Showing Posts For Exewre.2837:

Grand Cross, Vizunah alliance position

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


he didn’t turn around
he just proclaim a vote he didn’t took part in as a leader

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


I haven’t been on desolation for long but i have to say its so frustrating waking up in the morning to see VS capped everything at 4am while you were asleep and gained a nice amount of points. I would love to see WvW a 12 hour event and shutdown at night so prime time fights were more intense and stop the door smashing simulator.

And if you want for some reason to play 24/7 they can allow you to pick a second server with a different prime time to represent.

if you shut down at night, deso ll be in trouble since they do points at night and at lunch time
Thats why they are talking now about cheats and morningcap since they are the nightcappers

is insta rezzing a keep lord intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


all classes have rez lord skill except thief
ranger have even 2
In fact warrior is the worst possible since its an elite with 240s cd while others have non elite revive skill with cd from 15 to 40s. also casting time of war banner is longer than for others classes

But hey lets bash the warrior since we see the animation better

Reviving keep lord with Battle Standard

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Only thiefs can’t do it
All classes can with non elite… so with a shorter cd….easier to remplace it after 15 to 40s
Only warrior is forced on an elite
Also ranger but he have 2 ways to do it : an elite and a non elite

Perhaps people should look a bit more about their skills and the game

Reviving keep lord with Battle Standard

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Most of the classes have a skill to do it… not only war and elite banner. But wait ! you have to take another skill out to get it like warriors do since it isnt the most sexy elite they have
Also they arent invisible, have to get in range and are easy to interrupt since its a really animated 2s cast
So just do like good guilds do. Defense, push them back and give thie focus job when a lord is done to people spec rightly in your raid

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Not to fight, ill do that in prime time EU. Thats around the time that we are running in your T3 garrison.

The question of the banner. Everybody is doing it for months. Never hear a complain before. But I really want a clear statement from Anet about that, not sure we will…

There isn’t only the banner.
I know at least 3 classes who can do the same and since day one. they all have already been nerfed from rezzing players and are used since start
But it isn’t difficult to keep people from using their skill with a defense and a focus. These classes aren’t invisible and have to get at 600 to use their skill. Just push them back and interrupt their 2s cast if one succeed to approach. that’s what we do without complaining.

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


We’ll win next week, bring your A game VS, your going down.

A game will only come for french server.
Arborstone in the past and jade sea in the future. The 3rd server will have a great chance for the win since they won’t be focus and can choose to only focus one or another for a week long
Simply cause motivation isn’t the same against people you know for 10 years and there is always a 1500+ post a week war on unofficial forum ..but its more troll, jokes and pulling than whine

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Interesting post :
Read the beginning and think which server had first in place.
Read the end and do the same.

Compare the text of the authors…

It’s just eloquent.

Have a good day.

So true and so funny to read.

Seems german and french are more mature in general..there r always exceptions
They will just fight to the end even outnumbered at night like this all week and never ragequit, bedquit, jobquit till they have the upperhand even if its at 5am after 5h of neverquitting hard defense
There is still 36h to go but deso is already giving up and start to complain and withdrawing from battlefield Oo
wow 36h .. vizunah will never surrender with 36h to go

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.


I cannot see this video, but whatever aint hard to edit a video, is the video over 10 mins as we were in the lords room for around 15 minutes.

Its a 3h raid stream.
Timers for fight asked by forum warriors are in description
Youtube dnt allow more in 720p and ask some time to publish it when submit after raid
Wl must be full of genius to edit such a video in less than 10 mns … wait… they are

(edited by Exewre.2837)

What is "Night capping" for you?

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Don’t use Geo-ip (all ip are registred in Austin, Texas), but tracert give Francfurt for all ips used when i’m in wvw.

Lol an internet site
Keep your informatic tips and lessons
Just type a simple command in Dos. Period

(edited by Exewre.2837)

What is "Night capping" for you?

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


What are you talking about?
all servers are in Austin texas. So whatever server you go you ll have the same ping; but you can retrace your route to have less routeurs on the way.
Just do a tracer in Dos and you will see its coming from Austin. In fact when NA is coming in EU, its europeans who have lag. Seems legit Oo

False, a tracert on IP used by the game locates server near Frankfurt, Germany.

