Showing Posts For Kvothe.1467:

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


A good bike ride in a pleasant summer afternoon. Let the breeze caress you gently as you cruise down an empty residential street. Ah bliss! Why am I at work?

I feel emotions when I think about you.

7/26 - SBI / CD / EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Man can’t wait till I get Carlito to level 80 so I can start recruiting my vatos locos hermanos for life. With me as el jefe we shall conquer the mists. Sangre en la Sangre, Blood in Blood out, you know what I’m talking about, ese?

I am not spanish but I did recently watch the movie Blood in blood out, its awesome!
I will live up to the legend of the previous jefe, Miklo Velka! :P

I feel emotions when I think about you.

7/19 SBI-Kaineng-DH Part II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Top notch you’ve earned a well deserved A-. It has high potential to induce some healthy raging. I shall not reply to this nonsense though, you hold your server in high regard, and I commend you for doing so. Alas, I also feel sorry for you. It is not healthy to put so much faith in a lost cause.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

7/19 SBI-Kaineng-DH Part II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Thank you. Though I am sure I deserve a B+… who’s taking second place? Will it be DH or Kaineng. Fight to the very end! Or you can always 2 v 1 us and keep us ticking under 100 while you share the rest of the points… though it’s pretty late now. You’ve only got 2 days to determine your fate. In the end though we will manipulate the outcome… just cuz we can.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

7/19 SBI-Kaineng-DH Part II

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Only 2 pages? Where’s the drama?

We killed it this week. And although there’s good fun in this match up I do hope next reset will not be the same match up. I fear that if we get stuck in this match up to long our skills will deteriorate due to the lack there of from DH, and the minimal amount left in Kaineng.

I feel emotions when I think about you.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


I won a 1vs30 last night (BP had the 30). I’ve made 200g this week in pvp playing 2 hours a night (took Sunday off – Dexter) and I’ve seen BP cheating at least 73 times.

You my friend are a being worth worshipping. I’ve seen unicorn with less believers.

I feel emotions when I think about you.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Wow. I’ve been following the live feed of the match up and Borlis is going hard!
they’ve pushed our poop in. kitten . This makes more sense though to how you played last week, cuz it looked like your reset was lacking, in numbers/game-play/whatever, wasn’t around during the weekend so I wouldn’t really know.

Looks like you’re getting back to your good old ways of taking all our kitten in the BL and keeping it paper throughout the week. Wouldn’t be surprised to log on later tonight to find a waypoint in our hills too. kitten thats annoying. :/

Shouldn’t be too long now till you catch up and pass us in points. Kudos to you. You know when we are weakest and you take proper advantage of that. Anyways, Good luck out there and keep up the good fight.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

[KISS] is LF the perfect server.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


I am Dhomei Ventus of SBI I am here to let you know that we intend to kidnap you, your willingness to join is is not mandatory.

Things you may want to know. Our server is mainly PvE, but our WvWers are a dedicated bunch. We’ve had our hardships and frustrations, but we’ve always came back the week after overcoming them.

You may join use on our community website:

For more information please talk to Yulo, our server wide most reputable commander.

PS We’ve got Large-breasted-machine-gun-wielding-dragon-killing-manatee-riding goodness. As of right now, SBI’s official slogan….

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Oh geez I just looked at mos, BP must be bored… they almost literally have everything.

Take a break guys go do some pve, go out play some sports, ride a bike… um not really sure how your private lives are but… you might also want to get jobs….

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


PLOK! is the sound a poo makes when it hits the side of the bowl instead of the water.


Lol that made me laugh, ppl at work are looking at me funny… :P

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Good stuff last night. We finally have been able to keep you busy enough to take your annoyingly impervious tier 3 Hills, followed by Garrison.

Not that it really mattered much cuz we all started going to bed soon after. It was a wonderful feeling of accomplishment though especially since you kept pushing on us keeping us on our toes.

Now with the diminished numbers of AR (condolences to your loss, don’t give up) we (SBI) should be able to fair much better against BP in the coming week.

… at least I hope :/

Anyways, I wont be around this weekend as I will be going camping with friends (great times will be had), Good luck to you all and hope to see you in the battlefield come Monday.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


hey, you don’t see the mentally challenged making movies and TV show hits.

You’ve obviously never watched Fox News

L M A O!!!!

Ah you make a most compelling statement good sir which I can’t in any way refute.
Finally an opinion we can all agree on and find mirth in collectively… except AR….

