Showing Posts For Otters.1567:

7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Everyone PvP on forums instead of WvW, make me sad man.


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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Today feels like a good day to PvP.


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7/19/13 - NSP/HoD/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I was looking forward to fighting FC as I started there at release but this is horrible. 5+ people running from me constantly. Not a single person has fought in a 1v1 without just running away its pathetic. I have lost all the respect I had for FC in the first few hours of this matchup.

youre the guy who ran away from a zerg, but killed me in your 1v2 for being smart enough to keep my eyes on you. you spammed laugh over my dead body after spamming party requests for like 3 minutes.

this is how you treat your matches?

no surprise youre disappointed in us, you arent really fun to fight against.

it was nice of my friend to come rez me w/o being asked, and great justice that they left me the stomp for your sorry kitten .

Were you the terrible necro engi thief or ranger too many horrible players with that guild tag to keep track

lag permitting I will get some clips of me fighting that laughable noob guild of yours to post on forums

Are you burning, nerd?

Are you one of the 4 that spawn camped my pal, then when 2 of us showed up we AJed you and your posse in 15 seconds? Nobody escapes the law when Sheriff Bazzle and his lackeys are in town.

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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


God Tots talks so much trash I wonder if he is actually any good (doubtful after seeing his slow reactions against Teivo and the like).

So much trash talk from KoM and they say “we are more a roaming group than organized 5v5.” You talk it up and run when confronted, I thought the point of this game was to have fun challenging fights.

I prefer the hunt and the chaotic nature of open-field combat to be honest. Organized 5v5’s where people make sure to come with the best build combo to take an opposing 5 in a designated area where you can’t use the terrain as a part of the fight, can’t use surprise for the initial attack etc. bores me. Too much like spvp.

I totally have to agree with this post.

Power / Zoo-chini

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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


To all the forum warriors using 100 words.

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5 man seeking upper tier not to quit GW2

in WvW

Posted by: Otters.1567


If you want fight the bads of NA, i suggest the really high tier servers, such as ET.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Wow, that’s some pretty beast support you got going there.

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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I was thinking D/D
But if you are really pro then you dont even need those other numbers like 1 3 4 5


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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


And where is the downed picture because if I remember correctly you didn’t get that stomp.

Another message by my pal, Teivospy :

Tots, you were defeated. You were defeated by a class that puts out a lot of damage as a class that when properly played can defeat the former. You were defeated inside of your zerg, not once but three times. Full HP, you had all of your cool downs and I had all of mine (except I had to use 2 of them to engage on you to get past your zerg that you hide behind, so in reality I started with one). I had to track you through clones and many name tags as well as dodge any attacks that came.

Its not about stomping you. Its about letting you know you are a bad player by stomping all over you. I’m dissatisfied with your ability, I’m bored of you and I have ended you past, present, and future. I am a better player than you and definitely a better commander If i chose to go that route. I can say this easily because i’m not dumb enough to send 20 players to get baited into wasting their time to fight 5.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

(edited by Otters.1567)

7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Can anyone else taste the rainbow?

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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Dam, the mad is everywhere. Good thing Bazzle is happy.


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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Guys, pls, stop the thumping of the brest. I just want to pvp with my buddy.

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7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Thanks for the screenshots, that rush was crazy. I would have guessed “only” 20 golems since I wp straight to bay and only saw what made it to the inner. Now, if we could just get rid of the SPCA and XOXO farming our ruins. Oh well, I suppose it’s better than camping the jumping puzzle, so I shouldn’t complain

Bazzle and pals just wanted to pvp.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/12 DR-NSP-HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I found my waifu.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


@ Theftwind.8976
Anyone can say “omg (Insert enemy server here) sent a group of 5 to take a camp!”
I have taken camps solo in Hod bl for daily a few times only to be interrupted by a 20 man group of hod or 10 ioj. I have also seen like 50 Hod at Spelden camp taking it all together.
So every server does it, But its pointless to complain.

He needs to post again about how he got 500 kills, need more eggroll.

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7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I’m not trying to be “rude” here guys, I hate being “rude” but let’s be honest here. The only reason NSP is higher in the rankings is because they zerg around. The average NSP player is awful compared to pretty much anyone I’ve ever fought before, and IoJ? If they didn’t have a massive night presence then they wouldn’t even be close to licking our boots.

I get that you think you’re good, but you’re not and you should come to accept that HoD is better then you in every way. I’m sorry that you had to find out this way but it’s best to get over your delusions now. That being said, I’m so glad to fight you all another night though, I’ve enjoyed running roughshod over your terrible players.

id like to 1v1 u cuz for the past days ive been nothing but 1v2+ing Hod and destroying them. all i go to this matchup is hod bl.