Just chek 2 mns ago and its austin for me on EU server… again with 24 routeurs

What is "Night capping" for you?

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


if people choose to play on servers that have vastly higher ping for whatever reason, what you think can be done against it ?
i guess it can be inconvenient that ‘some’ people that live in a far away time zone happen to be playing on the same server as you…

What are you talking about?
all servers are in Austin texas. So whatever server you go you ll have the same ping; but you can retrace your route to have less routeurs on the way.
Just do a tracer in Dos and you will see its coming from Austin. In fact when NA is coming in EU, its europeans who have lag. Seems legit Oo


in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Merging of servers won’t happen within the first 6 months of a game launch. Atleast I doubt it will. The server transfers are still free, they don’t force anything yet. They haven’t even made an official statement about the current state WvW is in due to the free transfers.

They will merge servers like a year down the line, when people have settled in and they realize this is as good as it gets as it comes to us players trying to create balance.

Not really. big elitist guilds in DE and FR are starting to leave in EU and they are followed on their community forums by others in every game they go. Its quite special for these 2 countries cause they have lot of gamers and really closed community forums(max 2 each) where they do the weather and tell where you have to be. its different for english speaking people where there isn’t such a concentration and snowball afteraffect
So i don’t see how they will keep 13 servers with their tag more than 2 monthes. It ll be soon divide by at least 2
Why do you think they have free alpha key for most of games sometimes a year before launch..or are invite for demos and conventions?
The only chance of Gw2 is that they are a non stuff / non fee games so you can do a 3 month stop with no impact if you decide to comeback. But that also means it easier to leave and see how it is elsewhere for a guy with no real connection and who just want to follow the wave and fight where there is competition

(edited by Exewre.2837)


in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Merging will come fast
Everyone playing MMo since a decade and feeling whats is going on actually on Gw2 are used to this
it will start with a tag merging….one fr and one De server instead of 6 and 7 for EU
Then US and EU will be merge since they will need at last 30 servers to do a ladder
Nothing sad here..its how it always goes . Bad decision just help to make it faster but even a perfect management will never prevent this

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Then you should be truly ashamed your loosing to Desolation then yeah. No strategy but loosing? Doesnt quite add up does it

VZ guild still haven’t been in 3w since reset and im not sure we will
For my part did 91h last week and still 0 since reset but i slept 18h straight

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


But its true
Fights were lot more competitive before. Last week was really boring for a T1 match up.
Desolation and especially Ruin the night is full of guys with no strategy, no siege weapons, hitting doors with teeth and just packing like a roman turtle in open to divide damage. I can see my rune of blood go from 0 to 25 in less than a minute and its like it did nothing to their raid with the outnumbering and the coma status
Also, I do same damage on them than i did first 3w weeks when it was full of unstuff and non 80 players..

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


@celimdor haha so true
i don’t really like been called names like frogs for nothing at home.
Perhaps we should call US guys by our country nickname for them too…Pigs

Please Keep timezones separated

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Seems lag is also an issue.
Just check my connection on my “EU” server and its coming from…..Austin, Texas. So its EU just in name
Europeans are the ones lagging on “EU” server when NA guys are coming in Europe..So fair xD

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Desolation Battle Report

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


How can they is an alliance since vizunah guild especially WL still haven’t enter 3W since reset?
Fight was last we get hours back and just don’t care

Tonight we dine in Hell !

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


what about Singaporeans ? Italians ? Norwegians ? And so many more… ?
In fact everyone but English/American have a claim to unfairness ^^

Its not even arena net fault but their own country fault
You aren’t allowed to sell or advertise a game in germany or france if there isn’t a version of the game and a manual in german and french.
So Anet is forced to localize their game and spend buck to earn some more and since half of european buyers are french and german they do FR/DE servers. gamer community is quite large in these countries so you end with13 FR/DE in europe..its more than half of europe or us servers

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Seems the solution isn’t really gpu related after 50 guys already on screen
upgrading and overclocking cpu have help a lot with invisible raid incoming when already 50 people on screen

