Showing Posts For MuchWaffle.2579:

80 Ranger for Casual Guild Encounters (US)

in Looking for...

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


My starting server was Kaineng before I transferred out, and oddly enough I’m a ranger that happens to be a Charr aswell(Blood Legion represent!). You should try acquiring the Charr medium tier 3 cultural armor as it fits the ranger persona perfectly.

Allied Council of Rangers[TACR] would be happy to take you into our multi-server community. We do not require you to represent us or be on 24/7 since we do not follow the traditional guild model. Our Teamspeak server will be up next week, we’ll be looking forward to seeing you then.

Our Gw2 recruitment page is here

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)

Looking for friendly/helpful guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


You sound like you would be a good fit for The Allied Council of Rangers[TACR] as we are more of a community and don’t require you to rep or be a native blackgate server member.

As mentioned from the in-game mail I sent we’ll being going live next week once our Teamspeak server is up.


Our Gw2 recruitment page is here

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)

[TACR]New active ranger guild NA & EU

in Ranger

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


6/15/14 Due to lack of demand for general PvX ranger guild [TACR] is disbanded until further notice. Got to [WIND] for all your ranger needs.
6/09/14 We now have a EU Coordinator who can provide limited support until we can get a dedicated EU guild going for our friends in Europe. In the meantime we will be accepting players from Europe into our community to help break the ice.
6/08/14 There is a growing demand for an European(EU) version of [TACR], if you’re interested in starting a EU ranger guild shoot me a whisper so I can refer people to your guild. I can provide you with access to [TACR]’s team-speak server, a website(eventually), and general support.
6/07/14 We are now live again and have most of our upgrades complete!

The Allied Council of Rangers[TACR] is recruiting any and all rangers from all servers in their place to fill the need for an active community free from ranger hating.

We are located in Blackgate(North America server “NA”), though this shouldn’t prove a problem with mega-servers and the recent updates to guild missions(you no longer need to be guesting to get guild commendation credit, you just have to participate). However for simplicities sake keep a guest slot open for events.

+PvX, no discrimination against preferred play-styles
+No requirements lvl or otherwise
+Open recruitment
+95% rep requirement, you’re free to participate in other guilds if we can’t meet your needs at the time you want them.
+No snobbish rank titles and elitism
+Home on Blackgate one of the largest PvE communities
+Hate free ranger group
+Suggestions are seriously heeded, if you have an idea better than mine I want to hear it
+Ranger PvP, PvE, and WvW advice(fractals and dungeon tips included)
+Guaranteed Response and invite to in-game applications within 24 hours.
+Commander and guild raid training availability
+Zero tolerance to trolling and drama
+Experienced adult leadership
+Eventual transition into a council based leadership of equality(for officers)
+Intelligent distributive recruitment expansion policy, guild is regulated by a fixed percentage of officers to prevent the guild from expanding to quickly and in the event an officer leaves the command structure isn’t crippled.
+Clear methods of Rank Advancement
+Lack of experience is not a barrier to advancement long as you are willing to learn
+Playing ranger actively while repping is NOT a guild requirement, but a guild preference
-Ts3 server
-Tier 5 upgrades
-Buffs activated upon request

-No free cake

Feel free to leave your applications/suggestions here or shoot me an in-game email to MuchWaffle.2579 (I will respond quicker to in-game emails).

I no longer use Skype, so if you signed up with our Skype I apologize.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)

Favorable Winds [Wind] -- Ranger Guild

in Ranger

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


In game name: Akaelae
Server: Blackgate
Preferred game type: PvX, I do everything.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

Remove WvW from map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


Many of us on T1 servers feel the mile long queue could be made drastically shorter by removing map completion from the game.

To keep legendaries legendary you could add an alternate but equally hard way to get WvW segment map completion. Like 3,000 dungeon tokens from each dungeon, or something that would take a month or longer to complete.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

[Blackgate]7.3k achive pvx player

in Looking for...

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


I’m an adult PvX player that does just about everything in Guild Wars 2 and I’m looking to join a similar multipurpose guild. What can I bring to table? I have 3 lvl 80s(warrior, engineer, ranger)all with full ascended or a mix of ascended/exotic gear. I also have team-speak, and a working mike. My experience with each type of game-play is listed below.

