Showing Posts For Libertine Lush.1320:

[Guide] Overpowered PvP Phantasm Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

This build is not good in group fights…
What this build does do, is win any 1v1 duel. It is the most overpowered dueling build in the game.

How does this build do in “1 vs Many” fights? When you say it’s not good in group fights, I’m assuming you mean effectiveness in group play (small or large), rather than 1 vs a group of people. Thanks for any opinion on this.

Mystic Forge weapons in the PvP Mystic Forge?

in Crafting

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Hey eveyone,

I couldn’t find forge recipes for these 2 items that are created via the regular Mystic Forge:

Can they be crafted from the PvP Mystic Forge or are all Mystic Forge items that require Mystic Coins unique to the PvE/WvW world, with no alternate PVP recipe?

Thank you.

Arenas in the future?

in PvP

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Hi everyone,

Has ArenaNet ever commented on whether there’ll be an Arena mode of PvP play in the future? Would love to have some small scale purely PvP-focused play.


(edited by Libertine Lush.1320)

LFG as a thread: For Small Party Roaming

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Hello everyone,

Thought I’d give this a try, however futile it could be: a thread for players to find others also disinterested in zerging, preferring small party roaming, wherein PvP is the focus and map objectives are ignored or secondary at best.

So if you’re interested, just leave your region and server name so that others can contact you, and maybe this can help facilitate a different mode of play for the many who prefer this play-style but find it hard to find on their server or cautious of moving to another supposedly better server.

Me: NA. Crystal Desert. Mesmer and Thief.

Thanks. Enjoy your weekend.

More small party roaming at lower tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

The issue we found in lower tiers is that the WvW population is too low. Sure the zergs are smaller, but there are portions in the day where you spend more time looking for a fight, then fighting.

Even T3 was getting weak at parts of the day, was still good during prime time, but late afternoon was far to slow.

That’s something I’m concerned about. I wonder if the lower tier being more conducive to small scale PVP is mostly borne out of there being, maybe, far fewer people in WvW.

More small party roaming at lower tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Thanks for all the replies. So it does seem quite hopeful on these lower tier servers.

One more question/concern: Because these are lower population servers, is there sometimes difficulty finding people to fight in WvW in non-primetime hours? Not infrequently, my middle tier, “Very High” population server’s WvW is low on activity.

More small party roaming at lower tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Hey guys,

I’ve seen a few comments in this sub-forum that some of the lower tier servers provide more opportunities for small party (say around 5 people) roaming WvW play—ignoring map objectives, just PvP.

I like to solo roam, but I’d also love to find people to roam with, so that I’m not always outnumbered—dying less often is also appealing. I’m in a middle tier server and I’ve yet to find anyone interested in small party roaming.

So for those who’ve actually had experiences in various tiers, do the lower tiers really offer a lot more opportunities for small party roaming or is the difference overstated, marginal?


Attention medium pop servers

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

IWhen I was looking around for a new server I checked out all of the servers in this tier and found that I liked HoD the most. If you have any other questions about HoD feel free to ask.

Could you share why this server won out over the other two? Looking at this tier since I’ve seem some posts from people claiming there’s a fair amount of smaller scale battles here. I would like to find a server/guild where I can do small scale roaming parties, ignoring the map objectives—just PVP—when I’m not solo roaming.

Thanks for any insight.

?'s for the free transfer NA servers

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

We also have many small man roaming guilds on our server!

Who are some of these guilds? So I can maybe contact them.

(edited by Libertine Lush.1320)

Is Gate of Madness a good fit for you?

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

With how much ease or difficulty will I find people who like to play in small roaming parties, focusing on PvP, instead of map objectives, on this server?

?'s for the free transfer NA servers

in WvW

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

The OP seems to have the same gameplay preference as myself and similar PVP background (I still love WoW PVP—dueling, BG, Arena), so I’ll just add my questions here rather than start a new thread.

I think pretty much all three tier7 servers will fit your criteria equally well.

1) Why tier 7 in particular?

At first I thought maybe the top tier servers would have more solo/roaming parties dedicated to pure PVP’ing in WvW, but I’ve come across a few comments just in the first page of this sub-forum with people saying the best small-scale action is actually in the lower tiers. 2) So would it be better to go tier 8, if the narrative is true that the lower the tier the more frequent/conducive the environment is to very small scale encounters?

3) Due to having a lower population, can I actually go into WvW at most any time and find people (non-zergs) to fight? I’m on a higher tier, high population server, but it can be quite deserted sometimes.