My Solution to the 'nightcap' issue

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


When i read nightcapping, my mind is thinking nightslacking
Especially this week with germans coming in our division.
They are as much as us during night sometimes more some time of the night. When they are less they defend well and are used to upgrade everything
we have fun fights till 6 am at least. the 6/8 am period is really a transition period between night and day teams where we are still dominant but its just a few nights and it can change in the future just by some organisation since its just a 2h gap

So the third server which is whinning since weeks against nightcapping find itself in a nightslacking position against us 2. Just hope they will be remplace by a non slacker next week to have 3 side all night fights

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Exploitable Bug Caught in Action: Abusing the Character on screen limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


mesmer portal isn’t used to become invisible but to get on the back and have the firsts attacks( sometimes more with all idiots not even seing their life depleting or from where its coming) without being seen/ take ennemy in a 2 side pinch with no exit

Looking for a stable WvW server

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


you reverse things. When a known pvp guild or alliance move somewhere, you have guilds and solo players following them by suceeding waves and 3 weeks later you ll have the same server as before with a different name

WvW Wishlist

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


lol 1 silver is too expensive?
i think i pay around 12 silver for a repair

But i find it too low. should be 1 or 2 golds, this way it will fix queue time and grinding joe will go grind elsewhere

Please match servers based on night time activity.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


not hard to find enemys on night time. just go to puzzle jump; its a badge fest.
But be careful, they can be a lot more than your zerg

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Finally found a canadian on VS. i almost cried when he told me he was living in switzerland

Exploitable Bug Caught in Action: Abusing the Character on screen limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Clipping is indeed a problem and its only a week old. i don’t know what dev did but it was not so much of a problem before
and if there is a technical issue, making at last the red tag name appear should be a medium solution
calling it bug-abusing seems strange since you can’t decide when you are visible or not. You can’t even know if you were or not visible afterhand. So staying crafting or doing jump puzzle seems the only way to no bug exploit in wvw

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


By all means,let’s ALL spread around correctly shall we ?

Shall we start with the NA community,so that some of the lower pop servers are evened out some ?

The Oceanic community looks pretty spread out to me,there is only so many of us to go around.

Perhaps the Aussies should start a Mercenary Guild and hire out to the highest bidder and grant their loyalties to no one server ? Maybe Anet could make it possible with the Guesting system. =P

Wouldn’t that be dandy ? Then the low pop servers could complain about the high pop servers being able to spend more valuable gold on night capper Mercs. hahaha

Seriously guys,you need to start poaching some other time zone players or offer up some alliances for your server

Get all cloak and dagger like,politics and subterfuge is a big part of war,start doing what you must to compete.

GW2 is not about NA or EU and the server dosn’t belong to you,you belong to it.

So, you actually now want to take advantage of the situation to racket gold from the servers? I can see it already :
- It’s a nice keep you got here all upgraded and the like. It would be a shame of some people would come tonight and capture it for the green team, isn’t it?


So? it may sound mafia like but wvw is no pvp. it involves politic and organisation. So finance may look like a possible part of it. i find it fun and great just as much as alliance of 2 servers

But isn’t what nations and organisations do everytime?
Switzerland was a very expensive mercenary army for so long before moving to finance
Real Usa mafia get advantages when Eisenhower ask for a landing in sicilia then italy
Eisenhower was making pay De Gaulle with no credit gold bars and ate national gold reserve in 9 monthes and it was one of the biggest in the world

So much examples in history and it was even worse during middle age and antiquity. only school books and news talks about liberty or helping people for free

Forget Aussies. Horde of chinese gold farmers will keep your fort 24h/24 if you pay well. and farming chinese gold farmer in masse is one of my old dreams xD

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


I love how every single day, Far Shiverpeaks cries on and on about how the French are nightcapping, blaming canadians, blaming french more population, ect.

