Showing Posts For NecropsY.8649:
I just saw this -
thought people should know -
theres a german band stealing album artwork as a album cover lol
Zhaitan should have his own music…
so i made him some =)
let me know what you think =O
Totaly agree with OP’s assessment of the Necromancer
worst class in the game by far
Im not asking for any weapons to be removed -
im asking for a ranged dirrect dammage wep to be added
Why must the necromancer be locked into condition damage -
the axe is a vulnerability stacking wep, it sucks for dirrect dammage,
the dagger is mele ranged the necro doesnt need this with no moment skills
what the necro needs is something like the Mesmer 2h sword
a ranged damage weapon -
this needs to be added for the necro
Being a full power Necromancer who uses axe since BWE-1 i can say yes you are right that Axe’s auto attack are terrible now compared to every other classes auto-attacks.
However the key to using Axe in WvW is not for the auto-attacking but for its 2 and 3 skills. When using Axe try to minimize the time your actually spending auto-attacking (which shouldn’t be too difficult as we have multiple forms of damage) and find that magic opening spot were you can ‘warhorn 4 daze > axe 2 burst > F1 deathshroud > 4 life transfer > 3 doom > axe 2 burst.’
TL;DR Don’t spend your time auto-attacking with an Axe.
So dont spend your time auto attacking with the Axe, as its weak as crap auto attack
Are we supposed to spend our time auto attacking with the staff!? a projectile that misses 90% of the time? (im guessing no)
so that leaves dagger or septer< septer stacks bleeds worse and lower duration then any other proffesion that stacks bleeds in the game
dagger is decent dammage but mele range only
seems like we have no viable auto attack -
I watched as on eternal battle ground all of red side took over blue’s 2 towers surroudning their keep continuly bombarded the keep down to nothing
till the keep was about to fall then out of no where a break out event started that is so op no one could stop, and we lost our foot hold and lost our chance to take their keep
a battle that was a slam dunk got robbed from us for no reason
Why is there a break out event on EB
yay arena net trying to reward the losing side -
winning at losing , fun game
Could the activation of Locus be more ballenced
90 sec cool down for a 800 heal, is pathetic
it needs to be more like 60 sec cooldown and heal for 4k
and no that wouldnt be overpowered, many many many classes can heal 10k with just their heal skill
warrior and gardian and theif all outheal a necro (not to mention ele also)
It does not give a free res. These guys can’t rally you. Also they die in about 11 seconds, not 2 seconds. I would like them to have a bit more survivable, but the real problem is obviously them aggroing. Necro minions are supposed to aggro based on what you attack only, so if this particular minion is not following that rule that is the real problem. We are currently investigating it and will make any changes we think are necessary.
What John Ment to say was -
“We here at Arena Net dont care about Necromancers in our game Guild Warriors 2”
“stay tuned for more tool tip changes for your necromancers, dont forget to reroll to a class that John actuly cares about !
Untill minons attack the necros target/ regen health and dont die in 3 hits from everything
the necro has no minions
I actuly like shadow feind and worm
i think shadow feind should have a 2 second fear (op you say ) hell no rangers have 3 second fears with shorter cooldowns
What if it was just 5sec stability duration / 25 second cooldown – (traited 20 sec)
or 8 second stability 40 second cooldown (traited 32)
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate just how quickly this thread was derailed.
And that fear is 3s base, not 4. If it lasts 4s on you then the Thief has probably put 30 points into their Power trait line, which has condition duration as its secondary stat, just like ours.
Ooo, just thought of something: the fear from Reaper’s Protection would hit him at the same time! So the trait is a decent counter to that, too. Cool.
and what trait does a theif need to have his 4 second fear – thats right nothing nothing at all
How can you say Necros are not broken with a straight face?
I only have to bring up ONE example…Minion AI
Watching a flesh golem do NOTHING over and over and over again is a complete joke. Any slight bump in terrain totally ruins his charge too.
Even WOW 1.0 had better pet UI than this ten years ago.
Whoever programmed this should be embarrassed.
Whoever reviewed it in BETA and still released it this way should be more embarrassed.
Whoever has continued to do nothing after 3 months shows complete ignorance or incompetence.
Sorry…You can’t have a minion based profession with this poor AI and say it’s NOT broken.
exactly, its not even hard to program a minion (attack my target) button
they havent fixed anything on the necro
nothing that matters,
I felt this was a really good thred
and summed up many of the problems of the necro
ALL these points are valid exept the person who said necros are just whining on forums
after switching from a necro to a warrior, i now have 2x the survivability and 4x the dammage, and im running a healing build
i am 10 times more benfiical to the party in both pve and pvp
with full clerics how much toughness and healing power can you get
and what was your regen ticks for ?
