Showing Posts For Muffin Nook.5923:

Dungeons too daunting to newbies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Muffin Nook.5923

Muffin Nook.5923

Don’t be intimidated.
Head over to youtube and type in a dungeon name and path (i.e. story, p1, etc) Its quicker to learn by seeing it done. Once you are comfortable with normal type runs you can even try researching speed runs to see what professions and equipment you will need to bring.

Nowhere to hide bugged now?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Muffin Nook.5923

Muffin Nook.5923

I just did it after the latest patch/fix
I didnt use any skills other than dodge and stomp. Dont go up to scarlet directly in front, instead you want to walk up to the base of the door openings so that you can dodgeroll forward into them. Walked up to scarlet avoiding grenades, walked into place at the right hand side of the doorway then started to stomp. Dodgerolled twice just to make sure i avoided the big aoe and finished stomp. No haste, quickness, etc.