But what they aren’t mentioning is all of their previous match ups against other servers where they did pretty much what the French are doing now. Yeah I agree the French nightcap, but so did we against all the other servers we epicly destroyed. You’re all just crying because basically they;
a) they do it better
b) they are A LOT more organzied than us.
b) they actually defend their supply cams
d) majority actually know when to stop pushing and defend (build up ect)

We are ultimately relying on simply zerging everything, then at nighttime when obviously their more ‘skilled’ core (maybe for the intent of people sleeping, i duno. but either way it’s completely fair, see ‘art of war’ for reasons why)

Stop crying, accept the fact the majority of us play like the risen and start listening to the commanders, join a proper PvP guild and HELP FSP by joining TS servers, forum posts, ect. Register on the FSP forums – join an alliance, help, co-operate with people!

Just my 2 cents.

-Disko Laoise

you guys rely on your night players to make any impact, you saw clearly what happens on the weekend when real life obligations can be halted, then comes the week and all the efforts are nullified, our overpowering lead turned to owning no points at all, …. but all is fair in love and war i suppose.

Kids, Friends, family, not staying stuck at home (sports, restaurant, nightclub), socializing, getting hours sleep back come in first before work so real time obligations seems more on the week end than the week.
this way you have time for work and gw2 during week days but you are right, what im talking about seems more important for frenchs than others. after all they are known for their “art de vivre” (way to enjoy life)

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Most people forget the important point : WvW is not PvP

wvw involve politic and social organisation. Its not just about fighting and pvp is a really small part of WvW
its made to be unfair and you have to organise and work to make it fair or to make it unfair with you on the good side

Don’t try to put WvW in a cage cause you will lose in the process, his unique part .
We have wait for a long time for a decent and real time Wvw game to finally launch. Gw2 wvw have actually no concurrence and his unique
there are plenty of other games around and since gw2 is free of monthly fees, you can play it as a 2nd game easily

Egality, no farming stuff and easy 5 men organisation work exist in spvp tourney

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


i have edit to be more explicit since i think the most relevant is about draw and whining
But i don’t see why it would be london. Moscow is larger and pvpers seems better there from my experience since i fight against the 2

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


The simplest solution is score normalising throughout a 24 hour period . this way you don’t exclude anyone playing at irregular hours.

below is a copy from another post.

“I talked this subject to death on GW2Guru, but the answer is normalising scores across a 24 hour period.
To do this whilst maintaining the current WvW infrastructure you would have to split the day into sections maybe 6-8 hours in length. at the end of each period the side winning gets 3 points the second gets 2 and last gets 1 point or 2,1,0 if you are feeling mean.
The maps do not reset the simple ticking scores reset, by doing this if a side dominates completely during the downtime they deserve to win. but if a side scores a hard earned win during the peak hours they also score the same winning points.
what keeps people from not waiting for the time to tick over is that the map doesn’t reset so even if you’re 100,000 points down you’ll want to get as many points ticking over at the start of the next time interval.
by implementing a system like this Arena Net can maintain all of their current WvW scoring systems whilst not trivialising how WvW is won and without devaluing anyones playtime.”

servers fighting each others doenst have same local time. lot of draw will come out of this system in the end. i foresee even more whiners with 2 servers in a draw than one losing

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Do you know why in every MMO for a long time the Oceanic community gets together to designate unofficial Oceanic servers? Its because we have a smaller playerbase so we consolidate into fewer servers to ensure we have people to play with.

Have you ever played on an MMO server with a low population? That is what it’d be like for Oceanics and other offpeak players if you forced us to spread out too thinly across all servers. Its a great idea for you but it completely bites for us.

Are you saying that no matter what happens, Oceanic players will NOT make any attempt at balancing and they shouldn’t be penalized for it?

There’s two things that happen if you all regroup without restriction in a single server :
- the server you chose will become uninteresting to fight against thus whine will ensue
- you will not even get real WvWvW while you play because there’s no opposition

As a result, I see your post as a population group that doesn’t want to make efforts to have a fair PvP environments and instead gets allowed to break the fun for all the other players while doing something that cannot even be called PvP in the first place.

MMo are social games. MMo players launch their mumble or ts before they launch their game. They even never log off of vocal like they do for the game but just go in the afk part of the vocal
First thing they do when logging is saying “hi guys!”

