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Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


No zerg and no wvw guild on fs and desolation?

spawn camped? wtf? complaining about spawn camp confirm meyou aren’t on the right server for WvW
Tips : there is a side exit inside your starting camp leading you to 3 exits to jump in the lake. its like a 50m large area side exit

Open your map.

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


wvw is boring, heavily unmanned the whole time, cant do jack #@$* or take anything, pity.. i had high hopes..

If what you are looking is even fights just following a zerg, go on a low tiers www server. not on a first tiers against vizunah

VS have all the french hardcore trifaction WvW MMO guilds which were dominating Daoc and Warhammer. they aren’t from different countries like fs and desolation and they know each other since a long time
Even during days these guilds don’t go in a zerg but let the zerg of peons do what they want while they harass enemy zergs and position sometimes just to deplete ressource with small groups of 8 to 15 everywhere.
They also use fake moves, guerilla tactics to battle 10 vs 50.
They use groups of thief scouts to kill dolyaks, inform on enemy moves to get on their back and even stole the work of a server on another on a second door or even on a boss

Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


canadians are split on NA servers
mostly regroup on Northen shiverpeaks for the quebec community
Just have a look to the flags of guilds and their description on their link

We can also go on VS full of french flag with 2 swiss 2belgium 1 romania and also 8 international. When we follow their link they are from france germany nordic europe uk and north africa

We can also go look the FS guilds
or Desolation guild
WTF we have all countries of the world flags even Korean Oo hardcore farmers

Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Still haven’t encounter one canadian on VS and i play mostly at night. Even if they speak french they are easy to spot since we don’t speak french the same way.

i was on desolation map from1am to 8am this night and half of night we were 15 vs 50 from FS. I like it when im outnumbered
But there is a small VS 30 people zerg who goes from a map to another when it goes green and they are all french. So when they came on my map around 5 or 6 am it goes green fastly

but last days we have more and more russians nordic and germans coming on Vizunah to earn gold and karma at night.
Some of them also like to stand doing nothing except spamming and trolling on Map chat, talking in english while only french was used before :x. They are there to inform FS of VS movements while spamming how we suck and how skill they are. VS guilds use thief scout to do this job haha.
We had 2 russians spamming about canadian in english while we were 15 against 50 at 4 am with only french living in france or expatriates french living in asia for work
We are not so much at night so i pretty much know most of them since its mostly the same and VS have lot of old school MMO freak french using same pseudo or variance of the pseudo through all MMO since a decade
Gw2 is fun for this since the no faction thing made it that all my old friends and ennemies are now on the same side on the same server. Never had such a big and famed FL in a game in a week

(edited by Exewre.2837)