Ill agree axe range should be 900
its allready the weakest weapon in the game (still)
I’ve recently starte dto notice something: many traits from different classes have similar conditions and/or effects.:
- Necromancer Master:
Mark of Revival: Create a Reaper’s Mark while reviving someone. Can only trigger once every 45 seconds.
- Guardian Adept:
Resolute Healer: Generates a Shield of Absorption when you start reviving an ally. This effect cannot trigger more than once every 10 seconds.
- Mesmer Adept:
Medic’s Feedback : Create a feedback bubble while reviving an ally. (10s recharge)This is just one Example of many possible and I know that the abilities are a bit different from each other, but the Reapers Mark has by far the lowest range and longest CD while having in most cases the less usefull, except if you want to shield the poor sod from being stomped.
Why do our traits suck so much compared to others?
your right its not fair,
but so many other tallents are not fair.
spite marks tallent for staff (increase staff damage by 10%)
compaired to warrior (increase sword and spear damage by 10%)
unfair also, the list goes on and on all
necromancer increase bleeding by 20%
warrior increase bleeding by 50%
list goes on and on
Oh yeah cus u can res people in death shroud
Oh wait you cant.
Im sorry but what made you think you need precision
what does precision do for a condition necro?
dots cannot crit, all you need is condition dammage and condition duration, beyond that any vit or toughness you can get would be perfered
also power will add to all your condition damage
but precision wont help you at all, maybe because its tied to your condition damage in slot 2 tallents , but the game tricked you if u thought u needed it.
Look for Power / vit / Condition dammage gear
i also get block from it
greater marks are also not unblockable
the problem with wells is the duration
and all wells should cripple enmies that way its harder but not impossible to get out (dodge roll would still work)
in gw1 wells lasted 30 seconds, in gw2 all wells last 5 seconds (exept well of blood)
wells should last 12 seconds with the tallent that makes them ground targetable
after looking at other classes most class tallents do multiple things, not so for a necromancer
inferrior tallents and inferrior spells are a problem
What do u guys think of my Toughness increase based on your life force % amount
it would be similar to alot of warrior adren abilitys and warriors have way easier ways to get adren
This is not even true,
only Axe skill 2 was buffed
nothing else was buffed damage wise
Props TO OP, and i think this should be a Sticky also -
but maybe Arena Net doesnt want everyone to see how bad necromancer dammage is
does anyone have links to similar info to other classes?
Everyones forgetting one thing about axe -
sepeters dammage relys on the fact that the bleeds will not be wiped within 1 second -
in many many cases in wvw bleeds get wiped every 10 seconds, gaurdian, ele / and what is it ranger? i forget
3 classes can wipe conditions automatically, and all classes have access to at least 2 ways to drop conditions -
with all that condition removal, the axe’s damage is looking alot better
For the most part things never change -
the strong classes get stronger, the weak classes get weaker
they dont care -
nothing will be done -
the realistic answer
axe should be buffed, 1 especialy is way to weak 9 rework it so it is a combo chain similar to dagger, remove vunerabiltiy, add dammage
slightly buff axe 2 (ghastly claws) for either more dammage or adding a condition (fire perhaps)
also buff axe 3, i dont see retaliation as usefull like so many do, id rather have more dammage or have it place a 5 stack of vunerability
Easy way to make the worm viable in pvp, just have a 10 sec cooldown that telepports your worm to you
Call i Burrow
I agree with OP that worm is the best all around necro pet, the damage is the best, even better than the Flesh Golem overall, and it has a combo finisher
Putrid mark only returns its conditons from you to 1 target,
really kitten /p>
I think grasping dead should hit about 3x times automaticly inside the AOE not just a single hit
I recently switched from a 30/0/20/20/0 build
over to a 0/30/20/20/0 build, dropping some power atributes and sticking with full conditions and full defence + toughness and + vitality
this lets me run maximum servivablity and still have nice condition dammage-
in WVW im like a super tank, and i feel the duration of my dots is neglagable because everyone wipes them after about 5 seconds anyway so this is the way to go -
i mostly use staff, but in 1v1 situations i swap to septer/ warhorn for quick kills
altho if im fighting a gaurdian elementalist or a ranger, they can just wipe my dots fast enough that i need to switch back to staff to do any real dammage
Staff 1 – necrotic grasp actuly saved me from dying several times
id love to sub in ssome crit , but without high toughness and high vitality i find that i die way to fast to do anything in wvw, plus the small amounts of vampiric health drains from blood keep me in the fight longer,
30 in death or 30 in blood i feel is a waste as none of the higher teir tallents are worth it
this is a tanky condition build, with max gear you can have 1.3 k toughness and 29k hp – with death shroud to boot
youll deffinatly be a wrecking force in wvw, just consider yourself healing and dot support and max range and youll be fine -
My assessment of the only viable necrobuild for WVW
enjoy -
This would be great -
“Gain toughness based on how much life force you have, 1 point of toughness per percent of life force.”
