Showing Posts For Dutch Master.7208:

Can't connect to my characters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Fort aspenwood

3 characters parked in lions arch cannot log.
3 characters parked in heart of the mists have no problems.
2 characters parked in rata sum and divinitys reach have no problems.

Also the entire guildwars2,com website unavailable for me. Posting from mobile phone because I couldn’t reach this forum from home network.

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)

Quaggan Tonic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

With the popularity of the new quaggan tonics I think its important to ask:

Why cant quaggans jump?

please fix this anet tyvm

Maintenance Oil Station

in Crafting

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Evon Gnashblade now sells a recipe for 5g to make a Maintenance Oil Station.

I bought it out of curiosity, and WOW the ingredient cost for this are way higher than expected.

30 crystalline dust = 6g
5 elonian leather squares = 16g

It says the station is consumable, which I presume means it will disappear once you use it.

I think I would rather buy everyone around me master maintenance oils (they cost 12s a piece)

What a nice waste of 5g that was. I VOTED FOR YOU EVON WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THAT


Huge Lagspikes out of nowhere today

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

I am also getting these horrible lagspikes recently. Started a few weeks ago maybe.

I have been using windows resource monitor to watch my latency as I play.
From Boston, US server Fort Aspenwood

From what I can see, the skill delay and rubberbanding comes only on specific servers for me. For example tonight, my latency on the Eternal Battlegrounds wvw server was ~500, but on the Tarnished Coast wvw server it would go back to a normal ~100 ping.

this situation is on and off though.
Went back to EB later that night and ping is back around 100 there too

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)

Friends List - Nickname removal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

gosh I feel dumb

thank you.

Friends List - Nickname removal?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208


Is there a way to remove a nickname from someone in your friends list?

I would like it to revert to normal and show ‘account.xxxx’ instead of a nickname. Can’t figure out how.

Thanks for reading.

A humble request for a pet stance keybind

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Please please please Anet

Please give us a keybind for changing pet stance from Guard to Avoid Combat

I change stances often and it is very frustrating to have to click that little button. This has been a sticking point with me since release.

I think all rangers would really appreciate it

Thanks for listening

invisible molten boulders in CoF p1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

thank you Q ho I will try this

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)

invisible molten boulders in CoF p1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208




invisible molten boulders in CoF p1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

this problem also happens at the Modniir Ulgoth boss and at multiple points in Arah path 4

I have tried adjusting graphics settings but it persists no matter what I change

my hope is that someone from ANet tell me what characteristics all these invisible targets share and will be able to help me solve this issue


'Skill recharging' in wrong chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Agreed, very frustrating.
Please remove this ‘Skill recharging.’ message Anet

invisible molten boulders in CoF p1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

screenshot attached

anyone had experience with this?
this is definitely a new issue for me in this hallway.


horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

It’s July

Alright it was just under a month ago, at the end of June. you know what patch I am referring to sheesh.

If you are complaining about this, you aren’t just looking for a reason to be unhappy, you’re looking hard.

Didn’t have to look very hard at all actually, I noticed the clunkiness of this new stealth skill in my first few minutes of play today. It added something totally unnecessary to the longbow without addressing the real problem of the weapon that has been around since literally the launch of the game: its lack of damage.

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

“Remorseless: This trait now reapplies Opening Strike when the ranger gains stealth…”

“Precise Strike: Opening strike always critical hits. "

How is this not a “Burst” damage boost?

okay I guess I have to take Remorseless now.
goodbye signet of the beastmaster

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Stealth is incredibly poweful.

Having Stealth is a direct damage increase for you on a Ranger

Because every second you’re not dead, the more damage you’ll end up doing.

I really hate this argument
I am talking about damage here. “Burst” damage.

If what you said had any relevance then we would see CoF speedrun groups wearing soldiers gear instead of berzerkers.

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

my point is that this was a damage nerf for the longbow and nobody realizes it because theyre happy about this fun new stealth mechanic.

The only way the damage is potentially NOT reduced is if you take the Remorseless trait so you can get opening strikes again after stealthing.

Ranger can still apply their vulnerability, but they can no longer put it to use with rapid fire. Now after making an enemy vulnerable its either stand there and auto attack or switch weapons to get some burst.

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Faster attack speed equals more damage.

ah I see, I thought you meant in today’s patch.

