If you invest in beastmastery (max it out) the pets will generally be okay unless they get mobbed (hello Orr) or you do something silly like send a melee met at something that two-hits things in a melee fight.
That’s when you swap out to the ranged pet. :p
Ferrets would be nice.
I can top that. In PvE I have 12/6 runes of the ranger.
Ferrets. Definitely ferrets
No, you can set the equipping of a kit to auto-attack. Which means the second you unequip it, you reequip it. So you’re stuck on that kit until you get the chance to remove the skill from your lineup.
That’s what they fixed.
Recall that, in GW1, a necro actually needed a corpse to create a minion.
Until Aura of the Lich was reworked and a Bone Horror spontaneously appeared, a la GW2.
Just killed the mouth and indeed it feels kinda weird to be the errand boy. even if I get to picked what type of coffee to bring Im still the errand boy.
I think they could fix this by simply starting to name him early on PS even if its just briefly (after you choose an order of course). An then after he rises to power instead of having him giving the choice every time, let players get info from npc’s and being presetned with the same options.
The thing is as soon as you are presented the choice from a subordinate instead of your superior the story again centers back to you. Of course all actions should be “informed” to the general… something like this:
Npc " sir scouts have found magical items being delivered to this place, intels shows that this is how zhaitan gets substenance."
toon: "then we must stop this, what are our options?
Npc: “we can kill the mouth or we can stop the supply”
Toon: “we’ll kill the mouth then, inform the general that I’m handling this and that I’m taking a sqadron”
Npc: “yes commander”
The general doesn’t need to be the hero (it almost never is) the toon can be the hero and not be the errand boy. NPC’s could talk about the hero’s quick thinking and guts that won the crucial battles that allow the general to mount the offensive that wins the war.
Think of it like any war movie, yes there is a general somewhere dealing with the war, but the hero can deal the desicive blow that turns the tide.
I think this guy may have picked out the problem; it feels like Trehearne is always looking over your shoulder and taking credit for your stuff. The one that sticks in my mind is just after he’s made leader of the pact, and convinces everyone he’s a strong leader by rescuing an excavation team from what’s left of Fort Ranik.
However, he didn’t really actually do anything. He went with you, rounded up the survivors, went one way, found it was a deadend, went the other, killed a buttload of undead.
That’s it. This apparently qualifies him to lead the Pact.
He does this once to prove he can lead the pact, something you’ve already done multiple times repeatedly over the past dozen or so missions. So apparetly you’d be just as good (if not better) at leading the pact yourself (assuming you could, being a member of one of the orders)
It’s sort of like World War II: Eisenhower wasn’t (arguably) a very good ‘military general’, and was more a ‘bureaucratic general’; he got things organised and sorted while his very competent generals (special mention to Patten and Montgomery) got on and did things, did the actual ‘legwork’.
Using these real life generals as reference points, the problem with Trehearne is it feels far too much like he is constantly doing/being made out to do things that Patten/Monty (ie, the player) is doing and even taking credit for them, when he should be a more distant Eisenhower type figure. What was effectively a single small skirmish with the undead should not have proven his abilities as a general. A series of missions where he makes sound strategic decisions (the location of the Pact’s base for the assault on Orr was a good example) and anticipates/recovers from setbacks to these strategic decisions while his subordinates (read: you) actually execute the plan(s), making their own tactical decisions in the field.
It also triggers the ‘chance to bleed on crits’ thing, so amusingly the flamethrower can be alarmingly good at a bleed spike!
What in everyone’s opinion are the 2 best pets to use for PVE mostly? I usually use one tank-like and one ranged. What’s is optimal do you think for the beginning, middle and at lvl 80?
Depends entirely on the situation. For example, the birds (owls, ravens, ect) do the most damage, so they’re very good for mauling single targets. The Drakes hit several foes at once, so they’re good for chomping up a group of pve mobs. The bears are designed to take a walloping, and especially with signet of the wild and points in beastmastery, can really take a beating before being defeated.
What I mean is, to use the old D&D comparisons, is magic something you can learn (Wizard) or just you just wake up one day and you’re all “I know magic!” (Sorcerer). I don’t think I’ve ever seen this clarified ingame.
I think directly comparing it to the warrior or thief is (on one level) setting yourself up for disappointment, since those are classes designed to brute-force things. Ergo, you’ll never match them in terms of raw power.
However, I do agree with the general consensus that the class isn’t really ‘ready for prime-time’. There’s lots of really fun, good ideas but too much stuff feels clunky (grenade kits for example) and there are issues like redoing the autoattack for the flamethrower’s skill #1 every time to equip the kit. The biggest problem I suspect is in the class’ basic concept; each kit seems to be designed to let you do something utterly different. The medkit turns you into a medic, the flame-thrower’s designed for crowd control, ect. The big problem with that is if the class becomes too good at these things, there’s no point using other classes since the engineer can do everything (Ritualists say hi: healing, protection and damage!)
Of course, there’s the danger of making the class (which I suspect is it’s current status) where it’s just not good enough at all these things.
Perhaps another way to phrase it is by using the medkit as an example: it lets you drop medkits, a condition remover and buff. Currently it’s (probably) overall a bit dodgy. The medkits take a good 12 seconds to recharge, and heal for (comparatively) very little.
However, if they healed for much more, or recharged much faster, then there would be the very real danger of the class getting pigeon-holed into the ‘healer’ and players in general expecting the engineer to be much better at healing in general than other classes.
I’m currently ruing around with 30 beast mastery, a drake (hits multiple foes, good for the undead hordes in orr) and a spider/devourer. This is because the drake’s good enough for most situations, but when the two-hits-every-thing melee boss is encountered (which it will) the easiest way to avoid your pet getting brutalised by it is to swap to a ranged one. Swap out to a ranged weapon yourself and you can easily keep the pet alive just my making sure it’s near you with F3.
A fix for part b) is in the works. This should also help mitigate the issues of part c) since you won’t have to mash F2 so much, though I am also aware of this issue.
Part a) varies depending on each pet, so perhaps a list of the ones that are particularly troublesome could help to get them looked at =)
In regards to the second bit: the red drake seems to have real issues with it’s flame breath, and jackhammering the F2 is pretty much required currently.
I’m 385 at the moment in leather-working, and it doesn’t look like some armour designs (Pirate’s and Swindler’s are the only names I can think of off the top of my head) are craftable. I suspect that I need to find a recipe off a karma trader or the like; can anyone confirm?
Anyone else want the Ranger's Natural Healing trait's hiss sound removed?
in Suggestions
Posted by: Loki.4871
I find it annoying constantly hearing it whenever combat starts for a ranger, and then for a good 5 or even 10 seconds after combat’s wrapped up, and considering how much damage mobs belt out in the higher level areas it’s almost required if you’re relying on the pet for half your damage.
….yeah. That’s it. Not much else I can add.
It is a pretty miserable healing skill; every class has a healing skill (usually the starting one) that heals for more/has a negligible difference, usually has ‘extra’ stuff (Elixir S gives buffs, Heal as One heals the pet as well, ect) and (as far as I’m aware) all of them recharge faster as well.