion] Guild-wide mail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


In a game that asks me to type the full name to delete a booster powder but doesn’t even blip when you kick a member ( thank god they removed it from the party options ) you expect a guild wide message system? Don’t get me wrong, i love the idea and would love to have it implemented , but i feel it’s a bit of wishful thinking.

(edited by Cosmin.8306)

[Suggestion] Open PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Yeah sure, just imagine 10 or so thieves camping the mystic toilet, sorry ,forge, and killing and taking all the legendaries , ah those broken hearts, broken dream and broken keyboards. Not to mention you’ll get something like “The cult of tequilla” group of players trying to defend Teq , ( suddenly that spoon is worth so much more ) . I do agree that pvp needs more modes , but open world pvp is a no-no for me, it would create more, many more problems that it would solve.

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Up up and away

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


bump. ( still dislike the new forum organization )

merged looking for... threads

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Yep, the new organized forum is quite a mess , and the looking for X got hit the hardest imo, it made it next to useless. I am speaking form a guild recruiter pov now ( didn’t mind the EU/US mixed lfg threads that much) and now i would have to bump my post a few times per day to stay on a relevant page , if not it drops to obscurity. Same goes for people that look for a guild , their post gets buried just as fast with even less chances of someone replying to them. It really needs to be separated again, at least make a PVP section and a guild section, the way it is ,it’s just ugh…
Oh , and we ppl bumping the guild for relevance also hurt the ones that are looking for pvp or wvw teams.

(edited by Cosmin.8306)

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


bump ( realllllllly dislike the new forum organization )

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Bump (15 chars in a tree)

(edited by Cosmin.8306)

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Still have slots, feel free to apply:)

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Now , now , sharing is caring Laula , still have cookies and slots

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Laula baked cookies , join while they’re hot . ( yes, now we have cookies too)

shattered dragon wing cover...

in Living World

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


I’m Wang , Deep Wang , Deeeep Wang, you’re not getting it…

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


bump, still have some slots opened.

Cloud of Sparrows [CoS] recruiting (SFR , EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Cloud of Sparrows is looking for more active members to join our folds. We are a small guild with 50 members cap, that is mainly PVE centric although we do dabble in pvp and WvW from time to time.

We are looking for mature (18+) and friendly players that want to have fun in a semi-casual guild. Being on SFR isn’t a requirement since the megaserver update. We respect all our members and require new members to do the same. The guild is multinational so our official language is english. As for a VoIP we have our TeamSpeak own server.

Hope to join us , see you in game . Best wishes!

More info on our guild website :
For invite or questions ,feel free to whisper me or one of the guild officers : FerrenoNL.7928 , Denradi.5407 or Laulajatar.4253

(edited by Cosmin.8306)

[Suggestion] Explorable unlock accountwide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Actually it would make more sense to allow anyone in the party to open the explorable if someone has done the story and not just the specific person.

Combat Game design criticism

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Gw2 combat system is actually quite nice, it has some problems here and there but overall it’s a new neat idea that has huge potential. The problem is the dungeon design, the “only zeker, stack in corner” is the most effective way of doing them atm and it’s peer enforced rather than content enforced. Introducing the “old trinity” isn’t a solution, reinforcing the current trinity might be a better solution, you know the damage-control-support.

antigaming path sellers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


i don’t tink someone can do all the istance alone and after they sell :P

They can.
Money from crafting, good joke.
I do partly agree with some of us being more tolerant with new players.
I fail to see where the pay2win is.

[Suggestions] Dungeons in general

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Moved to [Unofficial Dungeon Suggestion Thread!]

Unofficial Dungeon Suggestion Thread!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


• Have auto-attack chain that makes sense (eg a giant having 2 fast autos and one big charged one) , melee mobs cleave (faster attacks) ( some damage adjustments)
• Some having down state
• Better AI
– having reactive dodges and block ( trying to leave the aoe*(dodge out maybe) )
– trying to flank players (some of them eg inquest assassins)
– Following on an arc in when losing los instead of the shortest path
– Ranged trying to keep their distance and can attack while moving

• Having class similarities
• Having more aoe
• Healing themselves and allies ( some of them ,poison makes much more sense in pve)
• If it’s a projectile, it’s reflectable, end of story!
• Some calling for help
• Having cast timers
• Hard hitting abilities having visible tells

• Defiant hard cap replaced with a soft one, every consecutive cc adds a stack and a timer each hard cc reducing the duration of the next by 25% – 50% and adding another stack and increasing the duration of the timer, when 100% is achieved the boss gets immunity to cc for the duration left on the timer. So player can interrupt key abilities without stunlocking them.

• Same AI changes as the mobs

Why: Mobs right now are dumb as a rock, they don’t react to anything the player does to them, they will flock together in the biggest/ hardest hitting aoe in the game without a second though, this make them boring in my opinion, having them dodge/avoid attacks , grouping and helping each other would make a much more interesting encounter for the party, would keep everyone on their toes, and feel more rewarding when defeating a group of them. Having them run to other groups for help or trying to get some of the downed ones could make control builds much more useful ,the auto-attack chain makes the flow of the battle much more natural and it opens confusion up as a viable pve condition ( how many ppl have watched as their confusion stacks gradually die without doing a single tick of damage)

• Damaging condition stack independently ( poison healing reduction only once) ( with condition bullets and some trait/skill changes eg: epidemic spreads only necromancer’s conditions)
• Conditions have 2x, 3x base duration
• Healing power scales better (2x, 3x)
• Boons radius increased (240 is a joke )

