I would also like to say, that we have a very nice time fighting both of you…..Night camping isnt so hard and prime time is absolutley wonderful.
GF to all:)
As a ranger ,i believe that 14-15k of toughness and 17-18k HP is good enough for everything but s/tpvp. You can do wonders in any kind of dungeon,fractal or WvW, as long as we speak for defensive stats, you dont “NEED” anything more.
“Returned the Corrupted Short Bow to its former majesty.”
Thanks for that, we are happy that we can discuss things out!
Same here i cant even login……when i choose my char and location is loading….bam: error code 7:11:3:189:101
yesterday we had kill combo with an ally………..:P
They changed corrupted short bow’s skin……now it looks like an icy wood stick:/
Ahah i posted a bug report about this. Let me know about that…i think the shortbow looked exactly like the corrupted longbow didn’t it? Now is it smaller and shorter like it is supposed to be? I can’t believe they fixed this.
They just removed most of the ice design from it ,between the 2 glowing edge….its like empty.
Edit: Actually Corrupted Greatbow has still the same skin and its bigger than corrupted short bow…..but they didnt only reduce the size….they made it kinda empty…….:(
(edited by Luffy.9365)
They changed corrupted short bow’s skin……now it looks like an icy wood stick:/
Nice fights so far……..We(SF) have some issues during the night with VS ,but i hope things will get better
GF to all
I have the same issues since yesterday – 502 error in forums and huge lag spikes in all pve/pvp zones and instances.
Ok, i will sum up the things for you.
Highest DMG
Berserker Gear(armor-shortbow-jewels)
Runes——>Ruby orb
Sigils——>I would go for axe-horn as secondary and put on both perception and on main you can put 5% crit rate or 5%dmg.
Skills——>QZ-LR-Signet of the hunt(for the 25% speed) Elite:RAO or Entagle
Traits——>30-30-5-0-5( pretty much straight forward options on traits if you need dps)
@seetoo: I dont think that it would give any benefit that armor…you lose many vital stats.
@Alexander: Ofc, you can use any banner is the best for your group…i took 1 offensive and 1 defensive
Thnks for the feedback guys!
Hello m8.
Try to c/p the link @ your browser, it will work:)
Hello all,
I recently play the warrior class(ranger-engineer the other two). So i came with an all around setup…..which you can do almost everything! The good with this build is that you can customize specific traits , skills and weapons according to your playstyle or the situation(WvW-dungeon-Solo pve-solo pvp etc). So what a Boon warrior of might has standard?That will be the high toughness and the boons-might extra duration that gives a very high mobility and great dmg.
I could go with monk runes x2 instead of 2+2x20% might , but with a 14% boon duration food you have 100% swiftness 100%fury and you can do amazing might stacking .I use Knight armor, Berserker weapons ,2 Knight jewels and 3 Beryl ones.
The current build is mostly for group setup……you can provide tanking , high dmg, very good regeneration to yourself and to your party ,Banner buffs , FGJ ,combo finishers and nice CC abilities(you can take leg spec instead of empower). OFC you can change weapons like hammer, or axe-mace, or mace-shield and be able to trait all of them if you like. You can also turn this setup to a solo pve or pvp by changing some skills and traits.
I would like to hear some opinions from more experience warriors than me about boon duration, Sigils-runes . the perma SoR,the healing and the high regen(healing signet?).
Thanks m8 , so we can live with that for now:)
Me and my wife , have some movement issues from time to time.Like holding the 2 mouse buttons for movement, occasionally the character stay still and we need to press w/s/a/d to make him move. I dont know if we have discussed this before , but i would like to know if this is a known issue.
Thank you
I dont QQ @ all…….i just asked what is the cap of running speed and i mentioned the 33%—>50% buff! I dont have any issues with thiefs and in general with any other classes(pvp/pve wise), i can deal with the majority of players-classes out there. So iam wondering if we have any change with the speed cap….and i also mentioned that most classes got the 10—>25% buff on run speed and we still have some issues in WvW with the perma swift classes…That’s all.
Hello guys,
As i can see, alot of classes got the 10—>25% running speed signet buff and(ofc) thiefs got the 33—>50%. So, do we know the running speed cap(or else the maximum running speed)?So basically doesnt change a thing vs classes with perma swift……
If you go with power/crit/crit. dmg , the best thing is to go with ruby orbs……Nothing comes close,especially if you consider the price ratio.
things are better for me now……
Thnks for the feedback , if anything changes i will let you know guys….but right now we cant play like this!
