Showing Posts For Reece.7341:

New Method of Dodging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


Perhaps, but I still think the sidestep would be an interesting feature and maybe add a little more depth to a huge part of combat.

Weapon Scaling When Sheathing/Unsheathing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


I’m not sure if anyone notices this, but it is horribly jarring for me immersion wise when I see it.

When you sheath your weapons (More noticeable with 2H weapons), the size of your weapon shrinks by at least 25%. It is very annoying and once it is seen, it is impossible to unsee.

I’m not sure if this was intended or not, or if they just wanted to make the weapons seem more massive while wielding them. I would like to see them stick with one size for weapons when sheathed/unsheathed.

New Method of Dodging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


I love the dodge mechanic in this game, but there are sometimes where I really wish there was more to it.

Often times when clearing through caves, or fighting near several veterans, etc., I find myself willing to take a hit to avoid dodging and pulling more enemies.

I thought that a second type of stationary dodge would be a great addition, but it would come with some risk as well.

(For those who have played smash brothers, I’m thinking of their stationary dodge, or something along those lines.)

The stationary dodge would still take a full bar of endurance, just as a normal dodge would, but you’d not move, just slightly sidestep dodging the next attack. However, you can not use this dodge to avoid area effect attacks. It would be solely for dodging direct attacks/auto-attacks.

As a melee class, I’d really appreciate something like this as using dodge to avoid damage is ideal, but risking pulling more enemies and the fact that after dodging I typically have to run back over to the enemy anyways. A sidestep dodge would be an interesting new dynamic to the dodge system in this game.

What do you guys think?

Solution: Endgame/Karma/farming/zerg/bots/scaling

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


I’d like to see these changes you’ve suggested implemented, as they would definitely promote exploration and spread the population.

I also think to make this work well they would need more severe scaling. You’re level scales down, but in my opinion, it’s still too high.

I almost would like to be reduced to a level or two lower then the enemies. It’s much more fun/exciting that way and requires so much more from the player.

Also with a full trait build it makes content even easier! Lv80 in any zone <40 is just too easy.

I may be a minority, but I think if your going to scale content, scale it so it’s still as challenging as relevent content.

New Shield Functionality; another use for Endurance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


I do agree with the cooldown issue on shield stance.
I’d like to see the cooldown reduced to 10-15 sec, but with that comes a reduction on the actual stance duration. This should make the skill require some better timing and make it more useful.

Having a separate ‘initiative-like’ mechanic for it would never happen, just for one skill on one off-hand weapon. (Even though it would be nice…)

one-handed weapons need 5 skills even if they aint that strong as two items in hands

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


The solution is simple. (Not being a GW1 player, it’s what I thought a focus was to begin with. Focusing solely on your main hand). It’s basically an empty stat boost for your offhand that expands the number of skills from your main hand. I always thought it would be great to be able to equip one 1H weapon and have it be effective.

I’m sure there are more people out there who would love to see this in an expansion perhaps.

Character Recreation

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341



I’m really hoping for this soon. I get on this site every chance I get to see when this will be coming available.

Shield Stance and Sure-Footed

in Warrior

Posted by: Reece.7341


Does anyone know if Sure-Footed affects Shield Stance duration, or is it only specific ‘stance’ labeled utility skills?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


Character Recustomization: I’m sure many of you have regretted several choices you made in character creation and wish you could change it without having to give up on all the time you’ve invested into your hero. I understand the issues that come with race changing due to personal story, etc., but a same race/gender recustomization would be excellent. (Purchasable through the gem store of course.)

Guild Name Change: Also similar to my previous point on character customization. With massive amounts of influence invested it would be very discouraging to remake. (Purchasable through the gem store.)

Weapon Scaling/Sheathing: This is very immersion breaking for me and it is extremely noticable. When you sheath/unsheath your weapon it drastically changes in size, at least by 25%. Once you see it, it can’t be unseen and constantly bothers me. I don’t care which size they choose as long as it isn’t constantly scaling before my eyes.

Sheathing Options: Options to sheath your 1H swords/axes on your characters back or hip.

Quiver Graphic: As a bow user on multiple classes, it would be wonderful to have a quiver graphic display when swapping to a bow. I’m not refering to an ammunition system, just a simple graphic of a quiver. The animation is there as is and as far as clipping issues go, how would it be any different from a shield or any other weapon?

Professions in General: I’d like to see a larger variety of elite skills. With most classes I feel limited to one skill, or just going with a racial.

Warrior Class: Being able to display guild emblem on your banners.

Thief Class: Basilisk Poison (Elite Skill) – 2 second cast time for a 1 second stun?

Looking for Group: Would like to see a system with a convenient interface. This would make it easier to form groups with less spam in map chat.

Dueling: My RL friends and I play together and we constantly wish we could duel…

Character-to-Character Trading: I feel very disconnected from other players in this game with the entirely different loot system and inability to trade or inspect one another. It’s like each character has it’s own version of the area we’re in. An ability to interact with inspecting and trading would help here.

Emotes: This game could use many, many more emotes. Even if they are simply text with no sound or animation. (I know you can manually type them, but that is just extremely cumbersome.) Your characters weapons not dissappearing when using an emote would be nice as well.

Interactive Environments: The ability to sit in open chairs/benches.

(edited by Reece.7341)

[Suggestion] Character Remake

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


Just a recustomization, same race and gender. Maybe name change. I’m also hoping for paid guild name change as well. I do understand the issues that would come along with a full race change.

[Suggestion] Character Remake

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reece.7341


Yes, please! I hope this comes out as soon as possible…