“Phase 2 of our dungeons evolution will see a lot of changes to bosses and enemies. We plan on taking a good, hard look at the health values and mechanics of our elites and bosses, and in turn how we reward players for their time investment and risk. This will include looking into every boss in our dungeons and seeing what we can do to enhance the gameplay experience in order to make more memorable and strategic encounters.”
“Dungeons were designed to be highly focused on teamwork. The current res-rushing mechanic discourages the type of behavior we intended when a fellow player goes down. We hope that by eliminating res-rushing, we’ll bring dungeons more in-line with our original design goals, which are based around team play and strategy.”
That is how this should have been coordinated, the phases being reversed as to their order of implementation. It was irresponsible and slightly heartbreaking to have content ripped from the normal dungeons while Fractals appears to have been promoted, yet again. The proper approach to this development should have been to give the players the content we have been asking, pleading, and told we would receive instead of the slap to the face whilst a fist full of candy was distracting our hungry gazes. It feels as if the image of this game you envision has blinded your view of the current model. We do not have the improved reward vs. risk that you speak of yet, so it is understandable that the public is noticeably kitten about the way in which your “original design goals” were applied. It baffles me why our feedback is continually requested when it often appears to be brushed aside because the “original design goals” conflict with our critiques. Rather than blind-side everyone with secretive development like this, tell everyone what direction we are setting sail and maybe… just maybe our Santa Maria will find its India.
If possible, could a mod merge this with other patch feedback.
You don’t even have a real healer class in this game and the so called tanks go down as fast as the light armor players in your dungeons. So now we can’t even use a wp and run back into the fight? Thanks, now a dungeon run will last 2 hours instead of 20 min.
your dungeons are terrible to begin with. Throw any group together and run it. Healing is terrible this is only going to make them worse
Your primary healing I think is reasonably fine, but secondary effects like regen typically scale with increased healing power, which more than pays for itself in party environments. If healing is going to become a problem with this recent development, than it will only pressure additional players to become more broad in their party scheme through improved healing builds. Ever mix a full healing ranger and water ele together? The impact on party survival is astounding, granted there are certain areas where even this cannot prevent a 1 hitter (usually avoided via an observant dodge).
But now if someone dies they are unable to play untill the rest of the party has killed the boss, which gets harder as each player dies. Don’t see many people doing dungeons anymore when fractuals look a lot easier.
This would be the biggest problem I have with the update in regards to dungeons across the board. Fractals appears to have gotten the best of everything while they have been gimped further. It was unnecessary to do this, without at least providing some beneficial promotions for the other dungeons as well.
I’ve nothing against the elitist variety as they will always appear in an MMO at some point in time — it would be nice if there could be different levels of the same dungeon so they could play by themselves.
This very concept you described was successfully achieved (in my mind anyhow) during Guild Wars with the introduction of Hard Mode. For the everyday gamer looking for a time killer Normal Mode was enough, and for those who preferred to challenge themselves Hard Mode was a good exercise. The elitists you described were most likely the ones who sought to conquer every branch of difficulty for the achievements and bragging rights. GW2 seems a bit weak in that regard, as it seems the end game content was centered around obtaining their “Legendary” weapons. However, like you stated, there needs to be distinguishable layers of difficulty for these areas if there is not going to be a profitable exchange from their completion.
Meh, It’s only going to encourage more glitching.
Glitch more = Die less = faster run, with minimal deaths and everyone’s happy.
This feels like the exact situation the devs might have been trying to avoid with this type of update. I feel that the intent was there, but the content delivered was counterproductive to their goal. If the idea was to prevent exploitation, then providing players with incentive to actually complete and experience the dungeon fully should have been the way to go, not punishing them because the dungeon content was faultily programmed.
My 2 cents, if Orr drops are up to par with Fractals then that is the place to go. It was already easy/medium difficulty and they made it easier and better drops.