Even with the damage buff earlier this month I still find the longbow damage lacking.

And today’s changes have reduced the damage output. We lost an instant 10 stacks of vulnerability that we could throw on before bursting and instead gained a defensive survival skill. Horrible trade in my opinion.

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Longbow got more damage in the june patch.

how do you figure?

horrible longbow changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

ranger longbow did not need stealth
it needed damage

this was a NERF

the old longbow strategy was press 3 -> 2 so you take advantage of those delicious 10 stacks of vulnerability

now your rapid fire hardly gets any benefit

thanks anet
I didn’t need a stealth I could survive just fine.

I need bigger kittening numbers period.

fractals. harpies. invunlerable.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

still haven’t fixed this ‘invulnerable’ nonsense ANet?

doing the harpy fractal is like pulling teeth.

Do people still hate/avoid RANGER and THIEF?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Your group should be grouping up mobs and cleaving them. Rangers have single target dps which adds little value in that scenario which consists of half or more of a dungeon.

Thats so wrong…
Piercing shots trait is the most important ranger trait, bar none.

also longbow 5, greatsword 1 2 3.
I wont comment on other ranger weapons because I havent used them in a long time.

My ranger does excellent aoe damage. I prefer when mobs get clumped up. All those numbers from a quickening zephyr + rapid fire through a crowd… so nice.

Efficiency in skipping. Ranger Edition

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Not to mention your still on a ranger, anyone playing a ranger in dungeons is still obviously in a L2p situation

this is unhelpful advice and just plain wrong.
go back to your zerker warrior and stay in CoF1 speedrun groups please.

The best advice I can give for rangers who are trying to skip mobs is turn off “autotarget assist” or whatever its called and then use greatsword 3 (swoop) to get past groups of mobs .
Keep your pet on passive.
Also use warhorn speed and rampage as one.

p.s. I hate skipping and I think it ruins the game.
oh no my time spent doesnt equal the loot rewards~
people who think like this don’t actually enjoy playing GW2

Will Guild Missions need a levelled Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

This is really horrible news Anet.

I was so excited for this upcoming patch. I’ve been starving for some new content. But now I learn my small PvE oriented guild can’t experience it? Great…

Bring Back Ranger GS Damage from Beta

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Would you guys be willing to trade away the ‘evade’ on autoattack in exchange for more damage?

I know I would.

CoF path 1 ZERKR WARR ONLY must link gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Nope. I am happy this game finally has one activity with substantial farming rewards. Ever farm for charged lodestones? Now that’s something that doesn’t scale well with time and effort spent.

So you agree with me! The “farming rewards” from CoF path 1 are vastly superior to every other dungeon path in the game. I’m glad we could see eye to eye.

Now I’m going to go run CoF p1 multiple times on both my warrior and mesmer, since the updates on DR mean I get more tokens now. Maybe after gearing up my alts I can even convert leftovers to ectos.

best of luck to you! I hope you have fun.

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)

CoF path 1 ZERKR WARR ONLY must link gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

I do not agree with you.

You are lying to yourself.

CoF path 1 ZERKR WARR ONLY must link gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Why can CoF badges be turned in for high level rares?
Its an absolute goldmine for the path 1 farmers who salvage them for ectos to sell.

I think we can all agree that the rewards are not equal to the required time/effort/difficulty for this particular dungeon path.

CoF path 1 needs some serious changes. It needs a difficulty increase.

CoF path 1 ZERKR WARR ONLY must link gear

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Hey Anet,

Just an idea to put an end to the ridiculous state of this dungeon path.

Please consider giving all the path 1 bosses a strong retaliation buff. When I say strong I mean VERY strong.
Then maybe we will see less of these “4 zerker warr + mes” runs. Its really gotten out of hand already. Just look at gw2lfg on any given day and see for yourself.

Also, I’d like to see you make the bridge event unskippable.

Thanks for listening.

Ranger Downed Skill 3

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

I have this issue as well.

No more 'preview' for all armor types?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Give it back Anet.

I used to play with previews all the damn time. Like ALL THE TIME.

Give it back please. Why are you hurting your own game? I dont care if some textures get messed up every once in a blue moon. I want to preview all armor types!

