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I have been thinking about this for a while and I’ve had this idea for a while, but i had to try and iron out some basics before posting it here.
First of all i would like to point out that it is still a work in progress and is no where near finished.
The new profession of course is The Summoner.
summoners are people who have the ability to summon help directly from the Planes of Psuche ( also known as the Planes of the Soul).
While a Summoner and a Necromancer have a couple things in common, Summoners are calling souls from a special plane of existence deep within the mists whereas the Necromancer is calling the souls of the dead.
now the concept of the summoner is simple.
By drawing on the energy present in nature you can summon a spectral object or creature to attack an enemy before return to the Planes of Psuche Among other realms of the Mist, these places are home to many unknown creatures, or creatures not seen on the surface of Tyria in a long.
unlike the necromancer, these creatures and objects may only be summon during battle and will only last for a few seconds ( long enough for a couple hits) before returning to it’s home.
Now Summoning is an ancient art that was one of the last gifts that Abaddon ever bestowed on the races of Tyria.
This art is highly coveted among all the races because it is so difficult to teach as only the strongest of wills can control the creatures you bring to Tyria.
Now the weapons of choice for summoners are as follows:
Let’s start with a basic set up:
Wand Mainhand
Focus Offhand
This is the starting ideas I’ve had, but feel free to put in any criticism or ideas of your own.
I have been building on some starting ideas and with the help of a couple users on the thread, i think i am on the right track.
Now the weapons give all summons an inherent connection with at least one spirit. These serve as the basic attackers
Let’s start with the wand
as a user of the wand, your first spirit will a human spectre. These humans are remnants of some of the first humans who ever traversed the lands of Tyria, they exist within a different realm of the mists as guardians waiting for the eventual return of the Gods to Tyria.
Unlike most Spirits within Tyria, these spectres will float and have a transparent tail rather actual legs, their time in the mists have changed them, made them stronger than most normal spirits.
these spirits will attack entirely on the behalf on it’s master, staying within melee distance
these spirits only last 3 seconds each summon but can deal damage 3 times.
(edited by Sam Magicman.1395)