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Churning Earth not working as intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


I usually pull it off say 83% of the time (cuz im legendary…lol) but then I have an asura elementalist, its a little difficult to see her in the middle of all the humongous charr walking around!

What I would typically do would be drop a fire ring, then combo with churning earth.. But as I said, it takes a while to fire off, and sometimes you can actually get off 2 combos (rare, but does happen) Fire Ring, then the 4th earth ability (a stomp, but I forgot the name) then churning earth

the stomp helps a LOT

Churning Earth not working as intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


Did they change this?, cuz I just spent like a week scepter/daggering it up and all I ever did was click the ability and let it fire off… granted it took like 2 seconds to fire off

Condition or Critical Damage Build in PvE

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


oh, and the build I am building towards is

I would be interested to see what Henries builds look like though

Condition or Critical Damage Build in PvE

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


my post from another thread actually benefits this thread too

I started with a staff build when i started my Ele, but after dyiing countless times, I switched to scepter/dagger, and I really enjoyed it, but right around 35 I started noticed that anytime I teamed up with other people who were heavy on condition damage I was lacking any real feeling of contributing. I have since then switched to Staff, and while I love it and enjoy the pure precision/crit/power style; I cant help but wonder about the other skills.
I know my water skills are lack luster, I use them for healing, pure and simple, I rarely use my earth skills either… In fact most of the time I am using JUST fire, but I switch out to the other 3 for situations where I need it.. typically if I am in a group (even or whatever) where a lot of adds come out where I dont want to aggro everything, but still want to contribute evenly, i switch out to air and chain lightning, then switch to water for healing support…
I cant say for sure if this is the “proper” way of doing it, but it works for me

I dont know whether this is the way its supposed to be, I do know that I am a little flustered by the amount of condition damage accessories right now (I am 58). I am just now starting to get to the better gems that have 3 stats on them (usually found in platinum nodes)

So I guess my concern is: By design from the devs should we be doing condition builds or power builds… and even more so, should we be keeping two sets of gear, one for condition, and one for pure power/pre/crit


Staff attunements and skills critique

in Elementalist

Posted by: Morguean.6041


I started with a staff build when i started my Ele, but after dyiing countless times, I switched to scepter/dagger, and I really enjoyed it, but right around 35 I started noticed that anytime I teamed up with other people who were heavy on condition damage I was lacking any real feeling of contributing. I have since then switched to Staff, and while I love it and enjoy the pure precision/crit/power style; I cant help but wonder about the other skills.

I know my water skills are lack luster, I use them for healing, pure and simple, I rarely use my earth skills either… In fact most of the time I am using JUST fire, but I switch out to the other 3 for situations where I need it.. typically if I am in a group (even or whatever) where a lot of adds come out where I dont want to aggro everything, but still want to contribute evenly, i switch out to air and chain lightning, then switch to water for healing support…

I cant say for sure if this is the “proper” way of doing it, but it works for me