Fractals: I have intimate fractal experience and can unlock fractal instances up to 33. Currently I have 2 of my 80s geared for fractals with 45+AR with a Mesmer well on its way to lvl 80 for skipping some parts of the more difficult fractals. I typically run warrior when doing fractals, though my ranger is geared up aswell though you probably don’t care about rangers.

WvW: I’ve also done alot of WvWing on Henge of Denravi with some commanding experience but I’m more familiar with leading guild raids and getting newbies properly geared and trained. My warrior is properly geared and specced for WvW.

Guilds: Prior to stepping down and transferring over I had my own guild called “We Forgot to Add The Or[GASM]” with 100+ members with one rank shy of maximum on each of the types of guild infrastructure upgrades. I also have guild mission experience. So I can make a valuable lieutenant to your guild once I earn your trust and prove my competence. Though I am perfectly content with being a lowly ranking peon.

PvP: I consistently land within the top 3 on my team when pugging and consider myself to have above average skill. Though I am lacking experience in structured team PvP matches. I do PvP primarily for dailies but sometimes for fun.

Dungeons: I have alot of experience with AC runs with a handful CoF runs. However I’m a complete noob with majority of the dungeons unless it was living world content at some point.

PvE & Living World Content: I have 100% map completion on my ranger and 86% on my warrior, so I’m well versed in PvE content including world bosses(except Teq, I only did him for living world content). Ultimately, new living world content is where I spend most of my time on GW2-everything else comes second.

What I’m looking for in particular is a well organized guild with fully upgraded guild infrastructure, forums, teamspeak(or Ventrilo), and clearly defined roles of experience within the guild. Nationality is irrelevant to me but I prefer a guild that is comprised mostly or completely of adults that are even tempered. Raw guild numbers don’t mean anything to me, I want to join an active guild – not a dead one with lots of inactive no-reppers.

However, the most important thing to me is that the guild join does NOT feel like a second job. I have a thing against uniforms and being required to be in a certain place at a certain time every single day of the week in a game I play for fun. I like a guild with a friendly open air environment with tolerance for the odd swear word but at the same time the guild-chat doesn’t look like the lyrics of a derogatory rap song. In short, have fun but don’t be an a**hole.

If you find me a good fit for your guild you can get in touch with via in-game email to “MuchWaffle.2579” or a whisper to my primary character “Genghis Pwn”. You can also leave a post here, but you’ll receive a quicker response from me in-game as I play guild wars almost every day.

Thanks for reading my wall of text =D

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)

PVP vendors still take non-existant glory?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


It was announced over a month back that glory was going to be removed from PVP, so the promised day has finally arrived. It was my assumption that the vendors would take rank points or something but they still take glory…which is 100% unobtainable at the moment.

So what gives?
Is there something I’m not getting from reading the patch notes, or is this exactly what it looks like? Because what this LOOKS like is comparable to opening a walmart in Medieval Europe where the only accepted currency is bitcoin which local population(or global) have no discernible means of earning since the first networked computer won’t exist for at least half a millennium or so.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)

Water spirit/Vigorous Spirits glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579



Can anyone confirm if this bug exists, has been fixed, or it’s just my imagination?

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

Water spirit/Vigorous Spirits glitch?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


Is it me or is the ranger’s new water spirit not affected by the vigorous spirit trait hp increase? It seems that it dies way quicker than it should, I noticed the other spirits generally survive longer and come out of aoe fields alive more often then the water spirit.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

[TTS] Go to 4 info

in Looking for...

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


Send me an invite, I have Ts3 and a working mike. Also fully geared lvl 80 warrior, engineer, and ranger.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

Ranger party synergy & LFG desirability

in Suggestions

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


After attending a video game seminar a few months ago, I got a good glimpse on how much effort it takes to program something as simple as a hole in the ground(about a week for one person). With that in mind I tried to think up something that would be easy to implement without being too taxing on Anet’s programmers and Devs.

