Showing Posts For Kingface.9781:

Gunnar's Hold to Augury Rock

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Come on guys, it’s better for Desolation to stay in D2. Let our aussie french friends come over to us next week.

Thank you gratefully.

GW, FS and cheat!

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Lol Sarmatiko, because you think your post is a special one? Really? Bouuuh VS nightcappers, bouuh VS hebrew canadians, bouuuh VS unskilled on daytime.

Dude, be careful, with all these “bouuuh” you start to fade and turn as a ghost.

No matter what, anchor in your head, VS whatever you think about is number 1 and you will keep remain at second or less rank.
I just hope for you that russian guilds don’t get bored and leave the boat while the migrations are still free or I don’t bet a kitten on FS afterward.

Yeah, yeah I know, number 1 with PvE or “insert what crap you want”. The fact is number 1 anyhow.

Enjoy my day please.

GW, FS and cheat!

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


That’s really weird. Not any whiners/roxxors talked about these orbs cheats coming from them.

The saddest thing in this story is even with cheats and bug exploit you won’t win.

Speaking about fair play : Flyhack and orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


And they expose themself of being banned. It’s not worth it imo.

Speaking about fair play : Flyhack and orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


@Hrist: We have some screenshots showing a guy in Lord chamber while the place is not under attack. I suppose he uses some kind of cheating software like you can see some videos on youtube, something like you can be teleported to your curser destination by pushing a single key..

Speaking about fair play : Flyhack and orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Please, don’t start another polemic. It’s a thread to have an answer from A.Net about this big issue. Because it’s not only a matter of stealing orbs, it’s even a matter that can make also the Lord bugging and impossibility to cap afterward.

Speaking about fair play : Flyhack and orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


I only can agree.

Gate of Madness steals orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Apparently, there is some kind of way for a large group under commander’s book to enter borderlands in the same time that the commander.

Gate of Madness steals orbs

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Apparently, it’s happening on a lot of matches-up and it’s often a losing server which is cheating.

On FS v VS v RS match-up, FS already has the 3 orbs using this cheat. Some people from FS did it all the past week already against VS and Desolation too.

I hope people from FS condamning the nightcapping will condamn this use aswell. With commander’s book bug usage, that’s a lot of dishonest things done…

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


In France at 2h09am :

-World Désolation : Full
-World Far Shiverpeaks : Full
-World Vizunah Square : Hight

Far Shiverpeaks and full, then the problem is not Anet, the problem is not French players, the problem just you.

Do you even understand what Full/High/Medium next to the server name means? It’s the POPULATION of the server, NOT the people currently ONLINE. So even if FS or Des server have 5 people online at 4am it will still show as FULL.

Wouldn’t expect from people who take pride in pvp’ing gates and npc’s to have any brain activity. You’re like bots, so maybe npc’s are the right enemies for you after all.

Where do you get that? Because the servers populations fluctuate a lot all day long on servers windows. That would mean there is huge transfert traffic everyday. I agree the transferts are still free but so much in a day?

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes, we understood obviously but I assume you are not reading the entire threads of people not going your way when people tell you to be patient because things will be balanced by themself and servers A, C and X will fight together because of the average of night people and server B, F and G will fight because of their 400 people by night.

And I keep telling you thats NOT how it works, the ranking is not based on actual population under a 24/7 period, its based on numbers ok? Not numbers as in how many points a server gets, but a kind of ELO rating.

There is a established ranking (stickied on the forum) taken from the algorithm, that shows the points of each server, this number fluctuates throughout a match, and the servers with the closest ratings get matched vs each other. As it stands now the rotation is at the top that the third server gets switched, the second remain the same.

In the middle bracket the top server and bottom server will be rotated out, until the point the top server reaches a point where it cant be rotated forward. Understand? No?

Ok look at this :
2037.296 Vizunah Square
1881.94 Far Shiverpeaks
1838.906 Desolation
1800.944 Riverside

This is the bracket im in. The team that finish third, will be switched with the 4th team on the list. Top team cant move, second team dont move being second.

