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Arah Vets grouping together... (EU servers)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Finally a Arah group on our EU servers! Great!

Warrior Dungeon master here, I do p4 daily (if I can). Happy to help any rookie to conquer p4 (carried 4 rookies twice to the end).
No teamspeak required, no class restriction (a little DPS oriented build would be better…), but one thing is mandatory: you have to know how to fight Lupicus.
I’ll help with the rest.
Whisper me: Mander.6924 or Cyridven

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Urg so much stupidity in this thread in support for an obvious flaw/glitched boss.

I’m suuuuuure it’s a glitch that the spiders are now aggroing and not letting you afk autoattack a boss like before. I’m suuuuure it was intended by anet for all of you to jump on the leaf and afk auto too.

Get real. What’s happening is that now you have to complete the fight the intended way, something pugs have never done because this boss was one of the most exploited, afkrange boss of the game until now. The groups “strategies” in pugs until now were all about either jumping on something on the map that allowed you to afkauto or to max range it and only kill the first pack while completely ignoring everything else in the room.

I totally agree, the real question now is not whether it should be returned to the way it was. It should be “Now you have to do it the intended way is it now a touch too harsh?” Ie do the spiders a) have too much health b) do too much damage.

I know it’s doable, and I do like the challenge it gives. But I do a lot of dungeons. Not everyone attempting it is as experienced.

I would like to see a third option (beetwen turn it back or leave the boss the way it is):
As the boss is atm, he’s perfect: he has a nice life point/difficulty ratio.
The problems are the spiders: if you can’t kill the tree on the first go, the team is pretty much buttkitten, because the room will climb on your face 99/100 times.
So… what about reducing the life points of the spiders (only in the boss zone), let’s say 30/40 %? This way, even if you wipe as a team, or you have to go ranged from the start (for instance when you have 3 rangers in the team) you have a solid hope to work your way to the tree, but at the same time, you still need teamwork to pull it right.

(edited by Mander.6924)

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Uhm, they make another character?

So not having the time to level 5 different characters (guardian, mesmer, necro, elementalist, thief) is a reason good enough to kick someone?

Well technically you can just pick one and lvl it. An ele or a war or a guard or whatever. Not hard with crafting, not to mention all the free booster hand outs. Sitting on the same poor class and expecting other people to deal with it because you cant be bothered to make another one isn’t the answer. The real issue, and the one you really should be getting mad at is Arena Net for making the classes the way they are. It really isn’t fair that some classes provide more for a group than others. But that’s what happens when they are too lazy to split pve and pvp skills and sit in denial. Kicking someone for thier class I find isn’t a really valid reason, but at the same time, I have seen enough shortbow auto attack bear pet rangers to understand why.

And for these precise reasons, my first char is a Warrior builded as a boulder…
I would love to go mad with crafting, but atm I need a little more gold to buy ore: sadly, the first char is always so poor
And this is the other reason why I farm dungeons…

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Uhm, they make another character?

So not having the time to level 5 different characters (guardian, mesmer, necro, elementalist, thief) is a reason good enough to kick someone?

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


It’s not a coordinated group, it’s a very specific set of classes. You need a guard or mes. To me, there’s a world of difference in that. If it was a matter of traiting, correct stat allocation, skill and weapon selection, and effective communication, that would be one thing. But none of that matters if you do not have reflections. if a group of 5 different classes does not have the means to deal with the mechanic, something is wrong.

This sense of entitlement to being able to complete anything in the game with any class with any gear and any build is unique to the GW2 community.

You have 5 character slots. Use them.

And may I ask about those who have only 1/2 characters atm? What do they have to do when thery’re kicked from a party because they don’t have a char with complementary abilities to the team? (Ranger for TA just for instance?)
Sit on a broomstick?

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


The coordination of a team is mandatory for win even path up… but the oddity of path forward/up is the complexity spike of the final boss, which at the moment, don’t have a credible, IMO, reason to be.
It can be rewarding as hell to win this, but again, why is needed to create such an anomaly in kitten level dungeon? Because the rest of the path is doable with level 60 gears and I know because I’ve done it.

The complexity spike of the final boss isn’t the problem, it’s the failure of anet to make the rest of the dungeon like that.


Of course when they stepped into explorable that was a different experience, since we built our explorable dungeons to directly challenge a coordinated 5 man group.

The TA F/U Tree meets that standard. The rest of the dungeon does not. The failure is the rest of the dungeon.