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Except “I am SAM”. I shed some extremely manly tears watching that movie. I shed tears for AR as well, sometimes they are tears of hurt and abandonment, I /wave, /dance, and /bow, but they do not understand for their fragile minds only perceive ill intent. Most of the time though I shed tears of uncontrollable laughter due to their handicappedness.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


hey, you don’t see the mentally challenged making movies and TV show hits.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Good point, don’t feel emotional, it’s like tic-tac-toe, except your server seems to just add more squares to the grid so they can win. We are X’s you are O’s and AR is just kittened thus y they are sometimes X’s sometimes O’s. No hugs for the mentally challenged though… you never know when they’ll bite.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/21 BP/SBI/AR - The Sequel

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


God kitten SBI are you trying to make us hate you more than we do AR? Because its kittening working, especially if that tid bit about ALS transferring true(also if so giant hypocrites since their main insult to Lost was oh you transfers) lol

Try a couple of edits, you’ll get it right eventually, full faith in you.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

6/14 BP/SBI/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Thanks for our hills back. The majority of our ranking we have was from when we were a Tier 1 Server. We kept this ranking because the previous matchup system was broken. It will take time for us to settle into our true ranking.

We knew full well that it was a battle of attrition to get our hills back. Sadly BP you lost because we were willing to stay up later or we have more oceanics. Don’t know which. Also the force you meet when we took it was more of the organized group. Earlier it was a bit of both.

Hopefully the core WvW players learned a lesson this matchup. And by core I mean those that are in the battle for winning. The battle is won or lost in the borderlands. You don’t want to just let it fold because if a invader wants to hold it they can and they will. We will still have randoms go into EB to follow whatever commander is there. That is fine let them.

Keep it classy and remember that true pride is not won by the blowing of the horn or of the beating of the chest. True pride in the server and the fun that comes with it is given by selfless service to your server.

If you weren’t giggling throughout the time you wrote this I’m sure you did by the end of it… tell me the truth, did you? Don’t lie you know you did.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Did SBI have a meeting to post as many threads on the forum as possible?
Seems like everytime I refresh someone’s put up a new thread about this match from SBI

Currently at work. Since I can’t play I’m just gonna sit here and post about it… :P

I feel emotions when I think about you.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


I just wanna see if my signature shows.


your sig is very nice i wish i had one too

not hard to make one go to the top right where ur account name is in gray and right under it press on the “Forum Profile” and u should be able to make ur sig there. Don’t forget to check mark the “show signature” box after though.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


I just wanna see if my signature shows.


I feel emotions when I think about you.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


2v1 DB all week. I’m sure DB wouldn’t be kitten y about it, its already a cakewalk for them I’m sure they are gonna get bored with the lack of challenge. 2v1 against DB would be the only way for all of us to have any fun in this matchup this week.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


lol the random match really messed with us here… I mean if you look at any of the other match ups made they don’t look all that bad, sure there are servers that are able to clearly out play their opponents but our match up is just overkill… though with this new system I’m sure every week there will be a match up similar to ours now. Maybe Blackgate will face Fergusons and CD or something… That would be hilarious. :P

I feel emotions when I think about you.

Trading Post Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Alright It seems that I have found the problem. Removing the noui tag in the shortcut of the client.

I feel emotions when I think about you.

Trading Post Issues

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kvothe.1467


Yesterday while I was updating the game my dad had gone and unplugged and re-plugged the router which caused the files to get corrupted. This unfortunately made me have to repair all files thus the re-installation of the whole game started. Last night though there was a windows updated that had occurred. However this morning I was able to log into the game so I assumed the install must have been completed before the windows update kicked in. Although the game works fine I am having problems with the TP that apparently no one else seems to be having.

When I open the TP it looks fine, everything loads up and I can navigate through all of the tabs with no problems. Although when I try to sell something, the side screen that shows up where you can input how much you want to sell for and shows listing price and what not, shows up blank, as in just a grey box. Also, when I search something to buy I can get to the icon once I click on it I get a message saying, “The game client is unable to gain access to the log-in server at this time. This is commonly caused by firewall, router settings,….”

I’ve never seen this error before and no one else seems to be having this issue. In fact I don’t think anyone has had this issue ever. Is it possible that it might have something to do with the re-installation?

I need to sell my goods and make that gold.

I feel emotions when I think about you.