Showing Posts For Ergolicious.1507:
Thx for your answer but I really don’t think it would fix the issue. It started appearing at the same time the EU servers quality started dropping some weeks ago. I think it’s more related to that, somehow and thus, on Anet’ side to fix the fecking problem.
But I might try your solution anyway…
What the HELL is up with that. In pvp, everybody is getting FIVE secondes lagspike every minutes/or are getting disconnected straight up. It’s becoming QUITE annoying.
I’ve even had some weird issue where my character suddenly doesn’t folow my camera anymore (meaning it will simply run where he is facing, in a straight line even though I’m moving my camera around, for exemple). And when that happens, well it’s UNPLAYABLE, simply put.
Either you’re getting DDOS’d h/24 and there’s nothing to do about it or FIX IT . It’s been like that for about 3 weeks and it’s only getting WORSE. Do you plan on doing anything? ANY info really?
Fact is, in PVP (please stop those WvW/pve discussion when a balance patch comes out, nobody freaking cares…), Warrior was too strong. The upcoming adrenaline change will hurt Warrior A LOT in general because even though there are builds who don’t make use of adrenaline at all, the hammer + bow build was BY FAR the strongest one when played well. (or even Hammer + anything really). And those builds become a billion times weaker if you don’t use (and soon miss) your adrenaline skills. Every Warrior build who don’t use their adrenaline are laughable lackluster builds who can just be ignored (“lawl you’re wrong I do a lot of damage with my tanky GS only build”).
I personally play Mace + shield / Gs mainly on my War and I will be honest, I do miss f1 (everybody does, stop kittening lying) sometimes simply because I get outplayed. Warrior will be a real challenge to play when the patch hits the deck because when Berzerker stance is on cd, you don’t restore 3 bars of adrenalien within 7 secondes so landing your f1 skills will be CRUCIAL.
Not the mention the fact adrenaline will also be at ZERO for every encounter… (when Necros, for exemple, can count on their fully charged death shroud from past fights to compensate their “so called weak damage and survability”.)
All that to say that we will be seeing a LOT less warriors pretty soon lol.
Okay…. so I really don’t understand, even REMOTELY, how anyone could defend that skill… torch #5 is utter garbage for SEVERAL obvious reasons (just read Simonoly’s post if you’re too clueless to realise it by yourself) and it needs and deserves a change. No discussion needed about that fact.
As the title says, my character sometimes suddenly doesn’t folow my camera anymore. I mean that, it only changes directions with manually cliquing directional keys, thus turning VERY slowly.
To be even clearer, my directional keys are W (moving forward) A (move to left) S (moving backwards) D (move to the right). Now let’s say I press W and move my camera around to DIRECT the direction of my character (like I’ve ALWAYS done so far), it simply won’t turn, it will only run in a straight line, where my character is facing. I have to press A or D so it will SLOWLY turn and change its direction. Useless to say it’s absolutely UNPLAYABLE.
I have this weird issue since a few days only and I just can’t figure how to fix it. Sometimes the issue pops up and goes away without any reason though.
I usually don’t have problem been a in 2v1 fight but fighting two necros on a 2v1 is pure suicide.
So that’s what’s happening in WvW nowadays? How pointless…
Whenever I can I take Harmonious mantras and mender’s purity with heal mantra. It’s 6 condis cleansed every 10 (12 if you count recharge time) seconds. Whenever I run with that I feel basically immune to condi builds, except maybe certain necro builds.
I’ve pulled it off in a few builds and each time I’ve just lol’d at condi thieves, engineers, etc. Like I said sometimes Necros get a little crazy even with the above, but the rest are close to a joke.
That is just HM/MP by itself, throw in AT or any other condi clear utility and you really are basically untouched by any condi build.
I don’t get why mesmer’s complain that we have no condi removal. We have insane condi removal, you just have to really build for it :-/
With a power build you get the added perk of centaur runes giving you perm swiftness if you build like the above. It’s pretty sweet. Running a condi build is a bummer after getting used to centaur.
You’re right. People don’t understand that you have to sacrifice a bit of offense if you want to be able to face a wider number of builds. You want to not get demolished against condi spammers? then trade some offense for mender’s purity and harmonious mantra. It’s the same story for every freaking class (thief needs to trade some offense for defensive traits if they want some condi clearing, Engis too, etc etc).
