The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: nolop.8095


First: This is purely about PvE and all statements are based on my individual experience playing Necro in GW1 and GW2 focused on minions, PvE ONLY.
(i’m serious absolutely NO pvp relevance here)

In GW1 playing necro was like surfing on a wave of death and corpses.
When stuff died, no mater if friend or foe, your power went of the charts, you could spam your spells, your army grew and you were as happy as a necro can be.

In GW2 there is only DS charge to gain if something dies, nothing more.

“Yes but now your minions don’t decay and are permanent like ranger pets and you don’t need corpses to summon them.”

True, and I actually like this, but
why can’t we get the cooldown of the summoning spells reduced if something dies around us.
Or summons on cooldown can still be used but cost lifeforce when on cooldown.

This would have little impact on Bossencounters in Dungeons.

In boss fighs in GW1 minions were mostly useless but provided a decent amount of dmg and tanked the boss for some time depending on how much you healed them.
with blood of the master you were able to keep them all alive through the whole fight.

In GW2 it’s almost the same but we have no tools to keep our minions alive except for Mark of Blood wich is barely enough to keep them alive vs normal enemys.
A problem is, you can only apply it to minions that are in melee range with an enemy.
My scorpion thingy gets killed all the time if there are ranged enemys because I can’t heal it in any way and then I have to wait half a minute for a bunch of my total dps to come back.
This combined with heavy AoE and stupid minion AI, minionmaster is rendered next to useless in a bossfight.
(One might argue that it’s somewhat like a signet if you use it, but there is no benefit for you if your minion dies.)

I realy hope you(areanaNet people responsible for necros) improve the necro before I run out of character slots, I’d hate to give up on my favorite GW1 profession.

PS: Is this constructive enough mister moderator-who-deleted-all-my-other-posts ?

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


they dont care -

nothing will be done -

the realistic answer

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeroRaiNs.7154


they dont care -

nothing will be done -

the realistic answer

I was going to give my thoughts on this topic and then noticed that you are correct.

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: Gryph.8237


Dude, while we, the necro community feel your pain, ANET does not. I do not think they care, especially if we are questioning their wisdom on the necro. We shall see, but its an MMO, and most MMOs don’t really care about the community’s thoughs when it comes to questioning their mechanics.

I watched videos of GW1 necro before during and after release of gw2. They rammed the gw2 necro right in the KITTEN hole

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: NecropsY.8649


For the most part things never change -

the strong classes get stronger, the weak classes get weaker

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: sAdam.5876


I liked better idea behind minions from GW1 (creating from corpse etc.). But that about it. Applying Death Nova’s or Jagged Bones correctly was nigh impossible for human. If you wanted to play as Minion Master most of your skill were bounded to that idea. Only viable choice was making one of your heroes as MM.
As much as bugged AI gets on my nerve I think they are good thing for necros. Apart straight forward way of using them (I’d like some more tricky mechanics for MMs) I like traveling through Tyria with my minion escort.

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Not to sound like a fan boy (far from it), but I doubt the DEV are ignoring us.

2-3 of them wrote on our forum like 1 week ago, saying they were working on the pet AI, and trying to work on Necro general bug. It’s no easy task.

I will be the first to say they got rushed to release the game, and they way too many bug to be decent. Really, even by MMORPG standart, the amount of bug in GW2 is crazy.

But they are working on it right now, and I’m sure they are doing everything they can.

I hope the 15th november will be the patch we are all waiting for!

P.S : I want to use my Axe

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: striker.3704


The minion master is less situational now since we don’t need bodies. However I do agree that the OBSCENE AOE in dungeons makes minion master incredibly useless.

It also bothers me that certain boss mechanics punish you severely for running minions.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: HiSaZuL.2843


Not to sound like a fan boy (far from it), but I doubt the DEV are ignoring us.

2-3 of them wrote on our forum like 1 week ago, saying they were working on the pet AI, and trying to work on Necro general bug. It’s no easy task.

I will be the first to say they got rushed to release the game, and they way too many bug to be decent. Really, even by MMORPG standart, the amount of bug in GW2 is crazy.

But they are working on it right now, and I’m sure they are doing everything they can.

I hope the 15th november will be the patch we are all waiting for!

P.S : I want to use my Axe

That developer I do respect… he admitted it was broken.
But on a larger scale. When we were told we are DEFINETLY going to get “love” ASAP. We got one one and only functioning tool in pvp nerfed by 33%. Then we were ignored for 2? months followed by BIP nerf then SOP got nerfed. So you know what… I’m not looking forward to this “love”. Frankly to hell with bugs just leave this class alone and it may actually be better off in the long run.
I’m willing to bet my “Sir. Brags-a-Lot” title that 15th will provide nothing for necromancers.

The (minion)Necromancer "back then" and now

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dredlord.8076


Dude, while we, the necro community feel your pain, ANET does not. I do not think they care, especially if we are questioning their wisdom on the necro. We shall see, but its an MMO, and most MMOs don’t really care about the community’s thoughs when it comes to questioning their mechanics.

I watched videos of GW1 necro before during and after release of gw2. They rammed the gw2 necro right in the KITTEN hole

Actually they KITTENED him in the CAT hole, to be precise.