Showing Posts For Pegaasus.3280:
I’ve spent a good ammount of gold in the last few months on different builds for ranger and I cant seem to find one I’m comfortable with. I’ve found a few that do really well at one thing but suck at anything else.
I Think if they changed the class mechanics (Pet) and perhaps made it so you have to trait to get a pet and if you don’t then you get the damage the pet takes from you added onto your own stats. Because right now the number one thing screwing with the rangers in actual combat is the pet, Mine to soooooooo often just run around get behind and enemy and then just follow them while they move while fighting. So in that situation the ranger which has reduced stats has to be very good to win a fight like that.
So I think the reason the ranger isn’t used to much in WvW (I see Guardians everywhere) is because they just are not very good for it. But I really really wish they were. It’s my favorite class. We just need that stupid pet out of the way so we can actually start using our class fully.
Then AN can start working on our traits which are a mess. Trapping skills are in Skirmishing. o_O they should be in Wilderness Survival. Wut :O
Edit: Before people say ‘But the Pet is the Rangers Mechanic’ It’s so broken it’s just pulling the class down. If we replaced the class mechanic with a crossbow then that would be cool. Very unique and fits into the class, the crossbow can be worked into the class in many ways and provide even further ranger but slow shots. I dunno just throwing things around but my point is there are soo many better things that could be used other than pets. and on that note wasn’t it arenanet that said they weren’t afraid to go back and completely redo something. Because ranger needs redoing
Are you are one of those smart guys “if you don’t like the pet just reroll rifle warrior” ?^
Most players chose the ranger cos they like the class style, weapons, or they just like a nature-themed adventurer profession. These ppl were forced by anet to use a pet. Atm the ranger has no options at all, the class is a pet class, end of story. Personally i have no problem with pets in spvp or even pve (and i have been playing the class since release in tpvp, wvw and pve). The problem is in wvw, i hate my pet in wvw, especially while fighting a zerg with a small party. And no it’s not a l2p issue. They poorly implemented our pet mechanic, they should have tested it a bit more, it’s too late now. They should stop with this stupid “class philosophy” kitten and start reworking things. I’ve never seen a worst pet mechanic, it’s just that bad, lots of useless ugly pets nobody uses. Pigs really? Lol -yea let’s add tons of stupid pets so players can have fun collecting them, yea super c00l!!!11- No pet customization; all the pets i see around are named the same “juvenile kitten” cos you can’t even save your pet’s name after choosing a different one. Even the pet swap mechanic i think is really bad and poorly implemented -oh kitten the aoe spamming is killing my pet let’s summon the second one- The truth is they ruined the ranger class with their stupid “philosophy”. And what about you guys? What do you think?
Rangers are a pet class if you picked this class without knowing that then you probably picked the wrong class. If ranger received a buff for not having a pet it would force players who specifically pick the class for their pets to play without pets or be kicked from groups.
Anet has already said they have not intention of adding perma stow. This may change but I would stop playing the class is they did (probably game as well).
Ah i see you are one of those smart “if you don’t like the pet just reroll rifle warrior” guys.
Most players chose the ranger cos they like the class style, weapons, or they just like a nature-themed adventurer profession. These ppl were forced by anet to use a pet. Atm the ranger has no options at all, the class is a pet class, end of story. Personally i have no problem with pets in spvp or even pve (and i have been playing the class since release in tpvp, wvw and pve). The problem is in wvw, i hate my pet in wvw, especially while fighting a zerg with a small party. And no it’s not a l2p issue. They poorly implemented our pet mechanic, they should have tested it a bit more, it’s too late now. They should stop with this stupid “class philosophy” kitten and start reworking things. I’ve never seen a worst pet mechanic, it’s just that bad, lots of useless ugly pets nobody uses. Pigs really? Lol -yea let’s add tons of stupid pets so players can have fun collecting them, yea super c00l!!!11- No pet customization; all the pets i see around are named the same “juvenile kitten” cos you can’t even save your pet’s name after choosing a different one. Even the pet swap mechanic i think is really bad and poorly implemented -oh kitten the aoe spamming is killing my pet let’s summon the second one- The truth is they ruined the ranger class with their stupid “philosophy”.
