Showing Posts For MissHedgehog.1052:

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Bump! We successfully had our first Aetherpath event, and our new guildies know Arah very well. It’s all developing!

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


We grew really fast this past weekend, welcome to all the new members!

For True Fun [FTF] [PvX]

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Just to clarify, EU members cannot join NA guilds and the other way around. Maybe you should only post on NA people’s threads, to make it easier for everyone

(EU) LF PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


I talked about that with our other guild leader, and we already have the rule that you can do missions with another guild since we won’t have it for a little while. Same goes for a PvP or WvW guild, as long as you’ll only represent them while you’re doing that specific content and then us for the dungeons, fractals, and social PvE part, that is fine

(EU) LF PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 15 members, but it’s growing and we run dungeons pretty much every day! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: Let me know if you have any questions!

LF Social PvE/PvX Guild w/ Active Voice

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey! I’m from an EU guild but I just wanted to say that this is the coolest and most elaborate post I’ve seen on this forum! I wish everyone would write so much, I love to read enthusiastic posts like these. Hope you find a great home!

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Bump! Hope to make our guild grow more!

[EU]LF (smaller) fun guild (mostly PvE)

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hi Sourde! I just sent you an in-game mail. The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 13 members, but it’s growing and we run dungeons pretty much every day! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: Let me know if you have any questions!

Looking for PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hi Chidori! I’d like to remind you (but mostly the recruiters above me…) that you cannot join any of their guilds because you are on an EU server, and they are in NA I’m not sure if our guild is exactly what you are looking for, but feel free to check out our thread! Let me know if you have any questions or are interested

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Bump! We have been running around in the labyrinth lots and hope to add some more dungeon runners to our guild!

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Welcome to our newest two members: Alexis and Eruge! Hope you will enjoy the guild

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Thanks Aeromu! Still calling all quaggans to apply

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Yesterday I saw a CM description that said “Path 1 65 Plus NO 80. you people make me sick”, wonder how that went…. :p

[EU] LF Active, Fractal/Dungeon (PvE) Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey Autumn! The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 11 members, but it’s growing fast and we run dungeons pretty much every day! Some of our members are also interested in doing more fractals, but so far we haven’t done them very regularly (still starting up…). Other than that, it sounds like we could be what you are looking for! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: Let me know if you have any questions!

Looking for a Scandinavian guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey! Don’t know of any personally, but I thought this might help you out:
These are all FS guilds sorted by main language, there are Swedish, Norwegian and Danish guilds so maybe you can check if any of them are still active and sound like what you’re looking for. Good luck!

Any dungeon guilds?

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hello LimitBreaker and Allaraina! Are you on EU or NA? If you are in Europe, The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 11 members, but it’s growing fast and we run dungeons pretty much every day! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: Let me know if you have any questions!

[JQ] [PvX] Synergy

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Looks like a fun NA guild, for every player on that side of the ocean with an interest in a small friendly guild!

Dungeon friends wanted!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


They said Gunnars Hold, EU

Dungeon friends wanted!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey Alexis! The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 10 members, but it’s growing fast and we run dungeons pretty much every day! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: Let me know if you have any questions!

Looking to join an active guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hi Lyra! The Council of Quaggans is a very new guild, so it’s still small. We do dungeon runs and worls bosses almost every evening though, and are very dedicated to making our guild grow! Most of us are in our early twenties. Our aim is mostly to be very social. If this sounds interesting to you, please check out our forum post and you’ll find a link to our steam group with some more information there as well Let me know if you have any questions!

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


We’d still love more members! Contact me here or in game if you have any questions!

Looking for Dungeon Guild :)

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey Justin! The Council of Quaggans is a new guild which we started mainly to be social and run dungeons together. So far we only have 10 members, but it’s growing fast and we run dungeons pretty much every day! If you want to check it out, our forum post is here: I sent you an in-game mail as well!

lf adult small friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey Kerrigan! The Council of Quaggans is a pretty new guild, so it’s still small. Our main focus is being very social and playing with each other, mostly in dungeons and world bosses. If you are interested, feel free to look at our post here: as we have described our ‘philosophy’ there so to speak, haha! If you have any questions, feel free to let me know!

LF smallish guild, newbie friendly [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hey NovaDuck!
I’m not sure if we’re exactly what you are looking for, but maybe you want to check it out anyway The Council of Quaggans is a very new guild, and we’re hoping to make it grow a bit bigger (but not too big). We really value the atmosphere you describe, and aim to be a very social and friendly guild, mostly focused on world bosses, dungeons, etc. Check out our post if you are interested!
If you have any questions, feel free to message me!

[EU] The Council of Quaggans awaits you!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MissHedgehog.1052


Hi everyone! I’m co-founder of this guild and we have 8 members by now, would love to make some more friends to do dungeons with! If you are interested, just shoot me a message. You’re free to try the guild out for a bit before you decide to join.