call this Undead Fortitude
++ for this idea, please remove Reanimator, nice name but horrible idea
not intrested in being a Rat-romancer
No class should Have to take a trait that hurts their character in pvp and pve
While necromancers are moving conditions around most of the tick durations of the conditions are allready used up -
while everyone else is hammering real dammage ontop of the conditions
a necro is just fapping about with its condition movment
conditions are allways inferior to dirrect dammage in pvp because most cases the conditions will be wiped
think im wrong? how many times does your 15 stack of bleeds just dissapear on downstate now you gotta start restacking conditions -
Remove bleeds entirely from Necro and give us Necrosis stacks instead.
in Necromancer
Posted by: NecropsY.8649
I support this idea!
infact it would be nice if Necromancers had access to more then 1 type of custom dot
Necrosis (a great name great band(s) also have that name)
Carrion ( a great dot name)
Rotting ( more straight forward also great dot name (would have some kind of attack power lowering affect with dot dammage)
Riggor (like riggor mortis would be more of a freeze type effect)
i dont see why every class in gw gets the same 2-3 dots its just bleed/ poision burning
yawwn how boring
this would make us feel alot more like necromancers insted of warriors with sticks
this could be done in a couple hours
its not hard to program dot effects into games lol
Simple fix for ballence -
1 remove the blead on reanimator/ jagged horrors
2 move it to the 25 skill slot
3 limit the minion count *max jagged horrors to 3 out at a time
Easy fix, your welcome arena net
I like it as the regen thingy. It would be too OP to just restore them. Think of it. Your minions would be invincible in a big fight with lots of trash.
You obveously do not play necromancer
as Mark of Blood on staff does exactly that (perma regen on all minions while there fighting just spam it)
even with regen they will all die in a matter of mins
you dont even have a necromancer do you, mr forum troll
Id like, “when out of combat all minions regenerate health”
if not on all the time let us spec into this, sense death is forced for minions anyway
Minion masters either need a swarm of desposable minions you can explode and bomb with
5x Bone Minons
3x Bone Fiends
or 3x Worms that can be moble – get rid of the teleport and make them pop out while pushing that button rest of the time they burrow under ground and stay near the necromancer
- failing the swarm notion of all minions with current health, they need to greatly increase the health of each minon (not the dammage) and buff up the defence and add a 50% reduction to aoe dammage
having 3 minions out is fine if they all survive,
and the Blood fiend is totaly un viable it should be replaced with a whole new minon idea or removed
problems with wells -
Cooldowns are Huge, Compared to mesmer and ranger similar skills each of their skills are nearly half the cooldown and double the duration -
Well Combos- the life drain combo is almost utterly useless the amount of life it steals is almost non existant
Wells Vamp/ stealing life tallent – this also steals almost no life prolly because its like 2% of a well that does nearly no dammage anyway giving you non existant numbers
Duration – my god what is wrong with this game and durations – .01 sec fear. .05 sec wells…. for kitten sake give us durations that mean something
10 seconds min, maybe even 15 sec for the crappier wells, just because your giving us a longer duration doesnt even mean its viable to stay in the well that long. but at least give us the option to try
Also some of the wells should grab and slow people in them, maybe add chill to well of darkness, as its a really weak well, with no dammage
Death shroud just sucks, its a stupid looking affect, it should look like your Spectral effects,
like Spectral Armor that would look awesome
a big black ink blob isnt impressive
Furthermore your locked into spamming button 1 90% of the time
Dark Pact:
I tele to an enemy, Chill+Bleed them, then evade backwards and my (greater) Mark of Blood from Mark of Evasion either hits them or at least appears very close to them.
3 stacks of Bleed and Chill most of the time.
I don’t know why people are so afraid of getting close as a Necro.
I jump close and back off all the time.
We have as much health as Warriors do, just don’t try to “tank” like they do.
Kite things around in circles if everything starts chasing you, you’ll buy the rest of the party a lot of time.