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

To change the subject somewhat, I believe the pet just needs to be out to get the 5% from ranger runes, alive or downed makes no difference.

Ah is this true? I did not realize.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Wait why are many of you asking for a damage compensation with a stowed pet when you’re apparently pro without one and don’t need to rely on it.

You’re just being confrontational now.
It’s pretty obvious that the ranger was designed to have less damaging attacks than other classes because there was supposed to be supplemental damage coming from the pet.

The problem as it stands is that this supplemental damage system only works in theory because in a majority of game settings the pets die (ie every time there is something that needs to be dodged). Thus obviously to keep some semblance of class balance in the game it makes sense that a ranger build sans pet would need some sort of damage buff to compensate. My original post was not trying to “buff” rangers at all, but just keep things as they stand in terms of the theoretical damage output of our profession.

And also yes I am “pro” without my pet. Any ranger worth his salt has learned to be due to the nature of the game (pets being dead 75% of the time). After 600 hours on my ranger character I have concluded that the best way to run dungeons is to keep my pets on passive and treat them only as an extra boon spell (I use jungle stalker/red moa). Their offensive damage is laughable as they only can manage to get in a couple hits before dying. Also I run with 6 ranger runes and I always try to keep my pets alive as long as possible for that extra 5% damage, but even on passive mode they still die quickly to any aoes that come my way.

So please, be honest with me, do YOU really “rely” on your pet?

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

We get it Loki. You take your beastmaster roleplay very seriously.

But you have to admit there are times when it is beneficial to stow the pet! At the VERY least there should be an option to stow pet and keep it stowed, without the possibility of it popping out when entering combat (or taking fall damage).

Its just plain silly that the pet is more trouble than its worth in the numerous situations listed previously in the thread.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

It’s pretty sad that pets are meant to be “half” a Ranger’s damage when, in fact, they are one of the ranger’s largest liabilities.

There are times when I just DO NOT want my pet around.
Some examples:
- Fractal Jade Maw fight. Waste of time to keep pet out as it seems to get targeted more than players holding the reflecting crystals. Also it keeps getting targeted after its already dead…
- Fractal Jellyfish Boss. Essentially I have to keep my pet on passive for the duration of this boss fight because I cannot risk him getting any aggro at all. If I don’t keep him on passive he will get grabbed and eaten by the Jellyfish, and as there is no way to ‘break free’ your pet, he just sits there and makes the jelly invulnerable and self-healing for a full 30s or so (Even switching out pets does not negate this)
- Various other times when a group wants to “skip mobs”. I was doing Arah explore recently and was trying to sneak along a wall to avoid some champion mob patrolling the room. Everything was going fine until I took the tiniest fraction of fall damage and my pet popped out, far enough away from me that the mobs were pulled and my group wiped. (Its moments like this that make people not want to group with rangers)

There are so many more instances where having a pet is a disadvantage too but I can’t think of any more to list at the moment.

Also another point about pets, WHY is there no hotkey for switching passive/aggressive stances? This is one of the MOST important functions, and it is completely absurd that rangers have to manually click a tiny button to keep their pets in line.

Quickening Zepher

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

If you are using [Troll Ungent] or [Healing Spring], you can cast it at the very end of your 4 seconds of quickness. This makes it almost instant cast (instead of roughly 1 second cast time) and you can still receive almost the full healing as it ticks over time.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

A lot of fellow rangers I have talked to in game really like this idea.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

So I think a really great tweak to the ranger class would be to change the way stow pet button works. I propose something like this:

Stow Pet – Pet no longer automatically comes out upon entering combat. While pet is stowed, Ranger gets +15% damage.

That’s basically it. I think this would encourage more/different builds and also solve a lot of problems people have with pets at the moment.

11/30: AR/ET/GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Dear Anvil Rock,

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
We’ve missed you.

-Borlis Pass

Perma Stealth thieves are ruining WVW.

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

In an upcoming patch the WvW capture points will be updated to follow the same rules as the PvP capture points with respect to invisibility & invulnerability. As a result invisible & invulnerable players will no longer contest capture points.

This is wonderful news

(edited by Moderator)

11/16/12 : GOM - AR - BP (updated)

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Just to say, I really enjoy the small scrimmages I have against [WAR] and [Krew].

The feeling is mutual!