4) Similarly, is Lion’s Arch fairly empty on these lower tier servers? I love logging into WoW and seeing the incredibly dense population of people in its 4 major city hubs, bringing down the framerate for a nearly decade old game to roughly where it is in Lion’s Arch. Meanwhile in GW2, it’s lone hub, is always sparsely populated.

Thank you for any insight.

(edited by Libertine Lush.1320)

[Video] WvW Roaming - Return of the FLIMP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Phase Retreat always moves you away from your target so if you want to move forward just make sure your target is behind you.

Oh wow. So simple. I had assumed it would always port you backwards, so never even bothered to use it while fleeing. Thank you.

Is there a way to port yourself forward then, but outside of combat, with ease?

[Video] WvW Roaming - Return of the FLIMP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

Awesome play as usual. Could you share how you’re able to use Phase Retreat to port forward so quickly? The only way I know how is to keybind “About Face”: so I’ll hit About Face to turn 180, then Phase Retreat which ports me backward towards my original walking direction, then hit About Face again. But it’s slow and cumbersome.

Regarding the audio, could you consider including some of the in-game sound effects? I think it’s useful when watching, as with when playing, since it gives so many additional cues to what’s happening or about to happen. Plus, I think it feels more immersive that way.

You should have gotten five exotic trident drops for that 1 vs. 5 in the beginning. Game doesn’t even reward you properly.

[Video] WvW Roaming - Return of the FLIMP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

I really enjoyed your stream! I look forward to more in the future (hopefully)!

Me too!

[Video] WvW Roaming - Return of the FLIMP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320


Thank you so much for such a thorough reply to my questions. It helps a lot to understand your thinking behind it, and I completely agree with it, so I’ll likewise go with the 20pts in Illusion. At most, I’ll consider using a piece or two of gear with vitality.

In this build, shattering is all about stacking confusion so F1 and F2 is your main shatter.

Do you have a sense for whether F1 or F2 would do more damage if the target activates a skill while confusion is up? Actually, I don’t even know what the math is comparing the two without Illusionary Retribution, but with it, I wonder if F2 is the winner.

In regards to streaming, I don’t think I’d be good enough to do that. Maybe if there’s a high demand but that’s unlikely :p

There’s a couple GW2 streamers I enjoy watching cause of how ridiculously good they are. And finding it incredibly entertaining and enlightening that their class can be played in such a way. But compared to what we see in your vids, you seem to be on an ever more absurd level. So if you ever stream, you got an immediate subscriber here.

[Video] WvW Roaming - Return of the FLIMP!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320


Your play is incredible in the vids. Really enjoyed watching the condition build videos. It looks like so much fun that I had to try it myself in the Mists. A few questions about the condition build:

1) What do you think about using both Veil and Decoy, since the build is stealth-heavy?
2) When do you decide to use Shatters for this build and which Shatter(s) in particular?
3) Do you ever user Prestige as a blast finisher with Chaos Storm? I can’t think of when, if ever to do so, since Chaos Storm’s damage brings you out of stealth.
4) Because I can’t dominate a single player in the way you can an entire zerg, do you think taking away 15 points from Illusions (leaving 5pts for Illusionists Celerity) and putting it into Inspiration (primarily for the HP) would diminish the viability of the build too much? I don’t feel I’m good enough to roam with just 15k HP.

Also, you should stream on Twitch. Would be very entertaining to watch.

Thanks for any advice.

(edited by Libertine Lush.1320)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

This is has been occurring to me for about a week: When I search for an item, then click on the item, nothing happens. It stalls, showing the rotating yellow circle. So I can’t purchase items.

An ArenaNet employee who is on IRC suggested that I delete the “gw2cache…” folder. I did that and it merely allowed the TP search to work a couple times. Soon after, it went back to stalling when I click on an item to try to display more info/sellers for it.

Would prefer a major city as our sPVP "lobby"

in PvP

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

I also think that the pvp lobby should be better, after all, you get all this fancy gear and the only place you can show it off in is in the games or heart of the mists… heart of the mists feels like a drive-by not a place for pvpers to hang out

Indeed, I forgot to mention that. Another important reason why the lobby for sPVP shouldn’t be segregated is so that we can display the characters we’ve taken so much time and effort to customize to other people. To not be able to walk around the PVE world—the main world of the game, the most socially immersive part—with our flashy sPVP gear, inadvertantly devalues our sPVP exploits in a game where not only PVP is its greatest feature, but sPVP, quite clearly through Arena Net’s efforts to make it an eSport, is the most prestigious portion of the game.