So your saying to make the skill viable you need to waste a dodge roll away instantly after using the skill
no thanks,
if necros want a teleport skill for dagger, put it on the DAGGER skill bar not the death shroud skill bar
this is bad game development thinking
hire me ill do it
seems easy
doesnt seem any less unballenced then a ranger with his pet skills on f1-f4
id just like to see more specific shrouds for that reflect each build type, then you could choose what one each player wants to use
more choices ++
did you read my idea
multiple shrouds to fix the shroud bottle neck
A Mesmer and a Ranger can both run “pets” without diminishing their build at all
necromancers however cannot
to fix Minion Master, place Bone Minoins on F2 (have it cost life force to summon)
F3 (Bone Horror from gw1) (have it cost life force to summon) (tanking style attack)
F4 (Risen Knight) (have it cost life force to summon) ( f4 trigger a vampiric drain life attack ) (again costing life force) 15%
Then you can run your normal eleite minions on your utilites or run combinations of other utility skills
the necro is now fixed and has a trade off mechanic so that death shroud must be interchanged with minion usage causing interesting game play trade off
Wouuld love Arena Net to Consider this Idea
Iv been wanting to post some of my ideas on whats wrong with the feel and implementation of the necromancer for a while now -
so ill attempt to sum up the problems and provide solutions
Firstly Lets talk about death shroud – To whoever said (A skill i didn’t ask for forcing all my other build skills to be balanced around it, is so true)
Death shroud is a 4 button attempt to sum up a whole class, and it doesnt work at all
Firstly Death shroud itself has a 10 second cool down by default, so building the skills inside death shroud with cooldowns ontop of that just makes an even clunkier feature forcing your character to simply auto attack most of the time (boring and compleatly removing the players ability to play the character)
Life Blast – is slow and boring the damage is often worse then your normal attacks without death shroud, unless your specced into death shroud – (faster firing is important – make it a flat dammage skill or a dot dammage skill)
Dark Path – is absolutly horrible, and should be removed (why would anyone even a dagger necro ever need to teleport into mele range – replace it with a poision dammage skill with bleed (5 sec cool down max)
Doom, is decent idea, but simply a 1 second fear is stupid, it needs to do damage have a 1/4 second cast time to compensate and it needs to be 3 second fear/ (otherwise remove it)
The Life Drain attack is the only decent one but it needs to be lowered to a 8 second cooldown
further more a 5’th slot skill should be implemented and all 5 skills should be in your 1/5 slot
Now the whole death shroud idea, should be tweaked to utilize more options,
Why necros only get a f1 mechanic vs most all other classes getting a f1- to f4
I would have F1 be a nuking shroud, f2 be a life draining shroud, f3 be a Dotting Shroud, and f4 be a minion summoning shroud
so that going into any of these shrouds can reflect the actual build of the character your specked into, and ALL of the talents would allow you to have a more unlocked uber form of each that would let you play your SPEC not some generic cookie cutter shroud that no one has use for
-Suggestion 1 -
Vampiric Shroud (f2)
Button 1 – Vampiric Gaze
1/2 Second Cast 0 CoolDown (single target X dammage, gain X life Force)
Button 2 – “Vampiric Curse” -A classic version of Life Syphon – Produce a Shadow Dot on target and a Shadow Heal on Necromancer – over 30 seconds small amounts of X health drained from target and leeched to the Necromancer
Button 3 – Shadow Strike
1/2sec cast 0 Cool Down- Deals X damage. Steal up to 1/4 X Health if this foe was above 50% Health.
Button 4 – Order of the Vampire – Channel skill for 5 Seconds
for 5 Seconds Produce a AOE Feild that any allie attacking in Life Drains for a small amount Healing the Player and the Necromancer for small amounts (5 second cooldown)
Button 5 – Soul Leech
3/4 second cast – (10 second debuff.) Steal X Health whenever target foe casts a spell or attack (similar to GW1)
f3 Minion Shroud -
Button 1 (conjure 3 bone minions to fight for you) Pres 1 to leap launch them and have them explode
Button 2 Conjure 2 Bone Fiend have it attack for you
Button 3 Conjure a Risen Knight to fight for you
button 4 Conjure a atax Fiend to fight for you
Button 5 Conjure a shadow behemoth to fight for you
Shroud Ends all minions expire drawing life force of 2% per minon death replenishing life force causing cooldown to Minion Shroud
Nuking shroud would be very simple 5 different nuke spells -
Summery -
we need multiple shrouds to reflect each style of play for the necromancer, Giving us the versitility of other classes we so desperatly need as a necromancer -
please allow us arena net to spend our Life Force in more Virsitile ways
the current 1through 4 option of death shroud is pathetic
these idea’s could easily be implemented and balanced as most of them are based on guild wars 1 ideas -
(edited by NecropsY.8649)