1727.343 Augury Rock
1705.124 Kodash
1642.647 Aurora Glade

This is the bracket riverside/desolation can be in, top and bottom gets rotated out accordingly.

Makes sense? I bet it does now.


You can be arrogant as long as you want and look like a raging whiner but the fact is you’re wrong. Yes, the amount of points that your server is being able to provide all the week long is a large part of the calculation to the end.

Stop trying to look like a smartass, you’re not. What you explain is so basis thinking and falls so within the meaning, I don’t know why I keep arguing with you…

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes, we understood obviously but I assume you are not reading the entire threads of people not going your way when people tell you to be patient because things will be balanced by themself and servers A, C and X will fight together because of the average of night people and server B, F and G will fight because of their 400 people by night.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Oh kingface, your ignorance is only trumped by your arrogance.

We obviously have a 24/7 presence but not like Viznuah Square, and that is the problem, the game should NOT be won because of a couple hours during the night, 24/7 is supposed to be 24/7 not just 8 hours of night right?

If all matches get won between 2am and 9am thats not 24/7 is it?

Please think before you post.

You should be less blinded by your would-be rocking skill of #2 because when you will be beaten by another 24/7 server than VS, you will surely come here and whine for unfairness once and again as usual. Because, yes it will happen and sooner you can think.

Anyway, I let you trust whatever you want. I don’t have much business with troller like you.

Troller? get real.

And bring on servers that will beat us out of our second posistion, you still have riverside and desolation to knock out of the rotation, bring it on.

You will see. I predict that, the next or the one after matchup rotation, in the current state of thing, FS won’t be against VS anymore. Bet?

(edited by Kingface.9781)

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Oh kingface, your ignorance is only trumped by your arrogance.

We obviously have a 24/7 presence but not like Viznuah Square, and that is the problem, the game should NOT be won because of a couple hours during the night, 24/7 is supposed to be 24/7 not just 8 hours of night right?

If all matches get won between 2am and 9am thats not 24/7 is it?

Please think before you post.

You should be less blinded by your would-be rocking skill of #2 because when you will be beaten by another 24/7 server than VS, you will surely come here and whine for unfairness once and again as usual. Because, yes it will happen and sooner you can think.

Anyway, I let you trust whatever you want. I don’t have much business with troller like you.

I repeat the fall will be very hard for a lot of wannabe-awesome people.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


That’s the big issue with people. You think FS is the server #2. Currently it is but that is due to the 24h matchup cycle we had before this week.

But you will surprised to see other 24/7 servers reaching the top WvWvW. Obviously, FS won’t be #2 anymore if it can handle 24/7 presence and the fall will be hard for a lot of people I guess.

Like I said, yes, maybe your server rocks the angry pony in primetime but if it can’t handle a 24/7 fight it’s not good enough to be a top WvWvW server. You can’t win a marathon as a sprinter.

Get a clue before commenting, huh?

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


To be schematic, the important things for WvWvW are:

The servers will differentiate by their 24/7 handled presence, then in this same kind of servers will differentiate by WvWvW organisation skill, and in servers with same organisation skill, the individual/group skills will make the difference.

That’s what thought about its WvWvW for the long term.

So yes, currently, it’s unbalanced between servers but we are obliged to go through it in order to have a long term balanced WvWvW. So we should be patient instead of whining.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


The snowball effect will disappear when the current ranking system will be done with 1-week matchup cycle, when servers being able to keep 24/7 fight will match each others.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


People forgot or did’nt give a kitten about WvWvW mecanism announced by before the game’s release.

Every whiners complains about how unfair it is to be nightcapped everyday but wants a WvWvW on 24/7. Is it hard to understand that the current ranking system is up to make things balanced between same kind of servers? Is it hard to understand that servers with 24/7 will fight all against each others at the end? Same thing for daytime presence servers?

