Showing Posts For Nymia.3256:
Where was all this outcry of 150 pages when skill points, temple of balthazar, etc was practically continually bugged for over a month after release? I don’t get this community – there was game breaking bugs in the game for over a month after release and there wasn’t a single thread that was 150 pages worth of people complaining about that (I did complain about that because it was a problem) and now they add a new tier of gear and there’s a thread that has amassed 150 pages of outcry. This new tier seems infinitesimal to the game breaking bugs the game had for a month, and which are still present to some small degree with PS, etc. I just don’t get it – can someone please explain that to me?
Sure, and I am glad you asked.
Bugs happen. Glitches happen. It sucks, but it’s true.
Stated vision and design philosophy for YEARS leading up to the game, with advertising and direct developer promises being promptly turned on it’s head less than 3 months after release in order to “provide a proper gear progression” is an insult and a travesty.
We can tolerate bugs and balance fixes and stuff, even when we argue tooth and nail about them.
We can not tolerate lies and abandonment of the very principles that brought us here in the first place.
Good article on tentonhammer:
“But, I think what we as a community of outraged players want to hear from them say something along these lines:
“Ascended Gear will be best in slot for the lifecycle of the game. We needed to fill a gap we left in our original design while introducing the infusion mechanic we used in GW1. Ascended gear allows us to do that, and hopefully solve many problems for a slight pain to current players.”
If I had that once piece of confirmation, I would be set."
If it was true and came from Anet, I agree this would assuage most of the population.
If this was the case, I would be a little peeved – but I would understand and would support the move.
As it is right now we do not have that statement or assurance in any way whatsoever.
Still not seeing it.
If gear progression is the antithesis of GW2, then answer me…why does exotic gear exist? Why does rare gear exist? Gear progression is ALREADY IN GW2. There is really no disputing this.
White gear is for level 1-5. Blue for 5-30, green for 30-65, rare for 65-79 and exotics for 80. Playing with rares at level 80 is like playing with lower level gear you still didn’t replace.
Spending my money/karma to buy a rare set at level 79 is myself doing some informed decision about spending my money in something I know I’ll have to replace soon. Buy a brand new exotic set using gold and karma to have a secondary build last week is myself getting punished for trusting that ArenaNet wouldn’t just obsolete all my gear with a stupid gear treadmill.
Actually all those gear tiers exist for level 80, and it’s not too uncommon to deck yourself out in greens (or even blues) right when you hit 80 if you are strapped for cash. Even full rares can cost you a few gold (especially the jewelry). And full exotics can take more casual or WvW oriented players over a month to achieve…even if hardcores can get them much faster.
You may choose not to see it, but there IS gear progression at 80. If there wasn’t, then there would just be one gear quality, and that’s it. So long as Ascended gear does not take a ridiculous amount of time to achieve, then I see no real problem.
You are right, and I am one of those players.
I don’t play casually, I have hundreds of hours logged across multiple characters.
I play WvW and sPvP primarily. I loathe PvE. I stomached this “gear progression” BECAUSE it had an end. I still don’t have full exotics on my first level 80, and I never really cared to chase it down.
Gear progression before 11/15/12 was a finite endeavor. It existed, in the same way that level progression (read: gated content) existed… unpleasant, but at least with a well defined and promised end. Until this patch, I knew that there would come a day when I could just forget about gear and never be sub-par to anyone – anywhere – no matter how they liked to play their game. I knew I could take a break… because I have a family and a career that demand and deserve my full attention at times.
But now, that has changed. They have raised the bar (before I even got there, I might add) and they have said they plan to continue raising the bar while introducing new content that will require and reward new gear to “mitigate”.
And, as it so happens, I am no longer interested. I played WoW for a very long time, and I don’t want too anymore. WoW is an amazing game, thriving and growing, backed by a ridiculously wealthy company with throngs of die hard supporters. Alas, WoW is a game that is both designed around “gear progression”, and has perfected that model.
I don’t want to play a game with vertical progression. I don’t want gear inflation, or level cap inflation, or any of that.
I want to play a game with horizontal progression.
You can NOT choose both strategies for the same content. They promised us one, and are now changing to the other.
sPvP has horizontal progression. They’ve said they won’t change that with this new tier of gear that nobody expected. I wonder why.
They might ignore us and push it through. That’s fine, it’s their game. After that point I won’t be posting here or complaining. I won’t go badmouth them to the internet. I won’t try to hire a lawyer or get a refund.
I will just go away, and never return. I will note all company and developer names involved, and I will make sure I never involve myself in another thing they are associated with in any way whatsoever.
As it stands, I have not played the game since I found out about this. I have zero desire to do so. If this stands, I can’t imagine a reason to log in again other than perhaps say goodbye to people or let my 6 year old run around looking for flowers to pick.
This isn’t GW1 where the level cap will be the same forever.
And why do you think so? I actually hope, there won’t be any changes in level cap.
who care’s about that I dont think it will change But even if it did leveling is so fast and really has no point other than locking you out of content,
the leveling curve is flat if thay added an extra 10 levels i could have it in less than an afternoon.
Just FYI now back on topic
I dont think this new update is as big a deal as some people make it out to be
Because – in the course of that afternoon all of your gear has become obsolete.
Improved stats or increased levels are an illusion. They accomplish nothing, and are not truly necessary to add new content.
Why does new content have to be designed for level 80? Why cant Metrica Province be invaded by rampaging demons or whatever. Why would an expansion need to be level 90? I mean… why do these things if they don’t have a purpose, and if they do have a purpose what is it?
All of this stuff had answers a week ago that most of us believed ANet understood.
