Showing Posts For Ntranced.7415:

Testing two runes on dual wield - bug ?

in Thief

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


Runes on dual weapons are truly odd, I really would like some clarification from the devs on how they work. I used to have +5% crit rune on one dagger and bloodlust on another. I never saw any benefit from the +5% crit that I could actually see/feel when playing (either in tooltip crit or in game) so I changed it for an on crit type which does seem to proc but rarely.

Aurora Glade [KISS]

Stop nerfing us. Buff others. Add more weaponsets.

in Thief

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


Every single MMO that comes out suffers the same issue. A bunch of nomad FoTM MMO players (who are mediocre at best) get hissy about a class and clog the forums up with nerf calls.

Developers react and nerf the class, almost always over-nerfing, but by the time the nerfs are in those same forum posters have moved on to the next FoTM MMO . End result is a useless class, most reasonable players who have skill and have researched how other classes play realize that class was nerfed too hard, but developers will almost never correct the over-nerf in case the forum whiners start up again.

In GW2 the class is the thief. I’m hoping GW2 devs are stronger than most.

Aurora Glade [KISS]

The Fight for Gunnar's Hold (We need YOU!!)

in WvW

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


I’m part of a small guild on Gunnars and despite flirting with another server for a few days (had an invite from a big guild there) I can honestly say Gunnars is now a truly awesome server. I don’t regret staying on Gunnars for a second.

This is mainly down to the hard work of a number of people there (mumble server and forum has already been mentioned but a big thanks should go to the dedication of some of the commanders too).

We fight hard but we fight fair, the core of the community are truly “good people”, if you are looking for a server to make your mark as an individual or with your guild there is no better place than Gunnars Hold.

Good guilds, strong commanders, excellent communication and players you can trust.

Low on drama, high on fun.

What the kitten are you waiting for? Transfer now.

Aurora Glade [KISS]

(edited by Ntranced.7415)

Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


We’ll see how things turn out tonight, but my suggestion is that if you are a glass cannon thief used to charging in and bombing the enemy, you better consider your traits again. Bad players can’t hide behind buffs anymore.

Really, why? I’ve been playing my glass cannon thief on a seriously losing server for a long time now against those with 3 orb bonuses. I’ve been doing just fine but thanks for your concern

Aurora Glade [KISS]

Orbs will be removed from WvW in an upcoming build.

in WvW

Posted by: Ntranced.7415


I’m not in favor of this change. There are quite a few reasons:

- The orbs gave the borderlands a real sense of purpose
- Orbs were a real constant objective to fight over
- Losing but taking an orb would swing a LOT of momentum to your realm
- The human nature of zergs will mean any upgraded keep with no orb will be ignored
- The best sieges were always over the orbs, could take hours and needed strategy
- Removing them means we could just see karma trains again
- Places too much emphasis on Eternal Battlegrounds
- Forces everything to be about points, which when you are 50k down is, ahem, pointless!

Yes I know the orbs could be hacked – solution would be to fix the bugs, short term fix it so orb can only be removed if you own the keep. Yes the orb bonus was too great, should have been +10, +25 and +50 for all three (no stacking, so if you hold 3 your bonus was +50 and forget the health boost).

The orb system (resetting etc) was confusing for most new players. It was often bugged that much is true – half the time you didn’t know how many orbs you had and nearly all of the time an orb was on the move I couldn’t see it on the map. But it was almost more exciting that way, something that didn’t happen every 5 minutes like taking a keep/tower/camp.

The outnumbered buff is also stupid and worthless, instead what it should allow is the outnumbered team to carry more supply. If you are outnumbered it is likely you own nothing, you can’t build any siege and small teams cannot effectively have access to the tools to take anything down. Should allow the outnumbered team to have 250 supply in camps they do own and to carry 20 supply instead.

While I’m on the subject I’d also like to see WvWvW jumping puzzles changed – give them their own area/instance somewhere so the 20 people doing them aren’t reducing the number of people I can get in my area to fight. And stop mesmers being able to use portal in those areas, completely takes away the point of them.

Aurora Glade [KISS]