I would have almost understood this and maybe preferred too. XD
Spider Defiler: now with 8 times the attack power. Every time is hit, release a couple of suicide spiders who poison and explode for AOE.
Spider bees: because insta kill bees swarms it’s too mainstream.
Spider Vivena. Special ability: after her shadow step, summon 6 spiders, all of them with chaos armor.

I believe we need a new meme:
Spiders rush is the new zerg rush.
Or the mighty Colin in “Yo dawg, I heard you liked spiders, so we put spiders in your spiders, so you can spider while you spider.”

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


I think you’re a little too full of yourself to actually read the opinions of others…
Sigh, why do I bother?
TA is a fifty five level dungeon: this, I believe, is commmon knowledge.
What I’m asking is: is really TA forward/ up a level 55 exploring dungeon? Or is it a little more (or a lot more) challenging than this?
Not that this is bad: I would just like to know why, and share my experiences with this particular path.
Why labels forward/up as a level 55 dungeon, when we know as a fact, that we need a fully level 80 team with level 80 gears, with tested teamwork, just to hope to complete it?
And why this abysmal difference with the other two paths? Why is it needed?
And your rudeness don’t promote your arguments more than exploiting Hrouda quotes: I refuse to believe you don’t know the difference between the coordination required to do the 3 different paths of TA, paths that are supposed to be doable in the same range of team, skills and level.

We did it without armor boosts at all, so I think lvl 55 with lvl 55 armor would be perfectly fine, with maybe a couple deaths before the boss dies. A lot of people like you complained right after AC was changed that AC couldn’t be done at lvl 35 too, same type of complaints, and a group of people who were levelling their alts banded together and put up a video showing a full team of 35 doing AC.. but it didn’t stop all the whining so I guess the effort was nice but useless.
I’m not exploiting Hrouda’s quote, you’re just too hurt at the thought that there might be content in the game not tailored for random people who have zero communication.
As for all paths from the same dungeon being supposedly doable by a team with the same amount of skill.. have you even ran a dungeon other than TA ? None of the dungeons in this game are like this. SE P2 is much more of a pain in pugs. Arah Path 4. AC Path 2 is almost never ran in pugs. CoF path 3 requires at least three people with a brain to get past the torch part without losing your mind.

Your belief that all dungeon explorable path should have the same amount of difficulty stems from ignorance of this game dungeons.

Anyway I love the “lvl 80 with lvl 80” gear sentence. You don’t even need a full 80 armor set to do this.

a) Lol what? If a team want to go YOLO, fine for me. I’m not one of them and for the love of the Grove, I surely do not support them. Quite the opposite, in fact.

b) Have you even ran a dungeon other than TA?
Yes: I can be new, but I’m not so inexperienced…
I’ve not ran the other dungeons so extensively as TA, but at the moment, I miss only Honor of the Waves, Arah and Cof. I tried more than once every other dungeons, in PUG and in party and, IMO, the differences beetween every of their path isn’t so big as in TA….
So I beg to differ with your statment.

(edited by Mander.6924)

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


I’ll quote Hrouda as many times as you want since you seem to suffer from heavily impaired reading comprehension.

Of course when they stepped into explorable that was a different experience, since we built our explorable dungeons to directly challenge a coordinated 5 man group.

This is an explorable. It doesn’t need a billboard stating that this path is not for beginners. Story mode were intended for beginners.
You again miss the point. Your question is irrelevant (can pug do this path) because whether a random pug kitten group can complete something is not within the requirements for an explorable path. It is for story modes.

I think you’re a little too full of yourself to actually read the opinions of others…
Sigh, why do I bother?
TA is a fifty five level dungeon: this, I believe, is commmon knowledge.
What I’m asking is: is really TA forward/ up a level 55 exploring dungeon? Or is it a little more (or a lot more) challenging than this?
Not that this is bad: I would just like to know why, and share my experiences with this particular path.
Why labels forward/up as a level 55 dungeon, when we know as a fact, that we need a fully level 80 team with level 80 gears, with tested teamwork, just to hope to complete it?
And why this abysmal difference with the other two paths? Why is it needed?
And your rudeness don’t promote your arguments more than exploiting Hrouda quotes: I refuse to believe you don’t know the difference between the coordination required to do the 3 different paths of TA, paths that are supposed to be doable in the same range of team, skills and level.

