Showing Posts For Sesshi.2610:

F50 Mai Trin Thief Solo 10:18

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Wanted to try thief on mai, might do a faster one later or sumthin xd

F50 Bloomhunger Ele Solo 3:36 (D/F)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


More more more!

Hey, if you are going for time, then you may want to use a non-FW rotation

Ye, I tried but since his hitbox moves and stuff i couldnt land some of the blasts so just decided to FW, besides i like the skill itself ._.

F50 Bloomhunger Ele Solo 3:36 (D/F)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Thought i’d try a sub 4 on D/F

F50 Uncategorized Champions Ele Solo (D/F)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


one of my favorite encounter to solo, so wanted to try it on ele aswell

Fractal 50 Mossman Ele Solo (D/F)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


My first solo on ele, will do more in the future probly , I rly like the D/F playstyle
It was more challenging to do on ele than war cuz he 1 shots with his autoattack and the fast throw aswell ^^

(edited by Sesshi.2610)

Fractal 50 Mossman 9:14 Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Will do a sub 8 probly when my lag is gone >.< and bearform RNG ftw ._.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Been having 200-300 ms for like 2-3 days now when i normally had 30-60, this is kittening pathetic….

Fractal 50 Archdiviner 3:40 Guardian Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Was aiming for a sub 4 on this boss, kind of RNG dependant for a fast kill but pretty fun to solo imo :d

Frac 50 Mossman no UI Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


First video that I’ve actually been impressed with that’s GW2 related in a longgg time. Not as much because of the no UI, but mostly because you did the kill so much better than your first video as well.

Sadly you make it look a lot easier than it actually is, so I think a lot of people will not understand how much of a pain it is. :p

I wasnt too experienced in soloing back then ._.
And ye mossman is such a kitten, was lucky tho that it didnt turn bearform xd

Frac 50 Mossman no UI Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


I have already done a solo on mossman months ago but decided to do it without UI this time and less kiting, which made it more fun but kinda weird aswell to play without seeing your skill cd’s and stuff xd

Just some elitist thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


you sure like to use the word ‘elitist’ a lot >.>

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Sure, I was not talking about casual runs but w/e. No point arguing with you Sesshi.

I done 18-20 min fractal 50 full runs with PS war and hammer guard, like I said It’s a matter of preference, I wasn’t the one saying that using hammer ‘is for nothing’ ,with that you lost all credibility tbh

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Yes it is if you know how to dodge those hard hiting bosses. If youre gonna wipe youre gonna wipe anyway even with or without protection.

Ye, ‘just learn to dodge’ … pathetic mentality

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


I dont think protection is that great of a buff tbh. Aetherblade fractal finalboss is nice but other then that i dont find it that usefull. Also thief doesnt get oneshot by archdiviner as far as i know.

Yeah, -33% dmg received is totally useless on hard hitting bosses…

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


It is a dps loss. Compare GS dps with Hammer dps? how is that not a dps loss….
and yes i agree with ps wa being good in fractals but dungeons no.

I had good and smooth kills on both but if the guard was using gs instead of hammer it went a bit faster and also not destroying the fire field with light field spam.

Main reason for using hammer on a boss like archdiviner is for protection for the group, for example to prevent a thief/ele getting 1 shotted, also hammer has high sustained dps, for a boss like archdiviner that you can’t burst down in 10 seconds It’s quite useful, what annoyed me was that you stated that it’s a dps loss for ‘nothing’

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Lols i did way more fractals then you, and i agree at the start we used hammer guard but after a while you realize that there is no need for that. Hammer is just dps loss.
And you use 1 ps wa and 2 ele in organized runs beacause i played 2 dung tours with iV and all the time on ts some1 asked for ps wa. I dont care why are you running ps wa all the time in organized dungeons runs but why suggesting a worse build when you can use the best? Also dont understand why you guys from iV hate ele so much even after fgs nerf lols.

Like I said, I was talking about fractals only, I cant speak for the rest of my guild because I dont do dung tours anymore, and about hammer guard in fractals, It’s a matter of preference whether or not to use hammer on certain bosses, personally I had the fastest and smoothest runs with using hammer on mossman/archdiv etc, saying that it’s a dps loss for nothing is just kittened

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


You serious that ps warrior +2 staff ele is good? wtf . The dumbest thing i see is everyone in iV uses that comp beacause ele is too hard or something.
How can you say ps warrior is a good build for organized dung runs.

Im not saying staff ele is bad no way, what i want to say is ps wa is very bad if you have 1 ele in the party. There is no reason for a wa to sacrifice dps for might when the ele can easily do the might… and im talking about dungeons, fractals i agree ps wa is good in some situations.

I was talking about fractals, also assuming that running a PS war with 2 ele because ‘ele too hard’ is even dumber than the first comment you made, tho ‘hammer guard in fractals omg,such a dps loss for nothing’ is hard to top, had a good laugh at that, you’re either trolling or have no clue about fractals…

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Ps wa combined with 1-2 staff ele is bad. Pls dont run this comp ever. 2 eles is fine for might as long as they are not camping staff and know how to use sd or df or sf. I don’t understand why would you sacrifice wa dps so the eles can be lazy and not stack might QQ. Alsor don’t run hammer guard in fractals omg,such a dps loss for nothing.

Is this even serious?

Either trolling or the stupidest thing i read this week >.>

Phalanx vs. Ele

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


I disagree with PS not being good in organized grps, especially in fractals. in my usual group we run a PS war everytime with a staff and d/f ele, PS is better imo, since you can maintain 20+ might stacks on singele target with phalanx and with emp allies and the banner uptime from insp banners PS can provide more for the team than the usual 65003 full dps, and at certain bosses like mosman, archdiviner, uncat champs i run hammer with guardian so the fire fields are blocked so there is not much room for might stacking.