I find this to be a bit concerning for dungeons, because as you said if there is no reason for an individual to complete them for anything other than a chance or opportunity at free gear, than what promotes additional flow to these instances? At times it can be difficult to find a group to some of these places, even with sites like gw2lfg.com. The number of enhanced creatures within them should be considered when allocating drop increases. The recent waypoint change will only serve to deter those who are not already “kitted” out for dungeoning, or even begin an increased discrimination campaign to filter out those are not (“ping your build” ring a bell?). This would not be a problem if the rewards from the time spent in some dungeons actually scaled with their intensity. Dungeons happen to be a fantastic way to level, as well as provide the player with a complete armor/weapon set upon reaching 80, but this might not be the case anymore with this most recent update.
“Polished dungeons and removed the ability to use waypoints while any player is in combat.”
From personal perspective I don’t find everything about this update to be completely ridiculous, such as the waypoint removal while party is in combat, as certain elements like this force the party to work together to a greater degree than previously.
“In PvE, if a player is awarded loot by killing a creature and the loot is of uncommon rarity or higher, a chest will appear that contains the loot that would previously have been on the corpse. If the rarity of the loot on the creature is lower than uncommon, the loot will remain on the creature’s corpse.”
However, with increasing difficulty should come an equal increase in rewards; something that is absent from the “chests” that were supposed to distinguish a particularly rarer or more significant loot drop. The introduction of these “chests” is completely unwarranted with the time and effort used to develop said system needed to and should have been more aptly redirected towards other areas, such as the many bugs which are STILL present across the board in class mechanics. The point here being, if the idea behind this concept was to increase hype or distinguish between more “valuable” loot than that reward should actually be something significant; as is this is yet another slap to the face considering the current dungeon model concerning time and effort vs. reward and yield.
“Fixed a bug where creatures in dungeons were no longer becoming invulnerable to players they couldn’t reach.”
Completely necessary, with no discussion needed. Don’t like it? Get over it.
If you can think of any other topics that I have not listed and need additional consideration, please elaborate upon the subject in a constructive manner so that our message might be received more openly. I am rather curious about the thoughts of others on the first 2 subjects I brought up.
Possible Unmentioned Trait bug
Would just like to point out that the Explosives’ trait “Steel-Packed Powder” does not apply vulnerability to the explosions provided by “Explosive Shot”. This is either a textual error which does not explain Explosive Shot’s “explosion” as being different from any of the others, or it is a bug affecting these two skill’s synergy.
It might be worth investigating whether or not “Explosive Powder” increases the damage of “Explosive Shot” as well. Hopefully this is merely a bug, as I feel changes to correct these interactions would provide more build variety with pistol sets.
I do not believe the Explosive trait “Shrapnel” produces an extra 15% chance of inflicting bleed with “Explosive Shot” either.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
It is not a tactical advantage when the target just stands there due to a coding oversight. It also is on the heads of the players and not the devs. It is called having ethics and simply not cheat.
The problem with this statement is that ethics is a subjective topic based upon the social norms of the environment. When something has been allowed to remain as long as this particular bug/exploit/unforeseen tactical advantage (w/e you get the point) it becomes a norm and is devoid of ethical scrutiny. Third parties may look at these actions and frown upon them, while others take this as little more than height advantage. If this is really such a huge problem in the eyes of the devs, they can easily counterbalance this by adding spider spawns to the steps so that gaining a purchase on the ledge is not without effort; possibly writing him to reset in such situations as well. My point here is that it’s nearly 5 months after release and this has not been addressed, so ethical context cannot be applied to a situation where such actions have been allowed to progress to this extent. However, as the devs have claimed to revamp some of the dungeons in the near future, it would be moot to continue discussing it until we has seen these aforementioned “changes” and determine whether or not they improve the dungeon “experience”. Should these new implementations correct the problems at hand, or create new ones, that is the time these issues should be considered in full force because their full attention will be directed at improving PvE gameplay; now is the time to improve upon class functionality.
@ the reroll argument:
I don’t have time nor desire to do it, it isn’t fun.
Don’t know what to tell you dude. Somehow you found the time and effort to get a character maxed and geared only to find that you don’t really care for it. You might find that if you actually enjoy another class this might not feel like such a chore as it does a quest to perfect a profession you truly enjoy.
@ what I don’t like:
It just got boring. After hundreds of hours in PvP and PvE I can’t even find enjoyable ways to play my necro. No cool movement skills, no dynamics, just stale play style. Can’t even find myself a goal in Legendary items since necro has poor choice of weapons.I basically know the profession in and out and there is nothing left.
