Showing Posts For NecropsY.8649:

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


+1 this thread so true

arena net intended GW2 to have 8 classes

necros were added as a filler class that no one cares about

Fear Duration

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


Fear IS massively broken

the Necro class was illistrated in all the pre beta demos to be the Fear oriented class

now the warrior and theif are both 300% better at fear then the necro

Either set the theif and warrior fear to 1-2 seconds , and the necro fears at 3 seconds

And Have doom do some damage or dot by default, (the pre demo had necro’s doom killing enemies

or simply remove fear across the board from all classes and impliment Rot as a status Effect giving it Only to the Necro as an Uber dot better than all except maybe burning