Pls show where to one V one. Everyone i attack use elite to run. Then another 2 show and kill shot with the gun. Then they sit on my body, it’s not fun.

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7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Lol the HoD posts , too much funny is hurt my tummy.

Look at this guy! You’re a comedian in real life aren’t you?

Nope, i’m nothing but just a Bazzy.

For real? kitten man. We should like… hug this out.

People say i give the best hugs NA.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Lol the HoD posts , too much funny is hurt my tummy.

Look at this guy! You’re a comedian in real life aren’t you?

Nope, i’m nothing but just a Bazzy.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Lol the HoD posts , too much funny is hurt my tummy.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I’m not trying to be “rude” here guys, I hate being “rude” but let’s be honest here. The only reason NSP is higher in the rankings is because they zerg around. The average NSP player is awful compared to pretty much anyone I’ve ever fought before, and IoJ? If they didn’t have a massive night presence then they wouldn’t even be close to licking our boots.

I get that you think you’re good, but you’re not and you should come to accept that HoD is better then you in every way. I’m sorry that you had to find out this way but it’s best to get over your delusions now. That being said, I’m so glad to fight you all another night though, I’ve enjoyed running roughshod over your terrible players.

LOL. Everyone look at this guy, he’s a champ.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


where is ur jokes now ?

At the show, couple hours ago. I had good laugh, ty.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


EDIT: when in the kitten have we had more numbers and LOST to you guys on open field?
Pics or it didn’t happen. Lel

Edit: I hope everyone else is having as much fun as i am.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

(edited by Otters.1567)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


bye bye nsp u tried


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I bet she heard a really good joke.

Idk why she was laughing, but i was laughing because our 5 man wiped half of your 25 man zerg and made the rest chase 3 of us from bay all the way to north tower. So i guess it makes that zerg a good joke. Ty for the laugh.

We didn’t have 25, we had 15 at max, and you guys didn’t just have 5 lol your party might have had 5, but you can’t count out those already attacking us. Heartseeker thieves on your group think they’re so pro.

Actually nope it was just us 5. The ele dived into your zerg tanking all of you, either that or you were so mindless you just didn’t notice until the rest of us got there and started killing everyone in the back of your zerg lol. And we had 1 thief, same thief that dropped your commander in the zerg faster than i could type /laugh. Nice try though.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Stop posting on forums. You don’t understand the powers.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I bet she heard a really good joke.

Idk why she was laughing, but i was laughing because our 5 man wiped half of your 25 man zerg and made the rest chase 3 of us from bay all the way to north tower. So i guess it makes that zerg a good joke. Ty for the laugh.

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7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


The NSP groups++ we were fighting last night on IOJ’s map over all the camps were exceptionally good. Think it was a mix of PB, XoXo, and some others.

Fun fights…at one point when you guys flipped Vale, I tried to draw you into Bay’s cannon range to skirmish there.

“Two cannons ought to do the trick, right?”


You guys have some sick bunker builds, lemme tell ya. And you still got a few of our newer guys. GF’s all around.

Actually only one person in the xoxo group was a bunker lol. Everyone else was glass cannon, which explains why 5 of us cleared your 10 man at the bridge south of hills so fast. We did have trouble taking down the [TRBO] guardian with the sunrise though, he was good at clutch healing xD.

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7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


More Pics to show NSP swarms in numbers. I dont know how many times I died last night trying to take AP with the PHAZE guild event. Your might say, oh thats not a lot, but trust me they are stacked up there…..oh were they stacked!

This is a bad picture, if you actually look at the picture, NSP doesn’t even have 25 players, and look at your mini-map, there’s about ~20 green dots and some of those might be pets etc, but then again, some of the red names are pets too. Next time post a good picture lol.


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(edited by Otters.1567)

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Would anyone like to dance with me?

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Wtb non-scrub bucket solo roamers to fight. Everyone i attack today has blown their utils to run lol. i SAD.


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Possible entrance to new zone.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Otters.1567


Yeh, i’m probably wrong, and i know there are many unused portals. But the pictures (like others have suggested in other threads) looks like a maguuma jungle area. I think it most likely will be in sea of sorrows area but who knows. It does make sense though for bandits to sell their stolen goods at the bazaar. Free money for them.

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7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Definetly enjoyed the duels against NSP’s finest at the windmill. Nice to stretch my Necro’s legs in solo situations from time to time.

Ended it with quite the fight with the thief of legend Mugi, which ended in a draw.