As I said, I’m not going to play this boring PvE all over again.
Depending on what funds you have saved up, it is entirely possible to level character without going through the “boring PvE all over again.” Like someone just suggested, you can always level another character entirely through crafting, and obtain master crafter in the process. If it comes down to you just being bored of the game, a profession changing item isn’t going to fix that.
Truthfully? That sounds like a terrible idea. Such an item never existed in the previous Guild Wars and with good reason. The game is built upon the idea of growing with and understanding your profession, which is only furthered by the ability to instantly test the full capacity of each profession in spvp or Heart of the Mist. If you find that you are too lazy to remake another character, because there is no other word to describe this scenario (lazy), then you should probably be looking for another game. If you did not go to lengths to fully test your particular character’s profession and how well you mesh with it, then that is entirely on you for not using everything at your disposal allowing you to do so; functions intended to prevent instances such as this.
The game offers a mechanic for these people to increase their chances, they keep playing rather than be discouraged at the dismal drop rate.
There lies the biggest problem with the Magic Find mechanic, it proliferates every item that does not need to be (thus flooding the market), and having little to no impact on the items that sorely need its only redeemable aspect.
We already know that MF percentage is increased when in a party, but each players’ MF gear contribution is still separated.
If that is the case, then there would be no need to further increase the MF qualities, because it only furthers the problem I listed above. You can double and triple your chance to find rarer items, but this is limited to drops from dead foes. The items that most people are hunting for are dropped so rarely from mobs that they most often come from dungeon chests (your cores/lodestones/etc). Since the MF ability does not affect anything that is not a dead foe, it makes it useless in the one area where partying is essential, dungeons.
Personally, I would like to have the Costume Merchant brought back from GW1. It feels a bit unjust to have to repurchase the same outfit multiple times. At least in GW when you bought the skin, it was yours to keep for any char on the account. The only difference here would be whether or not that char is capable of using it, which is not hard to distinguish.
@ Lalangamena.3694
I think you missed the OP’s point here, since it is clear that they have indeed looked into a variety of weapons, not simply melee weapons alone.
Every staff is a stick or metal pole with a single ornament that is barely visible or faintly glowing, and if it’s not then it’s a death or ghastly inspired Necro-themed scythe or skull.
The fact that you even suggested a “Gargoyle” themed staff means you did not bother to read the opening paragraph. If they were remotely interested in, or even impressed by skins such as Bifrost, then they would not even be here submitting such a post to begin with.
That’s the problem every race has for medium armor, it suits one class but not the others. Becuase there are 3 classes that wear medium armor and all 3 are different, it’s hard for them to get the racial armor right. Heavy is fine as warrior and guardian both wear the same style of clothes, same with light. Human T3 has loads of daggers all over them obviously designed for a thief, but you wouldn’t see a engineer runing around with about 20 daggers strapped on him, unlikely a ranger either. Norn T3 medium is obviously also more designed towards a ranger/thief then an engineer by the style of it.
I personally think that armor would look geat on an engineer as they are all about making their toys and asura are about making golems the headpeice suits it
Then it is not just me on this. It is clear that the cultural Medium T3 armor sets have been unjustifiably removed from their intended purpose of displaying the cultural aspects of their race, which I believe was the original intended purpose. Somewhere along the way it feels like someone ran out of creative juices and said kitten it, I’ll just patch this together with a garish amount of random kitten. If floating pieces were going to be an integral part of Asuran medium T3, then why was it limited to two thin shoulder strips and an arm brace? It feels like half way through the design process someone fell out of their chair and concussed their self before proceeding and add in “geometric” designs to an oversized cooking apron. Looking at the Asuran T3 from a cultural perspective shows me 90g worth of random garbage and 20g worth creative thought. From what was said just now, it seems like some people feel similar about the other cultural sets as well.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you in regards to the lack of conceptually appealing pieces for anything that is not a melee oriented weapon. One of my favorite weapons as a ranger is the Warhorn, yet Howler is a miserably disappointing legendary when all it does is a howling animation with skill use; throw in a moon during dark and night areas. When you look at the list of unique weapon skins you can create at the MF, you begin to realize how abysmal the non melee options truly are. You have swords on fire, with glowing runes that emit dusty light, IDS, a stygian blade even. What are the casters given? A bottle of (liquid) Courage. Sure that is humorous and everything, but unless Anet implements a possibly racially offensive Drunken Fist outfit to match it, I doubt many will be willing to invest time and effort into grabbing these items. In short, I am with you wholeheartedly that they need to step things up for the other weapons to become more aesthetically appealing.