A broken hearted ex-fan.I love that your guild is Spirit of Faith, and your tag is HOPE, yet you are supposedly abandoning a game based on an update and content you haven’t even played yet.
Even after Chris came in here and said Ascended was the last tier that will be added for mechanical reasons and to avoid it being a gear grind they are rolling it out a few pieces at a time so even casual players can get it at a comfortable pace rather than farming it out. There will not be another tier added. Done. We got our clarification.
If people have forgotten what a tread-mill is, it’s a thing you run on forever and never get anywhere. A new intermediate type of gear that is introduced piece by piece to mitigate grind/farm while being introduced does not a treadmill make.
But he did not say “there will not be another tier”, he said “we don’t plan to add a new tier every 3 months”.
There is a huge difference there. If they planned to never add another tier, why don’t they just pop in and SAY THAT.
If however, they are adding this tier so that people have something to do… what happens once the tier is fully released? Well, as long as it is more than 3 months down the road they will just add a new one.
Vertical and Horizontal progression systems are mutually exclusive. You can segregate them if you want, but they can’t be both used for the same content. It’s either one way or the other.
“Our goal is to ensure we have a proper progression for players from exotic up to legendary without a massive jump in reward between the two. "
What, exactly, is a “proper” progression?
What, exactly, is the “reward” between the two?
So are you saying that you are doing this so that you can “conform to the conventions” of gear progression? Is that what you mean by proper?
Reward currently means – awesome skins with particle affects.
You are changing that to – increased numbers.
So, this one sentence seems to say to me (and please, correct me if I am wrong):
“We are adding increased stat gear because that’s the way it’s always been done.”
If you NEEDED ascended to even try, it’d be impossible because we don’t get a full set right away, and you get rings in the dungeon.
Sure. But let’s say RL forces a break from the game and you come back six months later to the next patch with the next dungeon, that does require the gear. Now to get back on the treadmill you’ve got to run the previous dungeon no one wants to run anymore because it won’t drop anything they want.
Welcome to gear treadmill hell, GW2 was meant to be free of this nonsense.
Stop using slippery slope arguments.
They’ve said they aren’t going to add more tiers.
Did they say that? Cool. Where is it? All I saw was that they said they wouldn’t release new tiers every 3 months. Which of course, is a completely different thing.
If I was a NCsoft exec. I’d probably be kicked back with my feet on the desk thinking
“Ha they’re not going anywhere they’re still posting! hah”
edit- well I wouldn’t, but I think they are…
I have all the time in the world to post. I can’t invest another moment or penny in a game that will involve chasing gear. In fact, if an expansion involves a level cap increase I may not buy it. It isn’t necessary and I thought ArenaNet understood that.
So, I am not playing my favorite game. Not to make a point, but because it makes me feel sick and betrayed. I thought we had an understanding, AN and I. I thought I found a company that shared my vision for gaming. I feel like I’ve been cheated on.
Well, let’s see what’s the impact of the new of “infusion and agony” system on live going to be. It’s definitely going to segregate the community. I don’t think we are going to see a lot of happy people then.
Some things can never be undone.
I don’t support a “let’s wait and see what happens” approach to decisions like this one.
They should just make the gear cosmetic (that will quiet the ‘treadmill’ crew though they are wrong on what a treadmill is) and make it that you can’t progress to new content unless you beat the previous progression dungeon, etc…via an if you haven’t beating Progression Dungeon A, you can’t do Progression Dungeon B until you get the achievement.
Now this, I can agree with:)
Why isn’t this what this patch was? Cosmetic gear (cool!), Dungeon Progression (I think some people would love that).
Everybody wins. Anyone have a problem with that?
Whatever problem you guys are trying to solve here is solvable within your existing framework.
I think I get it. You want people to want Legendary stuff, and get after it. That’s part of the strategy. But you can’t just outright boost their stats, because then people are obligated to participate in that massive stupid grind.
So, you introduce Ascended items.
That’s where you messed up. You failed to solve the problem within your own unique character, and adopted what people say works.
The answer exists already – skins and sideways progression, MORE Legendary items.
The current legendary items didn’t inspire the masses, and were a little bit out of reach. Very true. So introduce some new ones… with unique (journey oriented) requirements and different skins.
I honestly thought until today that Ascended items was just a whole new set of gear skins, for every armor type, cool looking stuff we would want to go get. I thought it was funny that you didn’t just call them Legendary, but now I guess we know why.
Now of course it’s possible this is about money and player retention…
…in that case consider this: you will never truly compete with the 800 pound gorilla by giving up your competitive edge.
But you know what you can have? A smaller playerbase of people who like to spend money on your game, and would respond positively to “fundraisers” in the future if the need was present. Loyalty. More than any other type of business (outside of perhaps Religion) could ever hope to achieve.
Trust your PRODUCT, gentlemen. You know… the one you’ve been boasting about, taking pride in, and holding up as a shining example of “how we do it ’round here”. Fix the flaws and bugs, and give it time to blossom. You haven’t ever tried releasing a new set of exotic or legendary skins.
Trust your PLAYERS. Not these fly by night types who will bounce from MMO to MMO looking for that once great feeling they had… the never ending high of becoming God-Like in relation to wherever they started. No, trust the players who know what you are about. The ones who loved GW 1 not because of specific skills, but because it stopped forcing us to be button pushing monkeys and let us THINK about the game, PLAY against each other, and have a blast doing it. Or how about the ones who found this game as a last ditch effort to salvage a loved pastime that had been fouled by a never ending grind necessitated by an ever hungry mob of people who want a constant sense of growth for their in game persona.
Trust those players, because we invested in YOUR vision. Do you understand that?
Not once have I ever said that I was about to lose trust in this company or it’s people. I am saying it now.