Showing Posts For Dutch Master.7208:

10/26 Gates of Madness vs Borlis Pass vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Starting to get weary of WvW. I kinda wish WvW was designed for shutouts, and that once your server won/lost, it’s shuffled to a new match. It’s extremely hard to justify 6+ hours a day for simple badges of honor, and the side buffs are hardly worth the effort.

Ah well, game on folks!

Playing WvW is its own reward… it’s fun!

19/10/2012 Emery Bay vs. Anvil Rock vs Borlis Pass

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Just popping in to say I think its been a great week. Anvil Rock has repeatedly been a very even match-up for us, and from what I’ve seen you guys have some really strong players/guilds. I hope we face each other again next week. I consider you guys our rivals

I’ll be really disappointed if BP is dropped down again to the lowest bracket…