Had some great fights last night against GoM’s [KB] (I think that was their tag, “Killa Beez”). Really fun skirmishes at supply camps/in open fields. Couldn’t bring myself to log off last night until well past my normal bedtime!

See you again tonight!

Ranger shooting through stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

They better not change this. Its just about the only advantage a ranger has on a thief, and even then only if you start your rapid-fire at just the right time. If they made rapid fire stop tracking thieves who go stealth, I would legitimately drop my ranger and reroll professions.

The ranger vs thief matchup is already imbalanced as it stands. Thieves are essentially a hard counter, the “anti-ranger”. If anything they should BUFF rangers ability to attack through stealth.

>I would legitimately drop my ranger and reroll professions.
scratch that. Thought more about it, after all the time I’ve invested in my ranger, if they further nerfed my ability to fight thieves I would probably just uninstall.

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

finally found a way to get rid of my trenchcoat and show off some skin.


Get Rid of the Swamp Fractual.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

its awful and not fun at all.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

My latest goal in game has been to upgrade my accessories to exotic.
So far I had only managed to get my rings and backpack to top of the line levels.
Figures that this is exactly the gear that the new patch will be replacing. FML :/

Why did I even bother spending 5g on a guild backpack? Why did I waste my ectos on crafting exotic rings and jewels? Its all obsolete now and I am feeling very discouraged.

A couple of grouping bugs I've seen in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

That first bug is very strange, never heard of that happening…

The second bug I experience all the time. When I am in a party with others it always says they are in WorldvsWorld (Kaineng)… but we are not fighting against Kaineng server.

Just wanted to add another WvW party bug to the list:


[Idea] The Pigeons of WvW and the Defenders of the Keep

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

I really like this idea!

Great post Urrid!

Ranger vs. Thief

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

What race is your ranger?

I don’t understand, what difference does that make?

I usually have Axe/Horn equiped, aswell as a wolve in pvp.
So to deal with a thief the best way you need to chill him with axe 3, then use horn 5 and wolve petskill. This way you can run as fast as you can and try to escape while that theif is feared and chilled.
Hopefully you find some teammates that can deal with the enemy for you.
That’s actually the best tactic for every enemy in sPvP right now!
I used this special tactic for the past few weeks and it works pretty well.
Same should work for WvW

I was hoping for a more helpful strategy than ‘just run away!’

Ranger vs. Thief

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

Hey fellow rangers.

Just wondering how you guys best deal with enemy thieves.
They give me more trouble than any other class. I am speaking primarily from a WvW perspective.

I am so fed up with fighting thieves I am willing to respec my entire build, get all new exotic weapons & gear, whatever it takes. My hate for the thief knows no bounds.

Please share your thief fighting tips below!

The complaints have to stop

in Thief

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

>All these QQ’ers probably never even played thief! They don’t know how hard we have it!

Please. Why don’t YOU try playing another class and see how difficult it is to deal with a thief.

As a ranger there is almost nothing I can do vs thief. Here are the arguments I’ve seen on this board:

>just use your stun/root and they’re toast!
But thieves can escape my entangle roots with the push of a button…

>drop your AoE’s when he stealths!
This never works. They run (or should I say cartwheel flip) right through the traps/arrow-rain and proceed to down me in 2 seconds.

>thieves are so glass, just burst them and they’ll go down!
one, when a thief feels like he is going to die, he just blink-teleports away. Zoop! out of reach, and able to run away until hes fully healed. Yeah you cant catch a thief when he wants to run, period.
two, when a thief feels like he is going to die from my ranged attack, he can always just spin2win and reflect all my damage for, what, 10 seconds or so? way too long.

Someone, please tell me,
How am I supposed to deal with a thief as a ranger?

cant wait for the “l2p”, “u r bad”, etc etc. replies

10/26 Gates of Madness vs Borlis Pass vs Anvil Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

It’s fun, yes. It’s also costly to my time. I spend 1-2g a day minimum on WvW, 3-4g on reset day.

All for what? Next week we start over and gain nothing.

How can you spend so much?? I routinely keep ~5 of each siege unit in my bags (excluding golems) but I only use badges to purchase them. Are you saving badges for armor or something?

I guess I spend money on repairing armor, but I always seem to come out of WvW with more gold than I went in with so I guess the loot value outweighs the repair costs.