The game has been released for less than a month for God’s sake! Is it so unbelievable for you to wait a few and try to enjoy the WvWvW for fun and training your tactics with mates/alliances and have blasts in epic fights during your playtime while waiting games matching better for your server type?
No, you want immediately a kitten balanced kickass WvWvW right now, don’t you?

When some talks about people who wants everything at once, it’s completelly true. You have a perfect example of a game like this with WoW. Now, check the current major population type on it.

Yes, maybe your server rocks the angry pony in primetime but if it can’t handle a 24/7 fight it’s not good enough to be a top WvWvW server. You can’t win a marathon as a sprinter. That’s something intended by and you can’t blame people for having thinking and being organized that way.

If you hardly want show your incredible skill to the face of the world, there is sPvP for you. You can’t have more balanced and fairness game.

PVP tournaments are for those, WwW seems as any a casual oriented as there is no priority for guild with members and all ranges of levels.

Nightcapping has to go away simple as that if you dont understand why you shouldnt post things as the above.
its bad design.

I guess you don’t understand what the WvWvW is expected to be and what wants it to become.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


People forgot or did’nt give a kitten about WvWvW mecanism announced by before the game’s release.

Every whiners complains about how unfair it is to be nightcapped everyday but wants a WvWvW on 24/7. Is it hard to understand that the current ranking system is up to make things balanced between same kind of servers? Is it hard to understand that servers with 24/7 will fight all against each others at the end? Same thing for daytime presence servers?

The game has been released for less than a month for God’s sake! Is it so unbelievable for you to wait a few and try to enjoy the WvWvW for fun and training your tactics with mates/alliances and have blasts in epic fights during your playtime while waiting games matching better for your server type?
No, you want immediately a kitten balanced kickass WvWvW right now, don’t you?

When some talks about people who wants everything at once, it’s completelly true. You have a perfect example of a game like this with WoW. Now, check the current major population type on it.

Yes, maybe your server rocks the angry pony in primetime but if it can’t handle a 24/7 fight it’s not good enough to be a top WvWvW server. You can’t win a marathon as a sprinter. That’s something intended by and you can’t blame people for having thinking and being organized that way.

If you hardly want show your incredible skill to the face of the world, there is sPvP for you. You can’t have more balanced and fairness game.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


If Anet wants “has 500 people awake 24/7” to be the single most important factor in WvW, then they should say it so that the rest of us can quit now.

It was the case long before the release. That’s the way have chosen to design it.

For your next game, try to get documented much better before buying it.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


People forgot or did’nt give a kitten about WvWvW mecanism announced by before the game’s release.

Every whiners complains about how unfair it is to be nightcapped everyday but wants a WvWvW on 24/7. Is it hard to understand that the current ranking system is up to make things balanced between same kind of servers? Is it hard to understand that servers with 24/7 will fight all against each others at the end? Same thing for daytime presence servers?

The game has been released for less than a month for God’s sake! Is it so unbelievable for you to wait a few and try to enjoy the WvWvW for fun and training your tactics with mates/alliances and have blasts in epic fights during your playtime?
No, you want immediately a kitten balanced kickass WvWvW right now, don’t you?

When Eliteseraph talks about people who wants everything at once, it’s completelly true. You have a perfect example of a game like this with WoW. Now, check the current major population type on it.

Yes, maybe your server rocks the angry pony in primetime but if it can’t handle a 24/7 fight it’s not good enough to be a top WvWvW server. You can’t win a marathon as a sprinter. That’s something intended by and you can’t blame people for having thinking and being organized that way.

If you hardly want show your incredible skill to the face of the world, there is sPvP for you. You can’t have more balanced and fairness game.

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


It’s just your server is not at his real rank for long matchup. Like you said, we are not on 24h matchup anymore. Don’t worry, things will be better soon.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You should renew your sack of trolls dude. It’s old news.