If you are an Engineer, I would definitely go for it.
Ranger or Thief though? Not so much…
That’s the problem I have with it, the head gear seems like it has such a small demographic among leather wearers that it basically turns off most other classes.
That armour alone makes me want to change the race of my Charr Engineer to Asura.
In regards to its racial representation, it feels a little weak tbh. The other Asuran suits have clearly racial indicators (floating gems, shapey art designs), while this has a magnifying lens attached to a headpiece. This armor feels like it got lost somewhere between steampunk and Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. I’m not sure if this suit is supposed to be for an experimental scientist or a toy tinkerer, because it’s not the kind of thing one would expect to see as combat suitable.
P. kitten some decent colours, man! Your screenshot makes it look a lot worse than it actually is because of the colours.
As for the color choice, blame the person who put this on the wiki hahaha. Nothing I have viewed from my preview window has looked much more appealing either, so I just went with that as a shortcut.
I am just curious as to whether or not other people feel that Asuran “Prototype” armor is truly just a prototype to an unfinished design project, because from a personal perspective I feel it is severely lacking in cosmetic interest; surely not worth investing 119g. If you feel that this particular set is visually challenged, what Asuran-esque qualities would improve this unfortunate design’s appearance?
My problem is that the Sigil is literally dead. It will not activate after map switching, re-logging, or character swapping. The only solution to my particular situation is to insert a new Sigil and replace the old one, however that is not ideal when it costs around 65-70 silver each. My frustration is that this has happened a couple times with just the Hydromancy Sigil, was hoping that if this has happened with other sigils that perhaps it was an unknown trigger limit that could be addressed, however what you suggests is that certain variables can cause some sigils to malfunction momentarily; either way, issues that need to be addressed can be found from both scenarios.
Due to a reason that is beyond my comprehension, I periodically witness my Superior Sigil of Hydromancy inconveniently ceasing to activate. This unfortunately is not an occasional event, but a persistent problem which essentially equates to a dead Sigil; it will not activate on weapon swaps until replaced with a new one. The first time this happened to me was with a set of pvp weapons, which is not such a big issue when you can simply grab a new one for free. However, I have found that the problem has bled into my pve gear, and feel it is unfair that one should have to constantly repurchase their Sigils if they do not indicate their might be an unknown activation limit. The reason I suggest that this might be related to a possible activation limitation is because the gear was not transmuted and had a fresh Sigil inserted, as opposed to one that has been recycled many times.
What I would like to know from others is whether or not this same experience has been witnessed with Sigil of Hydromancy, and if there have been similar instances with other Sigils?
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
Just want to confirm that this has happened to me on multiple occasions as well. I have been unable to identify what is the possible culprit for the prolonged inability to swap (i.e. stuns/kbs/kds).
doing melee with a sword is higher dps but I don’t see how you will melee a mesmer
Sigil of Hydromancy
I also do not like relying on my pet to do DPS, people will eventually just kill the pet since with that build, the pets are your main source of damage and you will be pretty much useless without them.
Tough cookies. There’s nothing you can do about pets being your main source of damage, seeing as it is a core mechanic of the class. The best you can do to preserve that is to improve their survivability and try to work them into your build’s objective.
I don’t like rampage as one. Its a long cooldown burst. The applicable use of it is very limited. Entangle will do more damage in the right places and can be used to flea if needed.
Offensively and Defensively RaO has better applications in regards to its lengthy duration to not only provide you with a means of IMS (used either flee or aggressively track your target), but also its ability to nearly double your pet’s damage by very quickly stacking Might 25 times in a matter of seconds. Entangle on the other hand can quickly be countered by use of AoE or melee (both of which are at the Mesmer’s disposal).
They can stack confusion and stun with pistol which means unless I can out heal their damage output(highly unlikely even if I was full healing spec) or I have to kill them before the skills reset.