Comunities are born from regoupment of guilds and forum readers through years as guilds are born from regroupment of players
Winning or losing come in second. Why would they will start from new? why would they will fight with different culture people they don’t know? ( with a minority part mocking or making fun of them for who they are) against people they know for 10 years through different mmo and community forums?
People regroup first and think about organisation for victory in second. usually communities have a better organisation too so they can weight a lot even if they are a minority.
And if you only talk only about winning, lets say it : victory doesn’t have the same taste if you did it with friends and as a community. Also losing just made you want to organise yourselves more as a community, victory will be even tastier

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837



Dynamic population limit will fix the unfairness of PvP. But will also leave some people out of PvP who would be in otherwise. (though it really isn’t PvP when you are just steamrolling everything, without any resistance.)

Just like queues keep people from ultra full servers out of WvWvW? Hmm, maybe it would be fair after all.

Queues kinda force prime time players to spread across all the servers. There’s no such mechanic for the night time players. Why?

This. A thousand times this.

Having a cap would force people to spread out among all servers and make things fair instead of all grouping on 2-3 servers and pwning everyone until Anet fixes their broken matchmaking.

you can do all the thing you want, a german, spanish or french wvw player will go on a german, spanish or french speaking and cultural server since they exist. Even if some would want to move, they would prefer to stay with old friends
And they would mostly regroup by suceeding waves on the same maternal speaking wvw server and will organise themselves
No faction and international server gw2 system have made it. that’s the first time i see all my pvp community regroup and not fighting each other on different faction and server.
Never had such a large fl in quantity and quality, 10 days after a game launch. It’s also the first time i didn’t know even one enemy. So i dn’t care anet don’t make enemy pseudo appear in wvw

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837



Dynamic population limit will fix the unfairness of PvP. But will also leave some people out of PvP who would be in otherwise. (though it really isn’t PvP when you are just steamrolling everything, without any resistance.)

Just like queues keep people from ultra full servers out of WvWvW? Hmm, maybe it would be fair after all.

Queues kinda force prime time players to spread across all the servers. There’s no such mechanic for the night time players. Why?

Haha. Queues force me in nighshift. Hope it will change in future.
i go to work when i disconnect after an allnight and i sleep when im back from work
Its a more efficient use of my gametime. this way i spend 90% of my gw2 time in wvw instead of 10 to 30%

(edited by Exewre.2837)

WvW night capping/whining/unbalance can be solved with a fairly easy fix.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


We are 30 to 40 doing wvw in my wvw hardcore guild. all from the same country. 2 expatriates working for a year in asia
10 to 15 suceed to enter during day
10 plays all night till 7 to 8 am

In fact you don’t have to be so much during night. What happen is there are no queus for map so all 4 maps guys goes on the same map then the next and we only have a 30 to 40 zerg bus. On each map we see 10 to 15 enemies doing puzzle jump and 5 to 15 defending.
I get the impression there aren’t so less in fact. they just don’t care. In fact i think they just care about themselves and not their server. If they don’t have the numerical advantage like from 12pm to 3 am, they just stop and do something else for their personal farm. especially if they aren’t 80 yet or full stuff( but they will one day) they come in wvw to farm not to protect something

If you ask around during nightshift zerg they are all from cities in the same timezone like during day and night after night its 70% same guys. You have some expatriates working in another country for some years but they haven’t been recruit for nightshift. They just naturally come to their country server to speak their maternal language a bit and find similar culture people. they play more gw2 than they will in their country since they don’t have as much social contact than they would in their country and its more than a game since its also a breathing. They didn’t change their nationality

Different timezone zerg players seems to occur only in usa with oceanic players. if i were australian, i wouldn’t see myself and my friend from old games elsewhere than an usa server. Seems so legit even if they were a korean or japanese server.
Different timezone players are non existent in europe since they are so few. Most of europe old colonial countries are like africa and middle east in the same timezone than europe. Asia is split on europe english speaking server and usa server. I only see spanish server who could have south america guys if they value more culture and langage than lag but they don’t seem to dominate wvw. French Canada community is regroup on North shiverpeaks server
In fact in europe, english speaking server have the timezone advantage since they have most of asian and all russian who help to extend the timezone. They are the most populated one during night. But they are the one whining.