For other people, please don’t feed low trolls like this one.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Maybe because things change and new servers with nightime presence will appear match after match. And maybe FS and Deso won’t be high end servers as think it should be.

Current ranking has been done from 24h cycle and reflects only servers being able to do a sprint not a marathon as wants his WvWvW to be.

The fall will be hard for a lot of people.

Remember, we have only seen 24h matches atm. Now, high end WvWvW will start after 1-week cycle with 2-weeks one.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Or wait until things ’d be balanced by themself with 2-weeks matches

But I know it’s hard to not have everything when we want because we paid for, especially in video games.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Typical answer when you have any valid argument.

Next time, use the magic mirror one. At least it will be funnier.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You are really hard-hearing.

How can you explain that FS and Desolation have population tagged at high or even full sometimes during nightime and there is nobody in WvWvW from your servers?

Listening to you, you are the center of th world. Ok, you you need to go to sleep because you have to work on morning. Alright, but what about all players on your server staying late at nightime?

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yeah but what would all the little whiners do then? :’(

No more complain means they will be forgotten… That will be a big void in their meaningless existence.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So I need to set my clock alarm to 4am to hope not losing our hard works did in prime-time? Do I need to quit my job, my family to hope winning somedays with these current WvWvW system?


The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Elvy, if you think that play on weekend is the same as on weekday – I have nothing to explain to you. During weekend we have all people from all major alliances queueing to BGs all day long, trying to provide as good fight as possible.
We can not do it during weekdays, since we have to go to work, sleep, etc. Eg. when I come home from work I join the queue to BG. I spend 3-4hours in the queue, get in at 12-1am my time. But I have to go to sleep soon, since I hwve to go to work in the morning. During that time a lot of unorganized ayers are in BGs running around in zerg. We can not get our alliance online together on the same BG. That is why sometimes you see us (and any other server) more organized and some times not. But saying, that whole server is bad because your server steamrolls it during nighttime is kinda disrespectful. The same goes to saying that server is caried by a given guild. There are always dedicated guilds on each server. Russian DL are really nice guys, they are organized and can get decent numbers in BGs since they start queueing earlier. But there are lots of great players.

That’s the same on all overpopulated servers, especially for WvWvW dedicated ones.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Lol nice, you read it. Well, next week-end participate even reading and then you will be legit to come arguing here. But right now, you can come back to the “real actors” forum. Thank you.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Stop arguing with this guy Elvy. The real actors from FS and Deso during the last week-end know about what is going on. Frustration blinds people and bad faith too. Let him in his ignorance and think he rocks everything. Soon, he will talk about canadian army again.

Anet addresses night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


No, he says you can’t win only with skill, got it?

You got spvp for that.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


You just said it right there, at night you guys don’t try you sit around at the jumping puzzle and whine.

If you were really the #2 server because of your skills then you could slow them down, but you are probably #2 server because of your numbers just like they are #1 because of their numbers.

People sit at the jumping puzzle at day time now not at night… before posting
We dont have a midweek night shift like Vizunah Sqaure has…
We shoulnt be matched againt them next week, but we will.

24/7 server should be fighting 24/7 servers = evryone happy ?except the people who dont like a challenge and want a easy karma ride at night when there is zero oposition.

Well and those people won’t be a loss of any kind for us. Au contraire, it will leave some more spots for our alliance guildies to get in battlefiels.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Or as they will up a ninja carebear in Wonderful of Warland.

Yay battousai? You got the right name for.

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yeah and it’s not decided by which server has the best players/guilds but who can bring in the most people at night times. Great concept.

In sort of yes, in a first time. But in a near future, you will get servers which can afford to be in touch 24/7 against each others and servers playing during only on daytime together. It’s the goal of the current ranking system with 24h-matches cycle then 1-week matches cycle and to the end the 2-weeks matches cycle.

I agree it can be frustrating for sometimes but is it hard to understand?