I wait with bated breath for the next set of fights against you guys, and I hope we get NSP more in the near future.

obligatory comment about zergs, loot bags, and being a better player, person, and lover than _________

It is me, the biotech asuran mesmer scientist. I sent you many naked hugs.

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Possible entrance to new zone.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Otters.1567


Because of the pictures we have and the art, some have theorized that the new zone will be in Maguuma Jungle area. I may have found the possible entrance to the new zone. The bandits are building the bridge so they can sell their goods at the bazaar.


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6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Congrats on zerging down garrisson with 30 against our 5 IoJ.

You five IoJ just need to put down your jelly beans.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I’m surprised by how respectable and well mannered DR is as a server. I hope Tiers 1 through 6 will get to experience it and take note!

Get build sighted on.

- Leading commander of DR.

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6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


People say I’m fly.

Fly like phenoix


Fly like a Void Ray.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


People say I’m fly.


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in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567



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6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Today is a good day.


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6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Helo, it’s me Kevin from SPCA. Ty for zerging me.

-edited by the Teivospy

Dang, the suspense.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Yeah… about that… If WvW came down to pure skill, IoJ would be in tier 9 EU while NSP would be top 3. Every big server we’ve been up against, we keep wiping you. Over and over again. With fewer numbers.

Yet. You try again.
And again.
And again.

Yeah, eventually you might get our keep or tower, but how does it feel, being 50 taking it from 10 people defending it? (If you’re even able to cap).

If we have close to equal numbers, you guys can’t do jack.

I don’t recall ever being particularly impressed by any players or groups with an [AS] tag. I guess I must have never seen you, because you guys sure sound impressive.

Im not just talking about AS. But yes, we are good. If you haven’t seen us, you just haven’t seen us when we are running structured. We tend to run outside the massive blobs.

But we really don’t care if people notice us or not. Makes it easier for us to get stuff done

NSP by far has the worst roamers I have EVER seen, atleast completely inferior in every aspect to the average IoJ roamer. We completely demolish your zergs with equal numbers in open field. Also about that remark about being able to hold something with 10 people, a keep no less. A keep can hold 1700 supply, now thats more then enough to build 5+ arrow carts for every gate, and conveniently for the red corner overlook is by far the easiest keep to defend with the elevation and the fact that there are only 2 inner gates (blue keep has 3) makes it even more so easier to defend. So its nothing that great to brag about honestly especially since you end up losing the keeps in the end anyways. Now if you were to say wipe a zerg of 50 IoJ’ers (which will never happen since we’re better then you and we can’t field 50 people like NSP can) with 10 people in open field then that would certainly be something to brag about.



LOLOLOL yeah ok, seems that you can’t get anything through your thick head so we will just let you think you’re a boss. And to that [FG] person that posted, cool points for being real, i appreciate you and your guild striving to be better so you don’t end up like this dude here.


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6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Well, being so relentless in NSP borderlands tonight, We succeeded in Fortifying their Bay. And to celebrate it, we had to throw a little party. Of course, no party is fun without a Keg But i had to go to bed so I couldn’t see it get waypointed

Nice fights all night NSP. That hold at Bay for about an hour or so was so EPIC! You guys threw absolutely everything at us, but we held strong! Had you guys on the ropes infront of your Garrison. Us in DH had lots of fun, and I’m sure you guys did too!

Ill be looking forward to more of these fights in the future!

I give you props for holding our bay and fortifying it. But to the NSP commander who let that happen i give you this message.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Funny cause we had close to equal numbers in your BL tonight you got wiped alot and then after all the beatings you took everyone left and pretty much let us take hills other than the 10-20 brave souls that stuck around.

You might have wiped us in BL today, but we wipe you way more than you wipe us. Many times even with the out manned buff on. It’s so clear yo. I have yet to see a good group of players (5-10) from your server, I have seen a couple individuals though.

I am going to stay out of that one cause it is really a ridiculous thing to say, but could you please put a guild tag in your signature. Thanks……

I lied, our 5 man did get an awesome 5v7 with [FG], i forgot if they were DH or IoJ. But hey man, i’m just stating my experience in WvW from the first time we got DH/IoJ till now. Many respectable players share the same opinion as i do, i’m not going to say their names because it’s their business. I would totally change my opinion if IoJ gave my guildies more awesome and fair fights, instead of talking trash about how bad NSP is and how much better IoJ is, qoute “lolololol nsp u so bad”, -IoJ commander. Also the hackusations are pretty pathetic lol.

EDIT: Yes.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

(edited by Otters.1567)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Funny cause we had close to equal numbers in your BL tonight you got wiped alot and then after all the beatings you took everyone left and pretty much let us take hills other than the 10-20 brave souls that stuck around.