In a coordinated group you dont need to be all level 80’s and full exotic to complete the path, (as seen in the no armor boss kill video) so I think it can be done with 55’s. That means all the path requires is a coordinated group which is competent with there professions.. although some classes help more then others (guards mostly)

I woudln’t use the “no armor run” as an example to show how this path is not difficult at all XD.
It is awesome, but I don’t think that even a random team of experienced people could do the same. Or win this boss.
The coordination of a team is mandatory for win even path up… but the oddity of path forward/up is the complexity spike of the final boss, which at the moment, don’t have a credible, IMO, reason to be.
It can be rewarding as hell to win this, but again, why is needed to create such an anomaly in a level fifty five dungeon? Because the rest of the path is doable with level 60 gears and I know because I’ve done it.

It’s only the final boss that put path forward/up of TA in a different rank and it’s an oddity I don’t comprend. It seems almost a way to close 1/3 of a very nice dungeon to people who PUGs.

(edited by Mander.6924)

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


I’ll quote Hrouda as many times as you want since you seem to suffer from heavily impaired reading comprehension.

Of course when they stepped into explorable that was a different experience, since we built our explorable dungeons to directly challenge a coordinated 5 man group.

This is an explorable. It doesn’t need a billboard stating that this path is not for beginners. Story mode were intended for beginners.
You again miss the point. Your question is irrelevant (can pug do this path) because whether a random pug kitten group can complete something is not within the requirements for an explorable path. It is for story modes.

I think you’re a little too full of yourself to actually read the opinions of others…
Sigh, why do I bother?
TA is a fifty five level dungeon: this, I believe, is commmon knowledge.
What I’m asking is: is really TA forward/ up a level 55 exploring dungeon? Or is it a little more (or a lot more) challenging than this?
Not that this is bad: I would just like to know why, and share my experiences with this particular path.
Why labels forward/up as a level 55 dungeon, when we know as a fact, that we need a fully level 80 team with level 80 gears, with tested teamwork, just to hope to complete it?
And why this abysmal difference with the other two paths? Why is it needed?
And your rudeness don’t promote your arguments more than exploiting Hrouda quotes: I refuse to believe you don’t know the difference between the coordination required to do the 3 different paths of TA, paths that are supposed to be doable in the same range of team, skills and level.

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


(again, how many PUGs can pull this off?)

I’ll have to quote Hrouda on this :

That something, for once, can’t be done well/easily in a pug directly follows anet’s intent for the dungeons. The fact that a lot of dungeons are faceroll in pugs is just an indication that they did it wrong, not that they wanted any sort of random pick up group or team composition to faceroll content.

“How many pugs can do this” is not an argument against anything related to dungeons.

If that ticks you off, do what you’re supposed to do in a MMO and find a more permanent team to play with. MMO are “social” games as in you’re better off playing with the same people you know and trust over time than trying for the russian roulette every day.

Probably you red my words harsher than I intended: mine is an interested concern, not a whine. I’m not interested at all to begin a kitten ing contest with a more experienced player as yourself, I’ve only to lose to something like this.
I’m just curious: is really path forward/up of TA a level 55 dungeon? Doable as a PUG?
I don’t think so, but I base this realization only on my extensive farming of all the paths of TA.
I don’t need, nor want it changed, what I would like is something like a billboard on the entrance of TA (or something like that) telling “Path forward up is not for beginners, nor for level 55 players. Is a difficult dungeon for experienced party only.”
This would suffice: not everyone is a veteran in GW2.

And maybe “How many pugs can do this” is really not an argument against anything related to dungeons, but “L2P nob” and “Get on my level!” surely aren’t good arguments to rebut it.

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Also, probably beside the point but when a group needs to rely on a warrior for defensive utilities things don’t look good lol.

This too it’s an hard truth XD

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


This is not QQ, this is not sarcasm, this is a really question – how can this boss be done without a guardian or mesmer?

My group was an ele, a necro, a ranger, a warrior, and a thief. Every part up until that point was fine, but even with everyone melee dpsing the boss we would die too fast to the massive amounts of spiders. We had no access to chain reflects, so what should we have done?

You couldn’t… This is not sarcasm: it’s hard truth.
Without a mesmer and (or?) 2 guardian, this path is impossible.
And to add something more to the conversation, I did again with a PUG, this time full melee.
We were a mesmer, 2 guardians and 2 warrior. We aimed for the crotch of the tree from the start, cycling protection and ignoring the mobs.
We did it in one go, but we won narrowly: half the team (myself included) wiped before escaping the room.
At the moment, the only 2 working strategies seems to be full melee (but how many teams can do this in PUG?), or a perfect ranged teamwork with 2 guardians for aggro and destructions of the spiders, forgetting about AOE damage to the tree (again, how many PUGs can pull this off?)