(edited by Kingface.9781)

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


In response to the bullcrap argument, “WvW is a 24 hour game”: Yes, for some servers. For most, it’s not, and it never will be. As said before, there is no point even playing when the next time you wake up, your enemy controls 100% of all borderlands, and controls all orbs.

After that happens, there is no point to even fighting anymore and nobody will play WvW. Fix this garbage, ANet, otherwise you can expect to lose a large majority of your playerbase.

So that’s maybe your server is not at his real rank for a long-match ranking ladder as it’s expected to be at the end with 2-weeks matches. So keep playing and enjoy what you can or just leave and wait until your server meets others matching better with yours.

For everybody, remember that will be 2-weeks matches at the high end. I assume a lot of people forgot it.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


If you check other EU matches results, you can see there are or start to have other servers with night players. Let the time makes the long-matches server ranking. 24h matches were there just to make a sort of start up of the ranking system and certainly some servers are not on their real rank for the 2-weeks matches ladder.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


That’s what I’m talking about. It is expected to make worldwide matches in the long term. When? I don’t know. We should let the ranking system be done with 1-weeks matches already and then see what decides for 2-weeks matches.

But, if you check the other EU matches, you can see some with night players too, so let’s see what happens after this week and after the 1-week matches cycle.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Good for you bro. I wish a lot of people do the same on VS so I can enter this kitten WvWvW more often!

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


No, what can be done is to be patient and the worldwide ranking will do the rest.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


First, none sensed person talked about skill by night capping. If some did, they are trolls or unbrained.
Second, the system seems to be broken for your server and all servers who can’t fill battlefields during nightime. One of the solutions could be, that’s one of the rare smart things Phara could say (jk huh), that makes matches worldwide. I guess that is the solution who is expected in the long term. So we must be patient, keep training on daytime or doing spvp until then.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Seeing the sea, not a river, you cried since some weeks, only trolls can make you react. We all have seen mature discussion was impossible. Even if we try as hard as we can to explain facts you’re (I mean all QQers) still whining about same things once and again (night cappers, canadians polemic…), day after day, week after week. You all will only be happy the day when will close WvWvW during night time GMT or make it totally useless to play on, something that’ll never happen.

So, what can we say but trolls to blinders? Prove you can understand each side and we wil be able to have a mature discussion like you ask.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So we should stop playing at night because you can’t play.

I will never happen. The game is designed to be a 24/7 war for 1 week atm and soon for 2 so deal with it or let your WvWvW slots to players who really want to play the game. But stop QQ.

They will never close the warfronts on nightime because you whine as loud as you can. Even if they reduce or erase the scoring system, it still will be possible to cap and upgrade everything everywhere and you will come back to QQ again because it would be untakable on daytime.

GW2 is apparently not for your kind of players. Fortunatelly for you, the carebears are coming out very soon.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


So we should stop playing at night because you can’t play.

I will never happen. The game is designed to be a 24/7 war for 1 week atm and soon for 2 so deal with it or let your WvWvW slot to someone who really want play the game. But stop QQ.

They will never close the warfronts on nightime because you whine as loud as you can. Even if they reduce or erase the scoring system, it still will be possible to cap and upgrade everything everywhere and you will come back to QQ again because it would be untakable on daytime.

GW2 is apparently not for your kind of player. Fortunatelly for you, the carebears are coming out very soon.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yes Mescaline, quit everything or you will keep losing sadly. :-(

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


It’s like asking Usain Bolt to run a marathon…

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Nobody on VS disagree or will if the system changes. It only can be better. But don’t blame people who want to play when they can, even if it’s nightime.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Why do you include yourself in night players? Because you are sleeping. Stop taking everything for you.

We don’t blame nobody like you think. The fact is that during nightime FS and Deso still have players playing but not in WvWvW. Is it our fault? Tell me.

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kingface.9781


Yeah Battosai, mommy is calling, dinner is ready. Go eat and come back fully filled.

We know everything about hebraic canadians, africans and whatever you want, we know don’t worry.