Showing Posts For MVP.7961:

Personal story is a mess since patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Post Patch: What do you plan to do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Just waiting for them to undo what they did to the story if no change I may sadly leave

Client Auto Login

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Same here. This patch messed up many things instead of fixing.

Personal Story issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Add it to
This change still do not make any sense because the story was fine.

Discouraged New Entrant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


They only need to remove the lock system (and undone what they did to the story with this patch) everything will be fine.

Discouraged New Entrant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


The ability to choose and customize your character as you want is what got most people into the game.
You had the freedom before to do what you want but now you forced to do something when you want to do something else.

Discouraged New Entrant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


If someone who played the game before kept telling people not to waste their time on this game as a company I would be VERY worried. It gives the game a bad reputation and you are not hearing this from an old player but from someone who played it only for 3 weeks.

Discouraged New Entrant

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


The new feature pack is discouraging new entrants.

I was checking youtube and found this.

Scary older players are not encouraging him to stay, they are instead telling him to leave the game and how to get a refund. That is a very bad advertisement for the game.

A Newbie's Thoughts

in Community Creations

Posted by: MVP.7961


Rollback on changes ETA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


I also want the story back to what it was before this…‘update’…

KongZhong means more to ArenaNet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Here the link Rauderi enjoy but it still don’t show all the changes :p

KongZhong means more to ArenaNet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


This have nothing to do with Asian. The ‘panda bear’ for Blizzard were in the game as a race WAY before they deiced to make MoP, they even wanted to give them to the alliance as their new playable race in BC before they change it to draenei.

KongZhong means more to ArenaNet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


They need to understand we have different MMO culture than china.
Just look at Blizzard they didn’t copy what they give to china to their Western players because they understand they don’t have the same culture, just how hard is that to understand?? : /

I'm just sad... :'(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


I feel I have been back stabbed with this patch..

Why damage the story?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Just why? why did they feel the need to remove the Fear plot line from it? The story was already perfect the way it was before and there was no need for this change at all.

Feature pack 9/9: feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


I want the ability to be able to choose back without worrying about being low level and not being able to unlock the next part of the story or a skill. Having the ability to choose was the best thing in this game and it what attract me to it.

Now I’m FORCED to grind if I want to unlock things which were before this patch available for me. The level lock on skills and story made it so boring. The new system make it feel more of a chore and that sucks because I really love this game.

You guys make me regret buying the characters slots for alts now…

Did I loose my story progression ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


You are locked from the story till you hit the level the system think is right for you to continue with it.

In my opinion I think they should remove this lock because it’s not needed.

New Personal Story...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Can we PLEASE get it to how it used to be before? It just feel like a huge gap between each part of the story too now.

New Personal Story...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MVP.7961


Leveled a character and story unlocked, played it till a certain part then it get locked for me again…
Can we get the personal story to how it used to be before this change? I can’t continue the story unless I’m a high level (as the system think) which is annoying because I want to do the story only but it is locked for me.

If Anet is worried about the key farming they can remove the key from reward or add at higher level like 20.

Sorry for my english it is not my language.