Guys do you also lag for 1-5 secs the last 2-3 hours non stop?I have never had any lag issue beside the first karka event…..
Yes ofc, Thief has better melee burst than warrior, better range than ranger, best escape mechanisms in game why not give to thiefs warrior hp pool to make the pie complete….Ppl who already have an experience with mmorpg gave some nice thoughts and feedback about stealth.Stealth should have a counter by all profs , more or less.
(edited by Luffy.9365)
Hello all ,
Guys…..really!I read some opinions about Elite skill 3-5sec use and 2mins CD….and similar comments.That’s by far useless…..what to do an elite skill or even a skill like that?
In my opinion, all classes should have “A” defence against stealth….some more,some less, according the profession.Reveal stealth OR avoid stealth should somehow be part of some weapon skills ,utility skills or elite skills.Not to dedicate an utility or elite skill just to reveal someone…..This is not game breaking @ all for thiefs…..they still do insane dmg, teleport and can range…..So its mandatory to be a defence against stealth…..An example….healing spring reveal stealth for 8secs @1500 range ,poison: prevent from going invincible and many more.
Hello Ellayne(and Deepwinter)
Exactly what Deepwinter said:) I use 2xperception to have 2stacks—→per kill. When you travel and on downed state you lose them……so with 2x of them is a matter of 2-4mins to get them back.
@AlexRD The swap quickness is good , but according to my play style its very situational. In many cases you lose dps when you swap your full health pet in both pve/wvw
Hello again.
Many ppl are intresting about my trinket mix , so i thought it will be better to add them right here. Ofc any pm/question, its always welcome:)
I use Beryl amulet and 2xBeryl rings all with exquisite beryl jewels and 1xemerald accessory, 1xancient karka shell(Lost shore event) both with emerald jewels.The 72% is with full stacks of perception(50% without it) and my build is 20-30-20-0-0.
L2 style, 9vs9 epic fights…….with names and chat available!!!Names and chat could be a very good future in thing;)
Hello all,
I have Berserk stat gear with ruby orbs on(one of the best for crit builds) and bersrk stat weapon. I have sigil of accuracy @ shortbow and 2xperception on axe/horn. My jewels are a mix of beryl,emerald and karka(event).
I have full stack from perception in 2-3mins and my stats are:
Attack: 3140 Crit R: 72%(full perception) Crit D : 90% Armor: 2300 HP: 17.400
I use my build for Pve/WvW and i play around with major traits and 3rd skill slot( muddy terrain) according the needs.I do good dmg ,but i also have plenty survivability
Hope it helped
ok ,thank you for your reply
Do we have an official response about that , or only assumptions/tests by fellow players?
It was the same company……just the European division!So it was company’s mistake overall. Its like iam buying an apple product in Germany and w/e issues i have with that, they dont care to answer/solve them, cause its not the manufacturer company in Germany……
They just didnt care for Europe etc…
Some of you guys ,should have been in games like l2 or Aion…….really.They didnt even care for us(customers with MONTHLY fee)….and iam talking about the forum coordinators……We had never seen ,heard or talked with a game designer…to us he was like Santa.
I kinda understand many of you(iam too a little disappointed) , but i think you exaggerate a bit. We must give time…things dont come always as we plan,or delivered @ the time that we wish……
Rangers need a lot of things and the most important for us is the AI of the pet(since we dont have a choice to go without a companion),trait corrections , be able to build different kind of builds and the most important…….We must have the CHOICE to burst ppl down,cause that is a ranger’s job.Most of the ppl dont care to melee with a ranger ,or to tank dmg and DOT ppl down….with a RANGER.
I understand the situation and i appreciate very much that Anet is next to the customer, but plz read what we suggest, we dont want the rangers to be op…just to be able to build different builds(Burst build is very important for the most players that choose ranger),and AI of pets……Those things are important,if we need to compete with the other classes equally.
Thnks for your time.
i kinda do the same……..from morning(work), till now(playing)
tyvm Fourth……..
Hey guys, does anyone know what kind of shoulderpads Nefarious or deathpope are using, cause its not from T2 Falconer set….