If anet give a statistic population excel one day, i think some in europe will cry cause they would see they arewhining with timezone advantage and even numerical server advantage doing pve, exploring map and in jump puzzle

(edited by Exewre.2837)

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


people going to work in the morning is really strange, but that is what we do…

So? i can go to work at 8 or 10am after 8h of gw2.. where is the problem?
Must have did it 3 times last week. Will do 2h nap after work and a good 12h sleep on weekend

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


only thing i saw this weekend was 5k and 10k earlymorningcap somewhere between 5am and10am (never get up before 10am on weekend) for only a 10k advance on sunday end of primetime. looks like a weekend day 5K PU win for VS

didn’t get the chance to play before sundays night so i played till 10am before leaving for work.
Even had the undermanned buff for a time and was able to go from map to map without queue around 3am before huge ennemy army dissapeared around 5 or 6.

It isn’t difficult and its very fun to keep a renforced gate with 15 guys even if they are 50 attacking. But only if you dn’t flee and you have to do more than staying behind walls. Thats what we did from 3 to 5 am but when situation is reversed, ennemy 15 guys goes puzzle jumping.
They are 15 against 30… half flee and the remaining ones give up fastly. Its a pity for the 8 last cause they knew it was possible but there is not a lot they can do with such mates

All i do on weekend is waiting in queue and exploring map, crashing after 4h queue or missing the no sound invitation cause doing something else near pc :x

Plz Anet give us a sound alert when WvW invitation pop.

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Anet addresses night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Strange… FS don’t whine when they nightcap/earlymorningcap for 10k during fridays/saturday and saturdays/sunday nights. On another hand we don’t care Friday night is the best night for VS alliance member to get an evening off. Its important to go socialize, drink and mate and its still better to get off first night of reset than last one

During weekend day FS lost 2k on saturdays and 3 on sundays against PU+ some small group of guilds who suceed to enter while fs even with long queues can have 30 people of the same guild in
And when we finally have 15 wl, the ennemy guild change map after 4 wipes during primetime Oo. We are looking for them and friends told us they have moved to EB. The PU only map we can’t go and have no guild assigned to since its impossible to enter in

wow 30 people of my guild? it still had never happen before 1 am.. bad thing … fights are already good but they could become epic with larger guild fights. but i know we would one day for the sake of epicness

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Move Vizunah Square [FR] to America

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Actually… the only real way to stop “timezone abuse” would be to put in a IP block on each regions servers so only people from that region can access and play on them…
Lets say the people in the nightcrew on VS are all french speaking canadians, and they joined a french EU server only to dominate WvWvW through timezone abuse, if a-net would do as you suggest and move VS to the north american region nothing really stop the nightcrew from jumping over to another french EU server to start over/continue what they did on VS. (I beg you guys pardon btw, it’s just a extreme example and not intended as a insult or attempt to state “facts” etc)

Bad idea lot of expatriates plays MMO a lot since they just land in a foreign country for work, want to speak french, are far from their family and friends etc…
They will play a lot more than if they were still in their country
And France do have a lot of expatriates
I have 2 frenchs in my guild who are actually working in japan and jakarta for example.
How could you think about cutting them from gw2 or their friends they are happy to talk to in their native language on a vocal

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Time Zones in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


but when you get to 300 and 3 orbs, weren’’t you in your timezone advantage?

JANTHIR: a Top Ranked Server with Instant Queues..

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


oh NA ok…. not the world so

JANTHIR: a Top Ranked Server with Instant Queues..

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


come to Isle of Janthir

Bottom Line: we are currently ranked the 5th best server in the world

i see you in 14th place

Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Lets say Vizunah alliance move on a new server with low population
Lot of guilds out of the alliance or even WvW oriented solo guys will follow them directly even without contact

They will start to win since they are on a low tiers and a second wave of followers who weren’t aware or who start loosing on VS will be coming and join to be on the winning side especially if its speaking french on the new server. A lot will come to just to stay in the 10 years old Wvw french community which was already winning in daoc and warhammer. French community have always had more interest in WvW than other countries in europe

They will start to win more to go 1st tiers and a 3rd wave of french will come to be at the fest and a 4th wave of non french speaking afterwards…

In the end a VS bis will be born

Why do you think commercial firm give free product to some stars or even to some unknown but leading guys in high school?