At the moment rangers are pretty much forbidden from WvW guild raids, kicked from fractals /dungeons regularly, and are considered useless by many in any sort of PvP/WvW format.

Why? When people who hate on the ranger decide to elaborate beyond their expletives and ranger class slurs they explain in the following. “Whatever the ranger does, another class does better”, “The ranger is a selfish class, it synergises with its pet better than other players”. The worst part about this is that these people are right, I can’t think of a single thing the ranger does better and I die a little inside every time it comes out of my mouth when instructing guildies. Hell even the warrior can serve as a better support class with no sacrifice to dps or survivability(which is why I grudgingly use my warrior when leading/following guild raids).

Anyhow, enough horsing around here’s my idea for an easy fix. Give rangers the capacity to use an ability similar to the already existing ranger “Guard” shout but in a sort of targeted version. Basically left click an ally, then have an F5 utility* to lock-in/lock-out your pet to follow your ally around and engage any enemies attacking them or any target your ally is engaging. When locked-in on an ally abilities like “Protect Me” benefit your ally instead of yourself and possibly signets as-well when speced with “signet of the beast-master”. Also when locked-in This will allow the ranger to effective to use it’s pet to synergise with other players better, such protecting the glass cannon/support characters in a dungeon or buying your commander several precious seconds of survival. When locked-out the pet will aggro your targets normally and skills function like they normally do. Naturally there should only be a fixed amount pets locked-in on a particular ally, probably best to limit it to one.

*Instead of an F5 skill it could alternately be made into a shout to increase shout build viability.

I pitched this idea because many of these features already exist in the game but can be a huge game changer with some tweaking.


Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

We Forgot To Add The Or[GASM] HoD

in Looking for...

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


We Forgot To Add The Or[GASM] is recruiting on Henge of Denravi! [GASM]is a dedicated PvE guild with an older player base that does activities such as dailies(including pvp), world boss fights/events, map completion, and story mission rushing. We also do dungeons, introductory fractals, and WvW basic training+advanced guild raiding tactics. Basically if you’re looking to get into something new you haven’t done before and are tired of getting kicked for being newbie we’re the guild for you. Currently we are 75+(with 8~15+ active at any given time) strong despite the fact we are currently going through a membership culling(kicking inactives).

We will be doing guild bounties this Friday(13th) and welcome anyone who hasn’t tried doing bounties before.

Q. What exactly do you mean by older players?
A.Basically we want adults who are 18 and over(most of us are in our early 20s), though we will accept minors that consider themselves more mature than most teens their age and are willing to behave themselves.

Q. Is there any lvl/class/race requirements?
A. No, GASM has no prerequisites to join, anyone can join GASM regardless of their build, class, lvl, race, ect..

Q. Do you have any guild alliances?
A. Not at the moment, but we looking to ally ourselves with a dedicated WvW guild that would like to use our membership as a recruiting base for their guild and participate in our guild bounties. Standard give and take.

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

Will my WvW build work in fractals?

in Fractured

Posted by: MuchWaffle.2579


Ok, before I ask my questions I’ll explain my build and how I use it. This is my hammer sword/warhorn build that I run with in WvW, the premise is to be a heavily armored tank that revolves around buffing, healing, and simultaneously removing/converting conditions from my allies and myself. I use my warhammer for stun-locking and dps while using the sword/warhorn for buffs and condition conversion into boons. The warbanner is used for when poo hits the fan and several people go down. I use this build and tactics in the fractals(lvl 5 atm) and so far I can park my kitten in front of either of the molten alliance bosses and ignore almost everything they throw in front of me as I passively regenerate/ and pop shout heals quicker than they can damage me.

So I have to ask, will running up smacking things with my hammer continue to work in the fractals? Will these tactics stops working altogether or become ineffective enough to the point where there are better options than melee ? What lvl of fractals is the cut-off point? Should I even bother going for an ascended hammer or is melee completely boned like it is in the Thaumanova Reactor?

Off topic: What’s with replacing everything with “kitten” as a censor?

Guild: Winds Of Change[Wind]
Server: BlackGate
Lvl 80 Classes: Ranger, Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Thief

(edited by MuchWaffle.2579)