However unbelievable it might seem, the most success I have experienced and heard from others is that full healing (cleric) spec has worked most effectively to counter-balance the burst. I prefer to use SB & S/D or SB & S/WH, either option gives you a more reliable form of damage mitigation than GS since the sword alone can use 3 evades packed into 2 skills.
Most of my damage comes mostly from the normal damage of crossfire even when speced this much into conditions. The GS is mainly used to block and travel.
Having said this, it makes even more sense to go into a Cleric type setup since you will get more base damage out of your SB crossfire spam and greatly improve your own survivability concurrently. Yet, you did not come here asking for builds, but rather methods of going toe to toe vs. the Mesmer class. In regards to that, what has been previously stated remains tried and true across the platforms of spvp, wvw, and even tpvp; utilize evasion to its fullest and take advantage of the Ranger’s supernatural health regeneration. It is incredibly important to realize that you are not the main source of your damage, implying which pet(s) you choose impact your overall DPS more than your build typically will. When you increase your own survivability you simultaneously improve that of your pet’s, which in turn will solidify your DPS.
“Its killing him.”
In all honesty, no one is going to be able to tell you how to “kill” another class. There are too many factors involved to be able to say “here is what you must do”. I can say from experience that condition specs against a solid Mesmer build will do very little, and likely backfire on you. Going full DPS might give you a better chance of bringing them down, but it also leaves you more prone to the full impact of their burst if you are not spot on with your stun breaks and evades. Making yourself tanky has a possibility to prolong the fight, which may or may not be a good thing. There really isn’t any particular bit of advice that you can get from here that will alter your success in bull dozing every Mesmer you find. My general advice for any situation is to rely less upon condition as your main source of damage against players, Mesmer and Necro in particular, as it is quite easy for each to consume or redirect them on a whim. Try to maintain them as much as you can, but rely upon them too greatly and you will suffer for it in this particular case.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
Upon seeing/encountering a mesmer, call target on them ASAP. This will clearly distinguish the player from illusions. Obviously this mark will fall off as soon as they stealth in some form or other, but it gives you the easiest indicator on who and what to target. If you have somehow lost your mark on them, watch carefully for the player to pop out of their stealth, which isn’t too difficult because they are usually actively positioning themselves for a Swap+Blurred Frenzy shatter combo directly out of their invis blanket. Clones have very mechanical movements, while the individual is more often than not sporadic. If they happen to attempt at pretending to be a clone, you can easily distinguish them from their illusions by the simple fact that their attack rate is distinctly higher than the summons. My suggestion is attempt to experience 1v1 combat with the class as much as possible, either through an organized friendly spvp match or random encounters with them.
-Hope that helps
addition note: Try not to expect to develop or find a build that is capable of taking on anything and everything, as this will only set you up for disappointment. However, you can help to even the odds by utilizing the Ranger’s plethora of evasive skills, which will give you a 1 up on the Mesmer’s deadly burst capability; a well timed evade can gimp their offensive nature.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
Just wanted to confirm this. Was able to log into my characters where they started, but when they tried to map I was thrown into an infinite loading screen.
Broken Skill Chain
I have noticed a certain malfunction between using two particularly synergetic skills simultaneously, “Protect Me” and Signet of Stone. When testing them individually they appear to be operating successfully, but when popping them together it appears that the effect of “Protect Me” is bypassing that of Signet of Stone’s active effect; i.e. using both while being struck multiple times by the Svanir should redirect my damage to a pet who ought to be taking no damage, however what I have witnessed is the pet receiving this redirected damage disregarding SoS’s active effect. The massive chunks of health removed from my pet do not resemble that of condition “ticks”, but rather the damage I was meant to receive. This seems to occur regardless of the order in which these two skills have been applied. I have tried to take a picture of this happening, but I hit a lag spike each time I try to capture the image. What one will observe in doing this is that the pet receives two sets of damage numbers, one of course being the proper 0 one would expect during SoS and the other being the actual damage the player would have taken, which is now redirected to pet via Protect Me regardless of SoS’s effect. I am unsure as to whether or not this is meant to prevent players from combining these skills as a means to promote the grandmaster passive Signet of the Beastmaster, but from my perspective and tests this looks like a bug between the combination of these utilities where PM overrides SoS’s authority.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
Quite honestly, I am severely disappointed with the spirit “buffs” they have chosen to implement in this update. As if an additional 15% trigger chance on a poorly distanced, even kittened, effect radius would do any good to the class or its party members. These happen to be some of the best support skills of the profession potentially, and yet this was the culmination of months of consideration on the part of ANET? There are better alternative functions that spirits can produce without being a complete waste of utility and trait points. I encourage others to push this issue further in a column I created on this very subject in the suggestion thread:
Personally, I think if they intend to continually make spirits a novelty, then it would be better to just say so to the players and remove their presence from our trait line to be replaced with something more constructive. Why are they even included as game content if they require the player(s) using them to either remain out of combat range or effect range. Their current functionality is counterproductive to their roll and is an issue that needs addressing.