TA F/U spiders change?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


I would like to share my two cents here on TA and something more.

First, who am I? A pugger and I’m not ashamed of it.
Why am I a pugger? Because I’ve played GW2 for not more than 2 weeks.
Why do I think I’m entitled to discuss about TA path forward up? Because I completed it with a PUG, and I’m farming TA since level 55.
To put in prospective: I needed 2000 blossoms. Now I need only 690. In two weeks (leveling included): punch the numbers in your computers, people.
Maybe some of you will even recognize the name “Cyridven”, at least from LFG…

But more about “Forward/up”: has it been an easy run? No, but we didn’t surrender: if there is a thing I loathe in dungeon exp, is when a team member rage quit because “it’s too difficult”, “You’re noobs”, “I won’t listen to you: YOLO” and so on…

“We are struggling together!”
Speaking with the team, listen to each other is the only way to do it, IMO. Especially in PUG: we discussed at least 4 strategies with 4 wipes before winning the spider tree…
So ask about the noob if you have to carry one.
Or not, if you prefer to do dungeon speed run only.

And btw: PUG will remain a cowshed until you leave it that way. Training noobs is hard work, I know it, but I know for sure too that you can do it. It has been done, it can be done even in GW2: especially in GW2, where something like “guilds” exists.

I’m not interested in what will you do with my post: burn it, despise me, hug me… don’t care. It’s just my way to say thank you to the team with which I won path forward/up.

First and foremost: “berserk gear”.
Is it fair that to complete a level 55 dungeon, you need at all cost level 80 equipment master crafted and a team with full spectrum gear? Because this is the question for me. Is it fair that to do a successful exploration of a dungeon, you need to know it beforehand, every nook and cranny, and have a level 80 team downscaled, with tested teamwork?
Maybe it’s just me, but something seems amiss: like… 25 levels. And some thousands of points earned.
But maybe it’s just me.
I’m not complaining about the challenge: the harder the better, It’s just…
Is it fair that tricks have become the “right” and only way to do a dungeon? Is it fair that using every safe spot available is the only “WAY”, because the others are almost impossible for a PUG team?
You tell me: I’m too much of a rookie to know the answer.

For the spider tree, we were 2 guardian, 2 elementalists and one warrior (me).
No mesmer, no necro, no condition thief.
The Guardians were experienced, the elementalists less so (I’m using your scale of values: I was just the zero of the team :-).

The strategy:
Full ranged: we created our personal Thermopylae in front of the tree, right where the hallway becomes the room with the boss (where the aggro zone start).
After 4 wipes, we did it like this: the guardians aggro and kill the spiders.
If the guardians wipe… the team is gone: they are the first and last defensive line of the team.
The 2 Guardians of my team were awesome : like the two doors to hell.
Nothing alive could go past them.
Elementalists help them as much as possible, focusing fire on the tree when free.
In my team, they were a mix and match of water and earth: while one of them kept us alive, the other helped making the spiders dead.
The Warrior helped where needed: I was toting 2 axes and a rifle, dishing pain and eating dirt a lot, shooting the tree with the rifle and using axes with the spiders.
It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t fast: but we did it.
And it’s doable with a semi decent team too.

I hope to have been of some use and at least to have shaken the tree a little, so to speak.

(edited by Mander.6924)

Need People for Twilight Arbor.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Goodluck with ur dungeoneering.

Thank you for you replay: I will search there too, hoping to find someone ready to welcome a new player like me.

Need People for Twilight Arbor.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mander.6924


Welcome community of GW2:
I am Mander, a new player (one week old), so I hope you would forgive me if this format of mine isn’t perfect or I’m posting in a wrong way.

Long Story Short: I’m searching for people interested in farming Twilight Arbor for path 1 (spider) and 3 (at most) for those beautiful Deadly Blossom: currently, my warrior is level 63 and pugging I manage.
But creating a new party every time is very time consuming, so I thought to post here for help. Anyone interested, and anonymus passerby, is very welcome.
I’m in Whiteside Ridge, btw.

Not so short Story:
I’m interested in Deadly Blossoms purely to buy Twilight Arbor weapons and armor (1380 only for the armor…)
I’m already in a Guild and we’re leveling up, but currently I’m the only one interested in dungeon farming. I’ve no intention, atm, to join another Guild.
Thank you for your attention.