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[Suggestion] Add "Noob" to the swear word filter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khadez.4958


Will this post get deleted because of the title?
Probably not. And this is what I want to bring up.

I find that the word “noob” should be looked at as a “bad word” and regarded as such. The word is always used in an offensive context and, in my eyes at least, is no better than other offensive words that do get censored or are enough reason to report a person. So I purpose that “noob” be added to that list.
Censoring it perhaps is not needed as the word as such isn’t harmful. But the use of it, should be enough to report a person (like it is with other bad words), especially if it is used to offend someone.

I believe that the online community has existed long enough and is by now large enough to start adding to the rules of communication we have taken from the real world.



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Khadez.4958


Hey there
So I was doing some TA today. When I got in, the loading screen was really long (like 5 min.) which was odd but hey, at least its loading stuff so its all ready when I get in.
And then I got in. And what I saw can be seen in the picture attached below.
So my question is: what is the game doing while its in loading screen? It doesn’t seem to be loading anything, that seems to happen after you get in. Also, all the menus load only after you open them. So what is the loading screen for?

Let me know your thoughts


(edited by Khadez.4958)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Khadez.4958


Here’s mine, Dominique
Got a little Horatio Caine look going on there :P


Sword skill #1 and aggro

in Ranger

Posted by: Khadez.4958


Not quite.
What I’m saying is that other melee weapons let you stay further from the target. Say 130 range or so, depending on the weapon but sword forces you to hug the mob. Its a small difference and some may notice it in a fight.
However, as the aggro mechanic in Gw2 takes distance into account, it will make the mob attack me if say, everyone else is at 130 range and Im at 50 range (due to my leaps). That means that I take all the hits which is not cool if you run full berserker.
Hope that cleared it up

Just for kicks I threw together some tanky build that could work with sword as it pulls aggro onto you
(disclaimer, the build probably sucks)

(edited by Khadez.4958)

Sword skill #1 and aggro

in Ranger

Posted by: Khadez.4958



I have been playing the sword/axe combo on my ranger for quite a while now and the thing that has begun to annoy me is the leap part on sword #1
Now, the fact that it roots me is annoying in its own but I can get around that by disabling autoattack. The bigger thing (for me atleast) is that the leap keeps me very very close to my target as I keep leaping to it every 2 seconds. Due to how the aggro mechanics in Gw2 work, this also means that the mob will attack me.

Now, I think that doesn’t really align with the sword’s purpose. It’s a DPS weapon and as such if you use it, you will probably be running something zerky and don’t want to be the one holding aggro.

Have any of you fellow rangers found a good way to handle that problem?
Also, a fun idea: as playing sword makes the mob attack you… what about a ranger tank build? The aggro mechanic is there

Anyway, not sure if this has been posted before, maybe it has, maybe not. I just wanted to get it out there. Also, it would be awesome if the devs would think of that aspect when (if) they plan to fix the sword #1 skill

All the best!