Showing Posts For Korath.7402:

Rethinking Attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Korath.7402


Personally I don’t think there is anything wrong with the core attunement mechanic, including the cooldowns. In fact this mechanic is one of the main reasons I really enjoy the elementalists’s playstyle.

I think Anet should focus on (when they get around to balancing) reworking our traits first. We could use some more synergy to give us more build options. After that, if more help is needed, I would look at minor tweaks to things like ability cooldowns, damage output levels, stats and survival abilities.

The patch notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Korath.7402


Do you people really think they are sitting around saying “Hey, I know, lets screw over the ele’s and focus all the love on the bugs for the other classes!”?

Bugs are getting solved as solutions are found and tested, I’m sure they are far to busy to worry about which profession’s bugs happen to be easier or quicker to solve than others.

The patch notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Korath.7402


They fixed a bunch of bugs. What’s the problem exactly? They’ll get around to doing a balance pass when they can. Bugs should take priority.

People selling items on the trade post 1 copper higher then vendor value

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Korath.7402


It’s because 1c above the vendor price is the minimum price allowed in the brokerage for an item. I’m sure if ANet removed that restriction thousands of fools would drive down prices even further.

Huge Necromancer Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Korath.7402


While I agree that this ability is not actually bugged, I do think it could use a balance pass. It would be nice if it lasted, say 10 seconds instead of the current 3 seconds or so. Usually it is dead before it has finished running to mob to do a little melee damage. The ability already has a 30 second cooldown, so I really don’t see the harm of letting them live a little longer so they are actually of some minor use in a fight rather than the current state where they are really almost entirely useless.