(edited by Ergolicious.1507)
I’ve been trying Mace + shield / GS since a few days and I just can’t stop playing. This is way too much fun but I admit that the Adrenaline nerf will hit pretty hard.
The auto isn’t that bad tbh (and it’s getting slighty buffed) but the 2 and 3…. especially the 3. A ONE seconde melee daze on a 15 sec cd.. it’s pretty obvious it needs some kind of buff.
And like someone suggested already, I would be up for a stun on the #2 counterattack, it really wouldn’t be too good and would be quite handy.
EDIT: I actually never played Mace when it was 1/4 cast time on f1, that sounds way too good, holy.
(edited by Ergolicious.1507)
troll thread for bad players of other classes to “discuss” how they want to nerf another class.
In game where thief is a ultra heavy duty double duty evasion tank, plenty of stuff to fix first
Also, if you honestly think Hambow is the only viable build, you’re just another typical trashy Warrior player and you should stop voicing your opinion.
(edited by Ergolicious.1507)
I personally think it’s an awesome buff. We currently only have 2 ways of applying torment: Scepter 2 (hoping they attack us when we use it) and a grandmaster trait. So we really don’t have that many ways of applying a really cool condition in my opinion. I think it will be a lot more fun and give people a reason to use scepter more often. I have ran scepter for a long time anyway, so I am glad one of my main weapons just happens to be getting an extra effect.
You’re clueless. You see this change as a “cool extra effect” while it will make Scepter totally overpowered. A lot of people don’t realise it and I hope Anet manages to spot the beginners voicing their opinions on this forum.
To answer you, OP, what is stupid is the UPTIME of the condition. You will be able to have several stacks of torment 100% of the time on the target with ONLY spamming 1. The idea of the change is just…
Maybe make that only the last skill of the chain applies a big chunk of Torment aswell as creating the clone. So you actually have to time your autoattack (with dazes, watch your opponents endurance bar etc) so the guy doesn’t dodge/block it.
So they’re giving more survivability… to a class which didn’t need any more survivability in PvE…
I understand this might be cool for PvP, but it really sounds like they are ignoring all the problems in PvE. Cleave on Dagger autoattack wont do anything, Necros need some form of team support to justify their existence in dungeons.
When will certain people realise the balance of this game isn’t related to PvE. Christ.
For me personally, good Warriors hammer / double sword or axe + shield are giving me a really hard time. The thing is hammer’s cooldowns are way too short, it’s ludicrous. You don’t have your cantrips up all the time where the perma disabling NEVER stops when you face a hammer warrior. Hammer simply does way too much damages (2-3k per skill) WHILE stunning. I can only play to survive once they switch to hammer, it’s just impossible to focus on dealing damages while you have to think about dodging EVERY cc spell. And even when you dodge accordinly, SEVEN seconds later and you eat another earthshaker… The upcoming nerf should balance that matchup out a bit I think.
Also had some troubles against 2-3 Necros. Necro is the only class I didn’t try so it’s hard to say what build they were using exactly.. but some HEAVY dagger / focus power builds I believe. If they get the jump with a fear, forcing me to go Water quickly to heal / cure some condi, I mostly end up losing due to too much cc and constant pressure ( I was taking some 4k from Spinal shivers).
EDIT: not so much problems against thiefs either. The number of aoe we got coupled with both auras makes it pretty hard for Thiefs, even Sword / dagger ones.
(edited by Ergolicious.1507)
One word: Caltrops <3
Been playing P/D forever; making people whine since then.
Like many said, s/d was overpowered and got rightfully nerfed. Still totally viable.
Regarding d/p nerf, I’m happy as it was just way too easy to play. Both those builds require some more brain to play, which is ALWAYS a good thing no matter what.
p/p got nerfed and buffed at the same time. Still unplayable weaponset in pvp anyway. Decent in WwW.
d/d buffed slightly with the cleave. Good.
Actually the ONLY tweak I’m not allright with, is the shotbow 4 nerf; the weapon was well balanced overall and it didn’t need any tweak. But it’s not a huge nerf anyway.
Overall good tweaks. There will always be people whining about their overpowered builds getting nerfed, that’s inevitable.