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22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845



Great pic. Looks like from when DR push back against DH. Here’s how that looked from the DR FOV at the beginning. That zerg line is the one streaming from SM byWC. There was a second line from SM to Klovan ( plus the guys on the plauto between each. ) Fun times.


Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


I’m not sure most of the people commenting even know how points are made. So, for the heck of it I’ll give you how points are made and a current personal assesment of the matchup.

1. Points are made via capturing and holding objectives until thier timer counts down to zero. The timers reset about every 15 minutes. Easy right?

2. These points are acumulated 24 hours a day broken up by 3 primary timezones : North america ( NA ), Europe ( EU ), and Oceanic ( OC ). That is 8 hours of each time slot covering 24 hours.

3. If any 1 of the 3 servers have 2 or more timezones ( above ) covered while another does not then a point gap starts to form. This makes it mathmatically imposible for the lacking server to compensate for the points gap. Things like tactics, skill, cookies, won’t make up for this.

As it stands right now in this matchup, this is the coverage from what I have seen :

DH Great Good Good
IOJ Great Good Poor
DR Great Poor poor

So the maps are as follows for each timezone :

NA – Each BL looks it’s respective color with a few interactions of each of the other servers as they have attempted to push in. EB is multi-colored with nice even splits of objectives. This is the best time for the new wvw love coming tomorrow.

OC – DH owns this time slot and it can color the map blue. I personally would hate this time slot as there would be little to no action making the patch tomorrow hardest on them.

EU – IOJ is awake and able to take back some of it’s own BL and make some headway into EB. DR does come in, but won’t make a huge headway until NA prime.

You can dispute that any way you want. No sever is better than the others, other than time zone coverage. When the mass transfers happened, to all servers, the only thing DR lost was it’s OC/EU coverage. That is when DR started dropping tiers, and will continue to do so until an even coverage time is found, or tier 8, which ever comes first.

Final note: I am here to tell ya that killing those ADQQBtsy guys is a no go. I have litterally fired an AC at 1 for 5 minutes with no effect what so ever. Now I know you’ll say “Part… Aren’t you on the same server????” Ya, but I think it should still count towards my daily kill total. For everyone else play on.

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


@IOJ – Don’t feel bad. they camped us most of the morning as well in EB. Just farm them for badges like we did.

@DH – You have us with the numbers. That’s not new to DR. Please do send those awesome wvw gods of war to EB. I’d love to see those top players as sieging up towers and supply runs can get slow at times for me.

Partipack – Asura Engi

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

(edited by Partunu.9845)