You re right mate I agree with you..that’ s the point. They ruined the class and people here are happy…You all should read what thieves write on ranger class…
Read what Fjandi wirtes..and learn what is a ranger and what it was
Aeri you make me laugh ah ah i wasn t interested in your build..just for the words you say i realise you re a medium ranger Always stuck in mediocrity ^^. Have you ever tried what was beastmastery build before the nerf?^ You’ re the only one here who likes the changement they have done lol
Well tell us you re fabolous build then
And above all guys this is a forum for rangers..of course that here we are plenty of rangers)) But have a look while roaming in wvw..have a look on the enemies..have a look on your own zerg..and notice how many rangers there are..You ll find out that rangers are going to die out. That’ s it. I’ m Rank 163 wvw and not the new one here
You re the only one here who really understands the point..I’ ve spent tons of gold too finding a balance but without success..Once beastmastery build was nice..but they nerfed it..shortbow was nice..but they nerfed it..= ranger inferior to any other class
I’ve spent a good ammount of gold in the last few months on different builds for ranger and I cant seem to find one I’m comfortable with. I’ve found a few that do really well at one thing but suck at anything else.
I Think if they changed the class mechanics (Pet) and perhaps made it so you have to trait to get a pet and if you don’t then you get the damage the pet takes from you added onto your own stats. Because right now the number one thing screwing with the rangers in actual combat is the pet, Mine to soooooooo often just run around get behind and enemy and then just follow them while they move while fighting. So in that situation the ranger which has reduced stats has to be very good to win a fight like that.
So I think the reason the ranger isn’t used to much in WvW (I see Guardians everywhere) is because they just are not very good for it. But I really really wish they were. It’s my favorite class. We just need that stupid pet out of the way so we can actually start using our class fully.
Then AN can start working on our traits which are a mess. Trapping skills are in Skirmishing. o_O they should be in Wilderness Survival. Wut :O
Edit: Before people say ‘But the Pet is the Rangers Mechanic’ It’s so broken it’s just pulling the class down. If we replaced the class mechanic with a crossbow then that would be cool. Very unique and fits into the class, the crossbow can be worked into the class in many ways and provide even further ranger but slow shots. I dunno just throwing things around but my point is there are soo many better things that could be used other than pets. and on that note wasn’t it arenanet that said they weren’t afraid to go back and completely redo something. Because ranger need redoing.
Cross thingers our wonderful moderators won t close this topic becouse They ve already closed 3 of my topics..telling me that my topics are not costructive…( Whereas their ranger nerfs are constructive yes yes :P )
Hey guys I’ ve opened this topic just to make you all realize the lack of rangers in wvw..and above all the lack of rangers using shortbow..I have a question for Arenanet: Why there are so few rangers around?^
Arenanet killed our class. Rangers are like little mice among big cats…They nerfed our pet damage ( and don t forget the leash range of pets being nerfed too ) and they still pretend for us to be happy..It’ s crazy we are so far from being competitive..( It ’ s not a coincidence that thieves and mesmers and other classes have fun of us ) The only effective build for ranger was the beastmastery one and they nerfed it. Well done Arenanet. It’ s time to quit or if I change my mind to level up a thief or a mesmer which are really competitive class.
Well Maybe It’ s just me but I m going to quit becouse seriously I loved so much playing with pets and now it’ s simply impossible..( they nerfed the leash range too that was hilarious :P ) With beastmastery build you could reach really top levels at spvp and wvw but now It’ s not possible anymore. I’ ve spent like 100 gold buying diffferent type of gears and runes just to try all what was worthy to try but It’ s useless. And I repeat guys if you re happy of the current ranger status well That shows you don’ t know what ranger beastmastery status was before the nerf ^^ Have fun with your pro ranger
i quote you mate you re the only one who understands here
They nerfed some of our best pets, like the wolf, 5o percent. My pet dies standing at my side in WvW yet we don’t have an option to stow them in combat. It’s ridiculous.
They also severely nerfed longbow damage in this patch, and gave us some wonky stealth mechanic that doesn’t work all that well. It is supposedly an escape tool, but you have to shoot someone to get stealth and that puts you in combat and slows you down. We still have variable range damage which is horrible given the realities of WvW and PVE where a lot of combat occurs at close range. Longbow has a very narrow cone of fire in front of it and it is kitten near impossible to circle kite someone at close range with it as you will cancel the shot with the slightest turn.
Oh, did I mention that Rapid Fire still looks like this:
Obstructed, Obstructed, Out of Range, 1256, Obstructed.
Out of 8 times I tracked my use of stealth in WvW it has failed 6 times and worked twice. One time it failed was due to a warrior blocking it and the other times I have no clue. Beyond that my impression is that it fails a lot though I haven’t been keeping tabs or noticing why it fails. Add that to Point Blank Shot which routinely fails due to the 1/2 second cast time allowing NPCs and humans to get behind you and cause the shot to fail.
I don’t know why some people are so enthusiastic about the changes. The class is still broken and while stealth is a “step in the right direction” it is a baby step and still dysfunctional and of marginal utility given its high failure rate and requirement that you hit someone. It simply is not something you can rely on in combat and at best it’s kind of a Hail Mary Pass and nothing else.