(edited by Libertine Lush.1320)

Would prefer a major city as our sPVP "lobby"

in PvP

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

The 5 racial capitals and Lion’s Arch, for the most part, are breathtakingly beautiful. In stark contrast, the Heart of the Mists, in my opinion, is dull, depressing, uneventful looking. It possesses neither the attractiveness or the scale befitting a staging area in one of the most important, if not most, parts of the game. Attractiveness is no doubt subjective; I fully accept some people may perhaps find the Mists acceptable looking. But speaking to the sense of scale, I don’t get that wide-eyed feeling in the Mists as when I’m in the 6 main cities, frequently panning the camera to ogle at everything. It’s not merely the size of those cities, a size that wouldn’t make sense in a lobby area, that’s compelling, but the way in which that size is presented architecturally, where the density, multi-layered structures/buildings and rich vistas lend such a sense of import. The Mists just looks and feels barren.

So I think it’s unfortunate that for sPVPers, the Mists will be our “lobby”—what some of us will be seeing most of our GW2 lives whenever we’re not in a game. Whereas PVEers and WvWers get to take in the sights of the Black Citadel, Divinity’s Reach, Lion’s Arch as they wait on WvW ques, advertise sell/buy items or form dungeon parties.

I would have preferred that had they made this sPVP lobby (with all the wonderful training dummies, vendors, etc) as a section in all of the 6 main cities. So that we’d not only have the beauty of the main cities to “lobby in,” but the choice of which of these six very different settings we’d like to idle in and we’d also be able to partake in the main chat channels where most sell/buy/LFG activity is.

Does anyone else feel the same?


New gametypes?

in PvP

Posted by: Libertine Lush.1320

Libertine Lush.1320

I do feel the diversity of PVP available at the moment is paltry, especially given that this is an (extraordinary) PVP-oriented game and has been in development for 5 years. As some have said, one small scale PVP mode does get repetitive quick, as fun as it is.

Speaking only of my personal preference, not on whether it would necessarily work well as I haven’t logged in enough hours in this young game to have firm convictions on anything:

1) Arena. Something as small scale as 1 vs 1 to 5 vs 5. For me, the funnest type of PVP has always been the kind where you can focus solely on battling each other without the interference of map objectives, in small numbers. Just pure combat strategy.
2) Dueling. More informal than 1 vs 1 Arena. Should be accessible on most any map, except perhaps main cities. Also a great way to pass time when waiting on ques (which is several hours long for me in WvW), waiting for dungeon groups to form, etc.
3) World PVP. Don’t know if this could exist with the game’s lore, which I’m not familiar with. But if they could designate certain maps/zones as world PVP, it would provide a really fun, spontaneous PVP experience, as opposed to sPVP and WvW which first ports you into a new (non-contiguous?) zone. So the latter types feel like a more detached experience by the nature of how they exist and are presented. And should the lore get in the way of this possibility, it can’t be hard to come up with some new lore for a map or two to allow for this—the world map is huge!
4) Medium-scale PVP. Something with more players than sPVP and far less players than WvW. It’s a great middle ground for people who feel the “intimacy” or pressure of sPVP is too great as that is where individual skill is most crucial and bad tempers are most prevalent, and the massive size of WvW is too skill-less by comparison (not to diminish the skill of group coordination, but only that individual combat skill is of lesser import in WvW). The much smaller map afforded by medium-scale combat would also address the fatigue and downtime some people don’t like with all the running around in WvW, but still provide big fights.
5) PVP in Main Cities. Lore could as much prevent or give a reason for this occurring. Maybe something where during certain times of the day, spurred by certain events occurring,…or…oh, I dunno. In my imagination it feels like something that would add yet more energy to the already lively atmosphere of the 5 racial capitals and Lion’s Arch. But it would add something that isn’t there: the unexpected. And that would further embue city life with a sense of cooperation, activity, immersion.
6) A ranking system, shown in-game and on some “Armory”-type site, for all the PVP types. So if you’re not good at or don’t like WvW and have a low ranking there, you can still show off your Dueling/Arena/etc ranking.

And should ANet believe any of these PVP types may not be ideal, there, I imagine, will be many players who believe otherwise. By providing these other possibilites for play, it should bring in even more players and retain player interest much longer. They could also devalue the PVP types they don’t believe are as ideal, by simply not balancing the game on those game types and/or not including them in a ranking system.

Cheers. (I spent too long writing this. I should be in the game!)