You might have wiped us in BL today, but we wipe you way more than you wipe us. Many times even with the out manned buff on. It’s so clear yo. I have yet to see a good group of players (5-10) from your server, I have seen a couple individuals though.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I like getting into random duels in wvw I really think those are the best.

I totally agree, that’s how i meet the skilled players on other servers, and it just so happens that they are not in a zerg ball.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Jambo, WVW is not designed for 1v1…..Isn’t there a PvP arena for that?

I get so sick of the “Come duel me! If you don’t you’re just scared.” Lame. As a matter of fact, isn’t there a whole PvP forum? :|

i will use wvw to watever i please seeing as i payed for the game and anet doesnt care wat ppl do in wvw i will continue to duel in wvw seeing as i spent gold on nice looking weps and armor. not to go into spvp and look at some ugly kitten armor. and this wasnt towards u so where do u even come into this convo this is to the kid talkin kitten . and im going to assume u never heard of a fight club. u might not know this but every single server has fight clubs. which means u come to duel and test ur skills not mash buttons in a zerg. and untill they add a way where ppl can actually duel with there actual armor that they spent gold on they will continue to duel in wvw

Miss Firesss is correct in a way, but the IoJ commander is talking mad kitten, acting like he is the kitten. Funny how he won’t come to prove his one on one skills. 1v1 shows how well you can do yourself, always running with a massive clump of randoms proves your skills in zero ways. Seems as if he is afraid to come because he probably knows he needs the random damage behind him to win.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


IoJ is clearly a better server then NSP. We always win in open field even with half the numbers NSP throws at us coupled in with all the hackers on your server. Anyways its become clear as day NSP will try whatever they can to double team IoJ with DH even more so then they have been already just so that they can keep the lead. But we all know Darkhaven will get 1st like they would have been and IoJ being a better server then NSP will get 2nd while the NSP (that happened to be in first so far thanks to IoJ) will end up in 3rd.

lolololol NSP u so bad

Had to read your post a couple times to make sure I read it correctly.


Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Really you? Did I say your name? Did I post a screen shot of you? Did you enter squad with me from a squad invite earlier which allowed me to get your player ID?

Didn’t think so. The only reason I posted was to inform you to look for those individuals that were. They easily could have been repping a different Guild then they normally do, or even on an alt you don’t know they have. Hopefully they read the forums and see they were reported and decide never to do it again.

Whatever the case I’m going back in game to enjoy a good match up. As I said keep kicking our butts, we at DH have gotten too comfortable again and need you to beat us bad this week.

You sound like an idiot. I might as well say i saw you using 5 weapon sets, I have screenies and i’m not going to show anyone. Stop posting on these forums if all you’re going to do is accuse people without back up.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


Dear NSP,

Please control your hackers. 2 mesmers from RMPT are using some hack to turn on and off the Determined buff in our BL. No they were not near a spawn, they did it multiple times in different places in our DH BL, including right outside BlueBriar Tower when they tried again to kill me while I was videoing them. Also when they did manage to kill me they danced on my body turning the buff on and off.

Thank you guys for giving me the chance to take lots of SS’s and video for the ticket I submitted.

No I will not be posting SS’s or Video on the forums nor will I send it to individuals. I am not naming and shaming just letting your server know you have two blatant cheaters and I am hopping it does not spread.


PS: Please continue kicking our kitten this week. We need it.

Lol when people accuse NSP players of cheating, people just laugh at you. Go ahead and post all the proof you have on Youtube or any image hosting website. Otherwise we will continue laughing at you. I encourage you to prove me wrong.

Buy a Pocket Otter, only 500G [Holy]

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Otters.1567


I’m the warrior from RMPT that runs away but actually if you played a burst type warrior with very little sustain you’d realise this is one of the only ways you can stay alive, and to that end I think I played it pretty well considering,

a) you were annoyed enough to point out the running and
b) I finished you a lot more than you finished me because I outplayed you. I drew you out from your party and had my team jump you when you were acting like you had an erection for me and just couldn’t give me up

The game isn’t balanced for 1v1. Try vsing a phantasmal mesmer as a warrior and you’ll note that the odds are extremely stacked against you. Likewise an infinite regen ranger will make short work of a warrior. 1v1 only matters when latency is equal (I play from Australia so again I’m handicapped at 300-400ms of ping) and when the classes are also equal (ie. mirror match of exact same skills/traits). Then you can earn your bragging rights by claiming you can play the same class better than the other person.

If you still think 1v1 means everything then you are extremely narrow minded and probably stupid as well.

+10 cool points.

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