Bugs aside, it seems like one of the most disappointing aspects of the Ranger profession at this point in time is obviously the weak natured Spirits we are able to call upon. It is also clear that these Ranger classics were toned down to prevent their abuse in the various PvP worlds that have been established in GW2, however that does not necessarily justify dwarfing their overall capability to such an extent as this. Given the new variables that have been introduced to the GW universe, it is safe to say that Spirits should not have the insane range that one comes to expect when traveling from GW1, nor would it be right to have that passive bonus extend to that range either. Therefore, I would like to propose an alternative functionality to current Spirit models; one that would essentially reverse their current function.
Rather than maintaining a constant passive ability granted to those who are literally (and quite inconveniently) a few steps away, it would make more logical sense to switch the “triggered” abilities of spirits with their passive ones; assuming a couple minor tweaks could be implemented as well. Functionally this switch would cause the “triggered” skills of Spirits to respond in a passive AOE manner, bestowing the area around them with pulses of burn/blind/cripple etc. which are relevant to their respective element in some form. Alternatively, having the former “passive” abilities of spirits take on the form of a triggered skill they can utilize would make more sense in regards to the trait “Nature’s Vengeance”; effectively allowing the range of their chance on attack properties to be used in a fashion akin to that of the warhorn, which would grant this effect to any allies within Spirit range. What we have colloquially dubbed as “popping” a skill for the desired effect would make for an improved situational skill that would be less likely to be exploited. To those who imagine that this would just prompt Rangers to stack the duration of each effect, perhaps it would be best to cause additional triggers to simply reset the effect to the displayed textual duration of the skill (i.e. 20% chance to burn on attack with 10s left would be reset to the original 20s or “full” duration rather than an additional 20).
Any additional thoughts or comments would be welcome.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)
So far I have noticed quite a few challenging bugs for the mesmer to deal with, most having to do with our traits and a few skills malfunctioning to a certain extent.
Signet of Illusions- Passive effect fails to activate quick enough to be effective a majority of the time. There seems to be a major disparity in the passive granting its effects scaling with distance from the illusions. I.E. a Phantasmal Warden will receive the full benefit of this particular signet approximately 4-6 seconds after it has been cast; usually resulting in its premature demise.
Ether Bolt (scepter slot 1)- The primary attack function of this weapon appears to be either worded incorrectly or I am not inflicting the confusion status upon my foes as promised on the 3rd strike, which simultaneously produces a clone.
Signet of Domination- Although not technically “bugged”, it would be helpful to have the damage amplification to be displayed/added within the skill description.
Persisting Images- As there is no icon displaying additional passive buffs (as is the case with Vengeful Images, Phantasmal Healing, and Signet of Illusions), the player has no indication as to whether or not this passive effect is functioning or not.
Illusions- One of the primary characteristics of this line is the shredding recharge reduction, one that is currently not displaying the improved cd time until activation of the mesmer F-slot skills. Honestly, this remains a lower priority as the skill is technically functioning.
Phantasmal Haste- The promised recharge to all phantasm producing skills is not functioning in any respect, while its close cousin “Illusionists Celerity” is performing perfectly. If this skill is not intended to stack (which I assume it is), then rewording the functionality of this skill is necessary to reveal its true purpose.
Hopefully these issues can be addressed relatively soon, and I thank the GW staff for taking the time to consider this information.
(edited by Mnemesis.8257)