(edited by Sesshi.2610)

fix this already - utility bug and crash

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


There has been a bug for quite a while now where you can’t switch utilities while transformed (thaumanova and ascalon fractal) which is still not fixed, i have to relog twice as a warrior just to change utilities, this is ridiculous…
also to top that we had to re-do 50 3 times yday because everyone crashed on map load…

out of bounds - Swampland fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Nobody even comments your videos.

Speechless from epicness and kitten you <.<

out of bounds - Swampland fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


out of bounds - Aquatic Ruins Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


ugh, Tried this, but I cant make the 2nd to last jump to the top. Its as though you just leap n walk up! its soooo annoying being soo close Q,Q

Yeah, you have to aim for the corner, weapon swap right when u hit the wall then jump :P

out of bounds - Aquatic Ruins Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Only IV members can hug sesshi, sorry.

only [Sési] members ;-;

(edited by Sesshi.2610)

out of bounds - Aquatic Ruins Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Good music for once :>

for once? >.>

out of bounds - Aquatic Ruins Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


bolt was the only way I was ever going to have a sword with ascended stats since it didn’t require the faggonite grind


though to the actual topic

gz to OP for the solo, no way i’d have the patience to even bother practicing that, especially now that my gw2 experience consists of killing lupicus then alt + f4ing out of boredom to watch youtube :p

thanks :P
i had practice on mai trin a lot since everytime we had it i soloed xd

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


requirements to be an EU soloist:

  1. owns an infinite light rather than a bolt
  2. random ugly anime chick chat cover
  3. profit
  1. i hate bolt
  2. how tf is that ugly?<.<

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Just realized the last canon phase lasts over 1 minute :o That explains why it usually seems to me like a never ending if-I-had-known-about-it-I’d-never-made-a-big-norn-causing-camera-issues-with-the-kitten-low-ceiling-all-the-time nightmare.
Thumps up for your solo and the music.

yeah, I timed it xd
1st phase lasts 50 seconds then 60 then 70 iirc

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


My fastest time so far, wanted to do a sub 8 but I dont have the time or motivation atm >.>

Build – 66002
full zerker – strength runes
axe – force, sword/shield – strength sigil
scarlet potion/seaweed salad consumable

(edited by Sesshi.2610)

out of bounds - Snowblind fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


‘goating’ and breaking out of snowblind frac
dat endgame

MLG 360° noscope knockback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


thought id post it here too since it was in fractals xd
mlg montage parody
that knockback…

out of bounds - Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


yeah it took us like 3 hours of trying but it was pretty fun

out of bounds - Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


we been looking around ‘break out’ of the map and we found it!
Mai Trin and Aetherblade fractal seems connected, you can kill the mobs there but can’t go into the endboss room ._.

MLG 360° noscope knockback

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


List of profession specific PvE channels

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Profession: Warrior
About: Solos in Frac 50 and dungeon bosses that haven’t been done much and some random stuff
Probly gonna do some more frac solos soon


Feature Patch 2 Unlisted Dungeon Changes/Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Thaumanova reactor – the golems in the turret room seems to have their dmg increased, and when you kill the endboss you don’t get teleported to a chest anymore (may be a bug , tho I did it twice today and it happened both times)

Uncategorized Champions No Dodge Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


No Dodge
Melee hit every 5 sec (not sure about this one but i tried to not kite too much)
Took around 10 hrs of practice xd

Fractal 50 Uncategorized Champions Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


sounds good ill definitely give it a try :P

Fractal 50 Uncategorized Champions Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


I have it binded to mouse side button but most of the time i just press V+Space and it works but maybe cuz my keyboards mechanical idk ^^

Fractal 50 Uncategorized Champions Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Was gonna do this a while ago but never got around to it untill yday xd
played it a bit safe since some of those attacks almost 1shot
its a nice challenge tho ^^

Intricacy [iV] Mai Trin (Frac 50) ~ 7:30

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Warrior PoV –
Mesmer PoV –

Recorded during practice runs for the [KING] fractal tournament. Seems most teams had trouble with Mai Trin fractal so we decided to share our tactic

Your top 5 hardest bosses?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


It’s not that Archdiviner is really hard boss but it’s fast attacks with its long range is just annoying

Your top 5 hardest bosses?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


For Solo:

1. Mossman
2. Kodan’s Bane, The Huntsman
3. Mai Trin
4. Molten Duo
5. Svánigandr

For Group: (on frac 50)

1. Grawl Shaman
2. Archdiviner
3. Mai Trin
4. Mossman
5. Elemental (Snowblind Fractal)

Kodan's Bane, The Huntsman - Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


I didn’t even remember what this boss does, only done hotw story like once xd

Kodan's Bane, The Huntsman - Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


It was suggested to me a few times to solo this but didn’t bother so far now here it is :P
Really fun boss, took a bit of practice and getting used to its attacks n stuff ^^

Fractals Harpy skip - Warrior

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Tried to do it without getting in combat and utilities
Thought id share it here aswell idk xd

Legendary Svánigandr - Warrior melee Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Pretty fun boss
I soloed this boss a few months ago already but I tried to do it faster this time ^^

Frac 50 Post Patch Mai Trin Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


It actually got harder for solo, my pre patch solo was 9:10
Also every attack including her autoattack hits harder so I had to be more careful meleeing it
And what time are u even talking about? I think most groups do it the same time or even slower than my solo was >.>

Frac 50 Post Patch Mai Trin Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sesshi.2610


Thanks ^^
And yeah I have that bug sometimes too :/