Showing Posts For Seveer.6421:

Where do you find the rest of the Mad King armor pieces?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


If I went to the labyrinth with.. say a level 10 alt, would the level 80 armour pieces still potentially drop?

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Asura level 80 engineer, no speed boost. Done 5 times now
Asura level 19 mesmer, no speed boost. Done 2 times now
Sylvari level 7 ranger, no speed boost. Done 3 times now

[Bug] Clocktower can't be finished with Asura

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


I finished on asura… perhaps your not jumping at the right time..?

The Clock Tower is Awesome (Video Inside)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Why are people complaining? It’s fun, it’s challenging, which is what most people are saying is lacking in this game. I personally have done it 4 times now. On an asura engineer with NO speed buffs, and when about 4 norns/charrs where in front of me xD
If you think it’s too hard, don’t do it. Just don’t complain. It is possible, just don’t be scared of a challenge

LA fountain changes

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Ahah, Could it be there’s something inside the lion? Or perhaps underneath?

The Clock Tower is Awesome (Video Inside)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


I just want to say that I too, also love watching my colleges fall and die Then about 3 of us race to the top

The Clock Tower is Awesome (Video Inside)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Sorry but me and a few friends finished about an hour ago =) But well done. Not the worlds first (either are we) but surely one of the first! =D

Halloween Event ACT 2

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Just a few things

Clock-tower is awesome. Easy once you get used to it and the prize is awesome. (Not going to say what it is.. spoilers!) But the next time you get it it’s just trick or treat bags? Can you get it once a day or is it different each day? Also Norns tend to block peoples view which is annoying. Perhaps have smaller groups?
Reapers Rumble is good, but the re-spawn times are a bit too high. I still don’t really understand it so better instructions would be nice =)
And finally Lunatics …? (I don’t know what it’s called) But it doesn’t work, it comes up with network error just like reapers rumble did at the start. Maybe this will fix itself over time?

And finally…. is this actually act 2 or just a extra? Since there doesn’t seem to be much of a conclusion like there was in act 1. (We’re putting together the biography) here it’s just “Enter a portal and play games” Kind of thing. I’m not complaining though =P

May I also add this has really made the whole event so much better and hopefully people will stop moaning about act 1 now

Guild Wars 2 Motivational Posters

in Community Creations

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Here is mine, hope you all like it


FREE drawings (and comissions too!)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Wow! I love these drawings, hopefully you can manage my asura engineer? =3
He is a very loyal and kind, but has a bad side when he gets angry

EDIT: Just added a second picture of what he looks like now. Don’t worry if you’ve already drawn the other picture.


(edited by Seveer.6421)

End Story Loot. (spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Seveer.6421


3 level 80 greens, 1 heavy armour leggings, 1 light leggings and top.. And I’m an engineer.

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Floating shield
Friends body dissapears (just for me) in CoE Explore.
Under Metrica Province as a mesmer.. again.


Cutscenes BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Didn’t know here these go. But the these are from “Victory or Death” in fort trinity.
As you can see Rytlok is walking into logan. While zojja is very tall in the cutscene..


(edited by Seveer.6421)


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Ok test done, but it’s extremely long.. I don’t think I should post it may be classed as “Spam”. But I do Have CPU-Z so I can tell you anything about my PC, just ask and I’ll try to find it.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Thank you for the advice I am running game adviser now and will post when it’s done, I also noticed that If I open task manager the physical memory usage is nearly 95%! How would I decrease that statistic? RAM? Cpu?

Also by lag I mean the game “Stuttering” (Can’t describe it) and freezing for about 2 seconds and running slow when near a big battle or just some detailed scenery, such as CoE.

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


All my armour/weapons are transmutated.. since Im only level 15, but the armour/weapons are level 45+ I think. The sword you can’t see in the interface, as seen below, but it shows fine outside, apart from once the blade part went invisible during a battle. So I don’t know if this is for the weapon in general or just the transmutated?


Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Level 8 =3 Level 15 now..


Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Here he is, at level 37 (He is 80 now) =)


Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Here he is, my awesome asura engineer, level 80 =D

(Not got my preferred armour yet =P)



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


So I did the systemrequirementslab test, and it said I can run GW2, And I can. The bar is just less than half slow-fast and over the minimum requirements by about 1/3. Everything passes,
Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or better
You Have: Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz
Minimum: 2 GB
You Have: 2.1 GB
Minimum: Windows XP Service Pack 2 or better
You Have: Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition Service Pack 2 (build 6002), 32-bit
Video Card
Minimum: NVIDIA GeForce 7800, ATI Radeon X1800, Intel HD 3000 or better (256 MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better)
You Have: AMD Radeon HD 6670
Sound Card
Minimum: Yes
You Have: AMD High Definition Audio Device
Free Disk Space
Minimum: 25 GB
You Have: 163.5 GB
Apart from CPU speed.. which is:
You Have: 2.4 GHz
Why? I admit, my PC isn’t new, its a few years old, but surely if the CPU passes so should the speed? How can I make it faster?
It’s annoying, I can play on full settings but it lags, however it still does occasionally on the lowest settings.
What do I need to get rid of the lag?
Will my PC not meet the requirements when/if an expansion is released?

I’m worried. =(

(Also I get strange fps fluctuations recently, it was like that just after launch but then stopped for a week or so and is back.. what’s that?)


Whisper... Bug?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


I was talking to someone in my guild via whisper and someone on my friends list, then my game suddenly crashed for no reason and a dialogue box came up saying something like: “A serious error has occurred and made Guild Wars 2 stop running” I clicked send error report. When I got back online I noticed that I could only whisper to those 2 people I was talking to before, If I try to whisper to someone else nothing happens, it just comes up with the persons name who I can whisper too… Help?

CoE Exp Path 1 - Too Hard!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seveer.6421


We tried luring them out the room but all the bomb ones follow ^^, but Zenyatoo thanks, I didn’t know there was a limited amount of silver ringed ones, we must have just let them build up >.<’ We had 2 warriors, engineer, thief, and a mesmer, so not much AOE, but we tried it again afterwards and finally did it. However, the next part is still hard aswell. D= We had to kill I think about 7 silver ringed monsters at once. Any tips?

CoE Exp Path 1 - Too Hard!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Our group tried for 2 hours.. the “Disable the alarm” part is too hard, it took about 5 tried to get up to 2/5 then finally we got to 4/5 but after another hour of that we gave up…


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Gold and Silver Dubloons both give +2% magic find, is that meant to be the case? =)

Changing Accessory Colour

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seveer.6421


My Asura has a headband on his hair from which I made purple, but now that he has yellow armour it doesn’t look right! Please make hair accessories dyeable!

Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Hello, Currently I cannot buy or sell anything on the trading post, but my friends can. I am wondering if this is a bug or something since I have not had any ban or things like that so it should still work, right?

A Low Level Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seveer.6421


For me personally, it has taken me some time to get near level 30, I am excited to do AC soon but I feel I’ve had to wait too long to play my first dungeon, I would like to see one near level 15-20 as a kind of “Starter Dungeon” – But that’s just me, and this is only a suggestion…

Hacking.. A Question.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


May be a stupid question but, how do you know if you’ve been hacked? And what is the hacker likely to “search for”?

Black Headed Character Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


Phew, I was worried for a second there, I’m just glad I didn’t choose that hairstyle for my main asura character! (He is bald instead =P)

Black Headed Character Issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Seveer.6421


It’s strange, when I choose an Asura male engineer and choose one specific hairstyle, his head goes completely black, like said in the texture issue topics, but it happens only there and also if I play with that character. I’ve tried updating drivers, rebooting, reinstalling.. but nothing works, and as far as I know it’s only happened after today’s update.