Showing Posts For Jorvych.3064:
Honestly I don’t think they’ll ever take it down. If they are planning on it, they will probably make an annoucement. At that point, if you STILL havn’t made the money for it, add me in game and I’ll loan you the difference you need
Thanks for the offer, my friend. But my parents went easy on me and bought me some gems so I got the set of armor I wanted, and now?
I’m a fashion god.
No full armor sets have ever been removed from the Gem Store Style section once they have been released (Flamekissed 1.0 is another matter entirely).
The rumor you are hearing is baseless and contrary to the entire history of full armor skin availability in the Gem Store.
Do not pay attention to those spreading rumors as they are likely just upset and exaggerating based on the two weapon skin sets being discontinued at the Black Lion Weapon Specialist.
You have plenty of time to save up and purchase the armor set you desire from Gem Store.
I sure hope you’re right, my friend.
Go buy some gems, laddie, and get it now.
It might be true that no armor set has been discontinued yet but Anet has taken out plenty of other things for which there was no demand anymore.
My guess will be, if nobody buys that armor anymore, they will eventually discontinue it.
But usually they give at least a 1 week warning, if they discontinue something, which will be either mentioned in the patch notes or Evon´s weekly blog about the gem store, which is linked every tuesday on the guild wars website and in your launcher.But if at some point you wont be able to log into the game, or check the blog for two weeks, it could happen that it wont be available anymore.
It’s a shame I don’t have any money to spend on gems lol.
No full armor sets have ever been removed from the Gem Store Style section once they have been released (Flamekissed 1.0 is another matter entirely).
The rumor you are hearing is baseless and contrary to the entire history of full armor skin availability in the Gem Store.
Do not pay attention to those spreading rumors as they are likely just upset and exaggerating based on the two weapon skin sets being discontinued at the Black Lion Weapon Specialist.
You have plenty of time to save up and purchase the armor set you desire from Gem Store.
I sure hope you’re right, my friend.
I found out that the Aetherblade light armor actually has items in it that look wicked cool, but was informed by other players that they may take it down soon.
So, I suppose this my plead to let me make 80g (as I am absolutely horrible at making gold) before you, ArenaNet, take it down.
I will be most saddened if the Aetherblade armor sets are taken down before I am able to purchase them.
edit: I was also curious if you guys find said armor sets to be anything useful?
If you’re really going to get mad over seeing someone wearing a skin you got a year beforehand, you should probably reexamine the game’s fundamentals.
it’s about teamwork. it’s about, as earlier stated, feeling the achievement. shoot, Legendaries were supposed to be the utmost symbol of prestige and awesomeness, yet you see them everywhere even more than the skins from the FotFW.
don’t get me wrong, the idea of, “you had to be there, sorry bud,” made Party Hats from RS so expensive and amazing when you actually saw one. but I cannot tell you how many people over my couple years of playing that game who were so annoyed that you couldn’t get a simple little crown to wear for fun.
it’s the same idea. I’ve wanted the Fervid Censer ever since I saw one, and upon learning that the activity to earn it was taken away a year before I began playing again I was pretty upset. same with the Horns of the Dragon. with the rerelease of this content, and the simple but lovely rewards, I now have an opportunity to earn all these items again, some I didn’t know existed.
instead, think of the little guy. not of your prestige. this game isn’t about selfishness.
120+tries ..(not sure, I stopped counting)…
I finally beat her… my hands are screaming at me… the fight was horrible.
I’m telling this for anyone who’s thinking of giving up. Don’t.
also no, I dont feel great for beating her, unlike every one else who likes the challenge. She is a very frustrating fight..I hate it, .but I;m glad to have my mini..
Guess i was right and you could just beat her like everybody else with more than 3 weeks to spare…
But hey, let’s just cry for free ‘rewards’.
wait, I still have three weeks to beat her?
the fight will seem VERY hard when you keep dying pathetically. a good rule of thumb, though. after 10-20 tries, take a break for a bit. then go back and try. it doesn’t help you if you all upset about not being able to kill her. ruins your focus, ruins your attitude.
she reminds me of a actually-fighting Adnul Irongut. from what I’ve noticed, there’s a hint of luck with her fight. sometimes the rifts won’t pop in certain places, enabling you to focus more on doing whatever. sometimes you won’t notice or you’ll forget about the rifts altogether, getting pulled in her aoe and dying miserably.
just keep sinking your tickets into her.
I can’t seem to get past phase 1 on my mesmer. I’ve tried a zerker build, a PU build, and some build this person told me their used.
It’s really bumming me out. It seems like I’m waaaay too squishy to survive all of the stuff she throws at me. I’ve never fought her or anything, but I’ve read guides and seen videos and it just doesn’t add up for me.