Why: Condition builds suffer greatly in dungeons, a full condition build has damage potential but it’s held back but other players skills that apply conditions as a second effect (eg: elementalist churning earth), also they take a while to ramp up so a bigger duration would help achieve that faster, also it helps hybrid builds, I think these changes will bring condition builds more in line with power ones. Conditions can still use the current interface , just increase the cap to 125 stacks bleeding/confusion/torment and when someone in your party place the condition you just see the shield icon, when you place it, it gains stacks, same can be done with the duration stacking ones, just add the white edge to the ones you put.
Healing power is an underpowered stat in pve , you have to sacrifice a lot to gain a little more healing , increasing the scaling without touching the base healing would make healing power a viable stat choice, and no it won’t make dedicated healers, there are still cooldowns to keep that in check, as for boon(and some healing) radii some are so small(240) it’s not even worth mentioning if you aren’t stacked ,eg: elementalists healing ripple, it seems good on paper but if you’re further than 240 from any player it cuts it’s healing to 20%.

TL;DR: no more paths, smarter mobs, better rewards, more viable stat combos

Unofficial Dungeon Suggestion Thread!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Hello, here are some few idea that I think would make dungeons better as an experience and not just a quick money grab. I love going into a dungeon but it’s saddening how we ended up, with one stat to do it all , getting in corners and such. Now I don’t bash/rage at people doing that, I know that it is the most effective way to do it , and there the problem stems I believe. Guildwars 2 combat system is amazing , it offers so much flexibility yet we’re still stuck in one build to rule it all and it is a waste. I tried to keep the suggestions to what already is in Gw2 ,and to be PVE only, I realize some of the changes would be awful in PVP or WvW , so again PVE ONLY.

Dungeon design ( explorable)
• No more paths , all mobs and bosses in the dungeon already , rewards based on % of things killed and key bosses akin to paths
• Requiring lvl 80
• Randomized trash mobs (spawn location and diversity, keeping in theme with the dungeon, we have RNG everywhere, why not have where it matters)
• Better loot on the trash mobs ( tokens tradable at a npc)
• Randomized events and secret rooms ( eg : troll in ac opens a passage to a troll nest that guards a chest )
• Having some event chains (deliver some story elements, eg: a stranded priory team in AC that has to be escorted back to the camp, an undercover seraph as a bandit boss and having to collect some kind of poison to feign his death so he can be extracted without suspicions, collecting bomb parts form golems in CoE for a big bomb that shuts down a power node, etc)
• Length : A full clear run should take 1-3 maybe 4 hours for dungeons like arah Some DR on loot for repeating the dungeon.

- Gold reward distributed amongst the mobs, bosses, events, secret chests
- A special acc bound item dropped only by the trash mobs ,specific to the dungeon ,tradable on an npc(eg: ascalonian artifacts for AC , inquest design plans for , orrian artifacts etc.), these tokens can be used to buy exotic trinkets with matching stats, t6 mats and cores, one type of core/t6 per dungeon. , and players would go to a diff dungeons for diff mats) (maybe a new collection with drops from trash mobs)
- More dungeon tokens overall 300-500 for full completion
- More karma (3-10 k per full run) ,granted by killing bosses doing events etc
- Bosses have a small chance of dropping weapon and armor boxes akin to the pvp-ones
Why: Dungeons should be a fun and somewhat challenging group content with fun the key work, right now dungeons are boring, yes , boring stack here, skip these , stack there , all done, from what I’ve seen the real challenge in some dungeons are skipping the trash mobs instead of bosses, I feel it should be the other way around. That said dungeons are already mainly done with lvl 80 players so this change won’t affect anyone that much.
By removing the paths, the dungeon can be done in smaller chunks catering both “hardcore” and “casual” players , resets when all players leave the dungeon and I use those terms loosely, I’ve seen too many people saying that casual=idiots /noobs /whatever , and not what they really are, players that do not invest a lot of time into a game. People like a challenge and being rewarded for beating it, what is doesn’t cater is entitled players. Also removing the rigidness of a path makes players want to explore more, which they should do in an explorable mode, ( I don’t think there are many people that know of Baelfire’s coffin in CoF, or the ghostly planks in AC). A-net put a lot of effort in creating the dungeon aspect, I’ve looked at Arah map, it’s huge, it has immense potential to explore , to get lost in it for hours to see what’s on the next corner even if we have to plough through trash mobs just to see it. Speaking of trash mobs, again the effort put into making them was huge but they are more rewarding if skipped than killed , which I find saddening , and some groups are a pain to deal with, way harder than the bosses themselves, just look at the TA knights, or Arah , parties usually wipe there and not at the bosses, rescaling them and making them worthwhile would actually make them a target instead of just hoops to jump through , to that respect I suggest introducing the new type of currency, the trinkets make sense since we have weapons and armors but no trinkets( and by trinkets I mean amulets, rings , earring) . Tier 6 and cores, this would give us players direct and visible means to gather some of the materials for our items, one type of each core/T6 per dungeons so we have a reason to go to certain dungeons beside “it’s the biggest gold/h”. Why cores and not lodestones? To make Miyani happy (so we can spend some of our gold that we get in the dungeon).

Any "tanky" build for pve explore?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


Well you can try this, .

Pretty tanky/dps and healing shouts helps a lot. If you don’t like to use rifle you can change the first major in arms with rending strikes or furious speed. Also if you like to run around with a banner you can swich shrug it of with inspiring banners and get perma buff form them. I find traveler runes to be v good for exploring (+25% ms) and good overall stats. Food and consumable ,well anything that you like i guess for open world pve it’s not crucial to have a specific one.

Hope this helps

If you could change one thing...

in Ranger

Posted by: Cosmin.8306


How about remove the range dependency of damage on longbow since you won’t be able to stay at max range 90% of the time.