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


alliance in trifaction is natural and all the fun is there
the 3rd have to be the kingmaker
There isn’t so much reward for ranking actually so we still don’t see awkward alliance like in daoc where different scenario were possible

I don’t see why 2nd and 3rd have to ally against 1st for example. 3rd have a lot more chance to get 3rd again and 2nd have little chance to go 1st. Its hard to keep alliance for 1 or 2weeks so in the end the 3rd get bad side of the alliance.

But he can use alliance to get back on the 2nd especially if he get bad side of previous alliance with the 2nd
If 3rd ally with 1st, he have lot of chance to get 2nd and see a new 3rd coming taking the place of the previous 2nd

3rd can be the kingmaker. We don’t really see it yet since there is no reward being in the first group or being 2nd of your group but we would if there were things like tokens to win for new skins or pets etc .. and i think it would be fun

Solutions to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Can I ask what guild you are in Chilli – just that a couple of people have suggested that you are in a international Alliance guild on the EU servers – one setup pre-launch to cover all timezones with it’s own community pages/Server wide TS etc -

Is that true ?

I find natural guys from chili want to play on a spanish server and were looking for alliance with spanish guilds or others latino guilds on a spanish speaking server
Why would you have to speak in english during your freetime or play with american who have lot more cultural difference
Gaming is about fun but also breathingout.. Im not a spanish speaking native but it ll bother me to go on an english speaking server. Im not at work and im not paid to use more of my brain trnaslating everything in my mind for hours

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Opinion on "Update Notes - September 14th 2012" for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


The 15 minutes cycle and SM 35 points is quite nice change.

Now waiting for alarm clocker server’s to get fixed by splinting scoring into three 8h zones:
17:00-01:00 100% of points
01:00-09:00 25% of points
09:00-17:00 40% of points

you are looking at the problem from your sideview only, finding natural it ll be your localtime that ll be chosen

Which localtime do you select when you have English and Russian figthing each other? this sort of encounter is an an actual permafight on first EU group with VS/FS/Deso/Riverside
Europe is split over 4 different time zone and Russia over 3

Your primetime is mostly yours only.
if you select London localtime, most of Moscow primetime will be 25% points.
if you select Moscow localtime, most of London primetime will be 40% points
Looks like its even more unfair for majority playing from 17h/23h even if actually its minority who do the difference.
Even if you do a rotation of the chosen localtime for your system, Russian and est europeans will be on the bad side of % points in the end

(edited by Exewre.2837)

Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


Vizunah Square [FR] and Far Shiverpeaks, it's just not a fair game.

in WvW

Posted by: Exewre.2837


why wanting to come in 1st league when you don’t have any organisation, you don’t even open a map and seems to be a follower more than anything
You can have fun and fair fights with and against people of your level

you can also stay in 1st league, try to get better and have fun to fight a challenge

Its different depending of people but seeing how you complain you ll have more fun elsewhere i think. transfers are still free

here are the EU ranking to help you choosing your server

2105.077 Vizunah Square
1827.692 Riverside
1818.402 Far Shiverpeaks
1805.138 Desolation
1719.996 Gandara
1671.552 Blacktide
1635.271 Kodash
1633.805 Augury Rock
1624.561 Gunnar’s Hold
1612.615 Elona Reach
1605.675 Seafarer’s Rest
1601.157 Jade Sea
1581.806 Baruch Bay
1576.863 Arborstone
1537.148 Fort Ranik
1526.325 Aurora Glade
1502.309 Underworld
1462.412 Abaddon’s Mouth
1371.646 Ring of Fire
1317.791 Drakkar Lake
1316.538 Piken Square
1295.069 Whiteside Ridge
1196.102 Ruins of Surmia
1163.022 Vabbi
1107.78 Fissure of Woe
1049.734 Miller’s Sound
848.089 Dzagonur

(edited by Exewre.2837)